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Subject: EDUC 12

Instructor: Prof. Magdalena Flores, LPT

Activity #1

Define or explain the following terms

1. Consensus – it is a general or widespread agreement among all members of a particular


2. Conflict –it is a clash between ideas, principles, and people.

3. Status Culture – It refers to the groups in society with similar interests and positions in the
status hierarchy.

4. Structural functionalism- it states that society is made up of various institutions that work
together in cooperation.

5. Equilibrium – it is a characteristic of a society when it has achieved the form that is best
adapted to its situations.


1. Explain “we see ourselves as others see us”

The mechanism through which people judge themselves depending on how others see them is
known as the looking-glass self. People first imagine how they appear to others, according to
this notion. Second, they imagine how others would perceive them as a result of their
appearance. Third, people experience emotions such as pride or embarrassment in response to
imagined criticism. This self-evaluation has an impact on a person's self-worth or self-esteem. In
a nutshell, the looking-glass self-hypothesis proposes that we learn about ourselves by seeing
how others perceive us.

2. One of the key principles of the functionalist theory is interdependency.

One of the most essential principles of functionalist theory is interdependency, which states that
society is made up of interrelated parts. It indicates that every component of society is reliant on
other areas of society to some level. What happens in one sector of society has far-reaching
consequences elsewhere.

Subject: EDUC 12

Instructor: Prof. Magdalena Flores, LPT


1. United President Donald Trump agreed with the termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement
and even thanked the Philippines for helping the country. He noted that US forces “came in
literally and single-handedly” helped the Philippine military end the five-month Marawi siege in
2017. US forces provided the Philippines with technical assistance to end the months-long siege
by militants allied with the Middle East-based Islamic State (IS).

2. The clippings below show about twenty women marched for more than 90 minutes, but
Taliban fighters beat several foreign and local journalists covering the rally. Their demonstration
addresses the political, social and economic situation in Afghanistan, and they want to
demonstrate it peacefully. Also, this was initially planned to take place near the UN mission in
Afghanistan (UNAMA).

3. The Philippines sent on Feb. 11, 2021, the notice of termination of the VFA to the US
government. The VFA is an essential agreement to both countries in effectively implementing
the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT). According to China, the Philippines has the right to develop
relations with other countries and advance its interest, downplaying concerns that Manilas’
decision to terminate the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States left it
vulnerable to Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

Subject: EDUC 12

Instructor: Prof. Magdalena Flores, LPT

Activity #2

a.) The four pillars of Education are the following; Learning to know, Learning to do,
Learning to Live together, and Learning to be.


1. Learning to know - helps with the knowledge and information needed to work in a
globalized, information society and knowledge economy, and the tools for learning how
to learn and to independently acquire knowledge.

2. Learning to do - it involves the acquisition of skills that are often linked to

occupational success, such as computer training, managerial training and apprenticeships.

3. Learning to live together - involves the development of social skills and values such
as respect and concern for others, social and inter-personal skills and an appreciation of
the diversity of the world.

4. Learning to be - it is the all-around development of the whole person, to fulfill his/her

highest potential, and be able to think, decide and act independently.

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