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Subject: EDUC 10 (OC)

Date of Submission: December 11, 2021

Task No.10

Write a 5 - paragraph reflection paper regarding your experiences with assessment

during your past years in school and relate those experiences with the things you
learned from this subject.

During my elementary years, I still remember some traditional assessments that my

former teacher given to us. Since traditional assessments are most commonly used to evaluate,
rank, and provide a final grade to students. Tests, quizzes, and homework are commonly used
as evaluation tools in traditional evaluations. Also, these techniques often assess low-level,
literal questions and specialized skills. I can't clearly remember that we have performance tasks
back then.

At every level of education, accurate assessments are required. They give the primary
data that all teachers require. In primary school, quality assessment maximizes the process by
incorporating both students and teachers, evaluating learning and learning styles, and
identifying issue areas for both the instructor and individual pupils, for instance, in using multiple
assessment methods. Test scores alone do not accurately reflect a kid's learning experience,
and they frequently provide no information about why a child has failed.

As a result, teachers must use a range of assessment methods. Test results are still
helpful but should pair them with the teacher's observations, projects, and even close attention
to classroom conversations. All of these strategies will not only allow a teacher to assess a
student's progress, but they will also provide indications as to when and how a learning failure
occurred, making it easier to change a lesson plan successfully.

Furthermore, these assessment have evolve this time. Some teachers had already
incorporated authentic assessments in their lessons. An authentic assignment requires students
to apply what they've learned in the classroom to a new situation, as well as judgment in
determining what information and skills are relevant and how they should be applied. Also, for
me, a useful assessment means knowing where a child is currently in their learning and the next
step to progress their learning. However, this opinion has changed since my first impressions of
earning education units. I had always believed that I would have a good understanding of
assessment and use it within the classroom in the future.

Generally, I will use assessment well to inform my teaching in the future and for
summative, leveling purposes but, since undertaking this investigation, I have realized that my
understanding and application of assessment was not as meaningful as it could be and may it
will not be used to its full potential. Although my personal experiences were not enough, it is
essential to gain positive actions to bring into the classroom. My positive and negative

Subject: EDUC 10 (OC)

Date of Submission: December 11, 2021

Task No.10

experiences made me consider ways to maximize assessment and use it to better the children's
learning opportunities. I also recall that my former teacher is rigorous when submitting our
homework or activities, and she will not allow us to go out if we haven't finished writing our
notes. And this made me think that all they wanted was to become responsible of the task given
to us and be mindful of the deadlines. Lastly, in this lesson, I've learned the importance of
assessments and meeting the desired learning objectives of the subject.

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