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Gap filling

• Gap filling
• Key knowledge:
• Pre-translation considerations
• Levels
• Methods
• Strategies
• Practice: translating idioms, headlines and short

1. We need to take the level of education of readers

into consideration ………….. we translate.
• before

2. ……………………… converts grammatical

structure(s) but translates lexical words out of
• Literal translation
Level of translation

3. It is advised that translators disengage themselves

from the SL text to check the ………… of the
translated version.
• (Level of) naturalness

4. ………………………………. Is often better than

the original.
• Communicative translation/ communicatively-
translated version

5. Word is considered the smallest ……… of

• unit.

6. ………………… is the freest form of translation.

• Adaptation
Level of translation

7. The final version of an excellent translation is the

combination of textual, referential, ……………..
and naturalness.
• cohesive

8. …………………….secures the truth but extends

unit of translation.
• Communicative translation

9. Not very essential words can be …………………

• Omitted/dismissed

10. ……………. allows elimination of repetition.

• Communicative translation
Level of translation

11. ……………… level requires translator to see the

written form of the words but not its meaning outside
the text.
• Textual

12. …………………. tend to distort nuances of

meaning, possibly for cultural differences.
• Idiomatic translation

13. …………………………. is used to translate

proper names, using transcribed sounds.
• Transliteration

14. …………. preferred when translating drama.

• Semantic translation

15. In ……………………. , the language is tailor

made for its targeted readers.
• Communicative translation

16. To be and articles are mostly omitted when

translating ……………
• (Newspaper) headlines

17. In …………. word order is preserved and their

most common meaning is kept, regardless of its
• Word-for-word.

18. Before translating, the ……………… of the text

and translator is essential.
• intention

19. In …………………… have no right to

correct and improve logic, or to eliminate repetition.
• Semantic translation

20. …………….. voice is preferred when translating

English to Vietnamese.
• Active

21. Semantic, word for word, literal, faithful translation

methods emphasize on ………….
• Source language/ SL.
Level of translation

22 ……………… level requires translator to see both

the written form of the words and its meaning outside
the text.
• referential
Idiom translation
• My mother is back on her feet (healthy again) after being sick for two
• I’m going under the knife (undergo surgery) next month to try to solve
my knee problems.
• It’s not over till the fat lady sings.
• It’s all Greek to me.
• It’s time to hit the books.
• He’s full of beans.
• It’s not my cup of tea.
• Let me just put my face on, and I’ll meet you at the restaurant in 15
Idiom translation
• Mẹ tôi đã khỏe lại sau 2 tuần bị ốm.
• Tháng tới tôi phải phẫu thuật đầu gối.
• Đừng vội bỏ cuộc, mọi thứ sẽ ổn thôi.
• Tôi hoàn toàn không hiểu gì cả.
• Đến lúc đi học bài rồi.
• Anh ấy đang tràn đầy năng lượng.
• Đó không phải là điều tôi quan tâm.
• Đợi tôi trang điểm chút nhé, tôi sẽ gặp anh ở nhà hàng đó 15
phút nữa.
Headlines translation

• Chinese hackers targeting US election infrastructure:

White House
• No decision yet on reopening schools: report
• TikTok to sue Donald Trump over 'unconstitutional'
executive order next week
Headlines translation

• Tin từ Nhà Trắng: Hacker Trung Quốc nhắm vào

cơ sở hạ tầng phục vụ cho bầu cử tổng thống
• Chưa có quyết định về việc đi học trở lại
• Tuần tới, TikTok sẽ kiện tổng thống Donald Trump
về sắc lệnh đi ngược với hiến pháp Mỹ
Revision - Interpreting

• Gap filling
• Key knowledge:
• definition and classification of interpreting/interpretation
• Skills: memory (what, how) note-taking (what, how)
• Code of ethics and practical tips
• Practice: note-taking and memory skills, situation
1. what

Interpreting is rendering
information and ideas from one
language into another language by
means of ………………….
2. tips/performance

If …………………….of what was

said, interpreter can ask for
repetition or clarification of a term
or technical word.
• Uncertain
3. what

• Interpreting for 2 parties that speak

different languages means

• Bilateral/liaison interpreting
4. Tips/skills

• When interpreting a speech, an

interpreter should not bear his/her
head on the note, but keep eye-
contact to the …………………..
during the interpreting.
• Audience
5. what

In ………………………….
interpreting, the interpreter doesn’t
wait for a speaker to finish or pause
the sentence to interpret
• simultaneous
6. skill

• …………….. skill is extremely

important particularly in the
context that an interpreter is unable
to take notes (i.e. the speaker
speaks too fast.)
• Memory/memorisation/memorising
7. process

Deciphering means to memorize the

……………………, keep in mind the idea and show
that message, idea in words.
• message
8. what

Simultaneous interpreting includes, ………………

and electronic hook-up.
• sight translation/whispered interpreting
9. process

During the transference stage, the

meaning is clarified by
……………… and ………….
•Cultural - contextual
10. what

In ……………………… an interpreter gives a

rendering of lengthy passages of speech after a party
has finished speaking.
• Consecutive interpreting
11. Skill

• ………………. should be a
backup to the memory, there are
cases they can’t be done.
• Notes
12. Code of ethics

Interpreters have no
……………………. to share
information of an interpreting
assignment with other interpreters.
13. what

• In ………………………………..,
interpreters read the documents in
source language silently at the same
time giving the interpreting aloud
in target language.
• Sight interpreting
14. Code of ethics

• Interpreters must not take sides.

They need

• Complete impartiality
15. Skill

An interpreter still needs to

………………….. at the
interpreting session even he/she
has a very good memory.
• take notes
16. What

Electronic hook-up interpreters sit

in a sound-proof booth and
interpret in real-time; listeners hear
the simultaneous translation via
• Headphones/ head set
17. Code of ethics

• Interpreters avoid personal

involvement after the interpreting
assignment and do not provide
counsel, give advice or offer
…………………., even if asked
to do so.
• personal opinion
18. Skill

• A key skill involved in consecutive

interpreting is………………….,
since few people can memorise a
full paragraph in one hearing.
• note-taking
19. Skill

• ……………………….like à
or ß may help you take notes
• Symbols/ systems of arrows
20. Code of ethics

The Code of ethics for interpreter

provides guidance on
………………. behavior and
• Personal – linguistic

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