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Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

1. Class Introduction

Weekly Plan Structural Grammar Wordly Wise (Y9) Writing

- Types of Sentences - Introduction on Structure
- Parts of Speech - Discussion on specific examples
Week 1 Lesson 1
- Essay Writing 1

- Transitive VS Intransitive Verbs - Feedback on Writing 1

- Phrase VS Clause - Discussion on specific examples
Week 2 Lesson 2
- Essay Writing 2

- Prepositional Phrase - Feedback on Writing 2

- Appositive - Discussion on specific examples
Week 3 Lesson 3
- Essay Writing 3

- Present Participle - Feedback on Writing 3

- Gerund - Discussion on specific examples
Week 4 Lesson 4
- Essay Writing 4

- Past Particle - Feedback on Writing 4

- Passive Voice - Discussion on specific examples
Week 5 Lesson 5
- Essay Writing 5

- Tense Special - Feedback on Writing 5

- Present VS Past Perfect - Discussion on specific examples
Week 6 Lesson 6
- Essay Writing 6

- Coordinate Conjunction - Feedback on Writing 6

- Types of Clauses - Discussion on specific examples
Week 7 Lesson 7
- Essay Writing 7

- Adverb Clauses - Feedback on Writing 7

- Noun Clauses - Discussion on specific examples
Week 8 Lesson 8
- Essay Writing 8

- Adjective Clauses 1 - Feedback on Writing 8

- Relative Pronouns - Discussion on specific examples
Week 9 Lesson 9
- Essay Writing 9

- Adjective Clauses 2 - Feedback on Writing 9

- Relative Pronouns - Discussion on specific examples
Week 10 Lesson 10
- Essay Writing 10

- Reduced Forms - Feedback on Writing 10

- Inverted Sentences - Discussion on specific examples
Week 11 Lesson 11
- Essay Writing 11

- Subjunctive Mood - Feedback on Writing 11

- Conditional Clause - Discussion on specific examples
Week 12 Lesson 12
- Final Wrap up - Essay Writing 12

2. Tips on organizing your own Vocabulary Note

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

<단어장 정리>  나중에도 보고 싶은 나만의 전략!

- 연필로 쓰지 말라  볼펜으로 쓰자  글자가 번져요

- 칼럼 3-4 개로 나누자! 동의어  제가 드린 동의어는 반드시 써 있어야 함

- 품사(parts of speech) 반드시 표시 해놓자  adj. / ad. / v. / n.

- 한 줄씩 띄어 쓰라  종이 아끼지 말고! 보고 싶은 형태로 쓰라!


English word Korean meaning English definition synonym (동의어)

presume 가정 V to believe something to = assume = surmise
be true because it is very = postulate = theorize
likely, although you are
not certain:

3. List of Vocabulary
bewail emancipate impetus maxim vagabond
Lesson 1 destitute extol insuperable obligatory visage
detract flamboyant intermittent plumb wheedle
alacrity encumber incontrovertible laggard traverse
Lesson 2 array fraught inexplicable sustenance ubiquitous
deduce haphazard ingenious torrid zenith
allude dote implicate pensive subjugate
Lesson 3 consecrate exhort lament pomp trauma
disseminate feckless monetary stilted wanton
adage extraneous odoriferous recuperate Spartan
Lesson 4 camaraderie hubbub paraphernalia regale temporal
contend meander punctilious sedentary wry
callow despot impoverish secular venerate
Lesson 5 contemporary enunciate indolent speculate voracious
cynical impediment sagacious strife wane
apropos aver dogma oratory rudimentary
Lesson 6 ascendancy concede embody propagate sojourn
assess deficient impart proponent vociferous
Lesson 7 amorous deem expostulate injunction subsidize

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

belittle divulge fateful moribund sumptuous

censure exorbitant ingrate motif voluble
adroit crusade erudite militant protégé
Lesson 8 affront definitive induct pariah raucous
avocation demeanor lapse prodigy tacit
allure cleave facsimile quandary scrutinize
Lesson 9 antiquity depreciate impervious repose synthetic
appraise facet nondescript scintillate transmute
amputate boon gratis magnanimous remunerate
Lesson 10 aptitude commiserate incapacitate myriad solicit
beneficiary garner inception practicable trite
amenity decompose envisage furor porous

Lesson 11 averse defray facetious idyll supersede

complacent emanate fallacy paucity tangible
adversity empathize impair manifest solace

Lesson 12 cardinal faculty infer nuance treatise

credible harrowing intuition pernicious vogue

4. Structural Grammar – Overview

Sentences with Simple Clauses

1) Sentence Types & Parts of Speech

2) Appositives

3) Objects of Prepositions

4) Present Participles

5) Past Participles

Sentences with Multiple Clauses

6) Coordinate Conjunctions

7) Adverb Clauses Ⅰ

8) Adverb Clauses Ⅱ

9) Adjective Clauses Ⅰ

10) Adjective Clauses Ⅱ

11) Noun Clauses Ⅰ

12) Noun Clauses Ⅱ


13) Tenses

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

14) Reduced Forms

15) Inverted Forms

16) Subjunctive Mood

5. Structural Grammar Specific

5-1. Sentence Types  5 개의 type  verb 의 종류 따라 달라짐(Vi VS Vt)
A sentence must have at least one subject and one verb.

1) Subject + Verb(Vi). (ex) Tom sleeps. / I go.

2) Subject + Verb(Vi) + Complement(C/보충하는 언어) (ex) I am a student. (noun)

(ex) I am happy. (adjective)

3) Subject + Verb(Vt) + Object (O/목적어//~을/를) (ex) I ask a question. (noun)

4) Subject + Verb(Vt) + O + O (ex) I give him a pen. (noun)

5) Subject + Verb(Vt) + O + O.C (ex) I made him a doctor. (noun)

(ex) I made him happy. (adjective)

(ex) I made him smile. (verb)

 문장 구성에 있어서 역할을 몇 가지? subject / verb / complement / object  4 가지 밖에 없다!

5-2. Parts of Speech

<article(a/an/the 관사)> adjective (형용사) Noun (명사) verb (동사) adverb (부사)

Pronoun (대명사)

conjunction/connector (접속사)

preposition (전치사) + Noun

interjection (감탄사)

1) Article (관사) a / an / the Noun

* 기본생각 singular 일 경우 반드시 a/an/the Noun 형태

- a/an 셀 수 있는(countable) noun 무조건 있어야 한다!

- the 는 “정해져 있는 바로바로바로바로바로 그” 로 해석이 될 때만 쓴다!

- 소유격 + 명사

- uncountable noun 은 관사 없음! (water / air / peace / love

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

- 관사 고민이 될 경우 무조건 복수명사로 쓰라!  a student / the student  students

2) Adjective (형용사) noun (명사)만을 수식한다!

- Noun 앞 or 뒤 에서 modify 가능  (ex) He is a smart boy.

 (ex) He is smart.

3) Noun (명사) subject + complement(보어) + object(목적어) 역할 다 함

4) Pronoun (대명사)

5) Adverb (부사)

1) He runs fast.  modifying 동사(verb)

2) He runs very fast.  modifying another adverb (또 다른 부사 수식)

3) He is a very kind boy.  modying adjective

4) Surprisingly, he was a liar.  modifying the whole sentence

(We were surprised because he was a liar.)

5) Adverb (부사)

5-3. Types of Verbs (Transitive VS Intransitive)

1) 동사의 종류  1) Be 동사  am / are / is (was/were)

 2) 일반동사(common verb)  자동사

 타동사  목적어(object) 의 유무에 따라 분류

* 조동사(helping verb)  can / will / shall / must

what 필요  1 / what 필요 X 

2) 자동사 (Vi, intransitive verb)  object 필요 없음  (~을/를)이 필요 없음

(ex) sleep / go / It exists. / happen / continue / laugh / cry

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

3) 타동사 (Vt, transitive verb)  object 필요 있음  (~을/를)이 필요 있음

(ex) ask / require / suggest / say / use / lead / find

(ex) I am studying. // I am studying English. // I am eating an apple.

5.4 Phrase VS Clause  main sentence 구조에 들어갈 수 없다!

1) common point: 여러 단어들이 모여서 의미 단위를 이룰 때

2) Phrase (구): 의미 단위 안에 문장 구조가 없을 경우  (preposition + noun)

3) Clause (절): 의미 단위 안에 문장 구조가 있을 경우  [conjunction(connector) + sentence]

5.5 Prepositional Phrase(preposition + noun 의 역할 4)

(ex) I am interested (in sports).  noun (명사)

(ex) I am interested (in you/him/it).  pronoun (대명사)

(ex) I am interested (in swimming).  gerund (동명사)

(ex) I am interested (in [what you said]).  noun clause (명사절)

~ in 장소 + 연도 / on 요일 + 장소(farm) / with / (without +N) / for / at 시간 + 작은 장소 / to / beyond /

about / above / underneath / beneath / under / upon /

(ex) The site (of [what was to become Denver]) was settled as a station.

5.6 Appositive  Noun 만 동격 쓸 수 있음 (who/which + be 동사 생략)

(ex) Tom is kind. + He is my best friend.  Tom is my best friend, who is kind.

 Tom [who is my best friend] is kind.

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

(Form 1) Tom, [who is my best friend], is kind.

(Form 2) My best friend, Tom is kind.

5.7 Participles (분리되어 나온 /사)  verb 에서 생겨남  분사형 형용사  2 가지뿐!

- Adjective(형용사)로 쓰임  Noun 을 수식함  절대 verb 가 아님!

- 시제를 말하는 것이 아님  형태(form)를 말하는 것임

Function type form meaning Verb 로 활용하는 경우

1) be p.p.  passive voice (수동태)
verb 의 p.p.
Past Participle V 를 당하는 2) have/has/had p.p.  present/past
Adjective perfect
Present Ving V 를 직접 1) be ~ing  progressive tense
Participle (eating) 행하는

5.8 Ving
1) Gerund (동명사)  명사의 역할  subject/object/complement  문장 필수요소

(ex) Swimming is good. (subject)

(ex) My hobby is swimming. (complement)

(ex) I like swimming. (object)

2) participle (현재분사)  adjective 의 역할  꾸며 주는 명사 찾기

5.9 Past Participle

1) have/has p.p.

2) Passive Voice

5.10 Tenses
 영어는 시제가 매우 다양함  WR 다양한 시제를 써야 함

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

과거완료 ------ 과거 -------- 현재 ------- 현재 완료 ------- 미래------- 미래 완료

1) 현재 시제 (present tense)  WR body statement + supporting 나 쓸 수 있음

- 불변의 진리 / 격언  (ex) The earth is round. / Time is gold.

 (ex) 어제 우리 선생님이 시간은 금이다 라고 말했다.

 My teacher told us that Time is gold yesterday

- 규칙적인 습관  I study English every two hours a day.

- general 하게 언제나 적용되는 내용

2) 과거 시제 (past tense) 과거의 한 시점만 지칭

- 과거의 한 시점만 의미 / in 연도, yesterday, two days ago 등의 명확한 지표와 함께 사용

(ex) the Korean 1950 년에 시작 break out 했다 and it 3 년 동안 지속되었다 last / continue

(ex) KW 는 1950 년 발생했다(occur) / last / 3 년동안 지속되었다

In 1950, KW occurred and it had lasted (for three years.)

3) 완료형 시제(perfect tense)  10 초라도 시간의 흐름을 반영  have/has/had p.p.

 for 시간 / during 기간 / since 시점 이래

3-1) present perfect (현재 완료)  have/has p.p

 과거 한 시점에서 시작되어서 현재에도 영향을 미치는 경우

3-2) past perfect (과거 완료)  had p.p.

 과거 한 시점에서 시작되어 진행되다가 과거 한 시점에 끝남

 과거 한 시점에서 시작되어 진행되다가 과거 한 시점에 끝남  지금은 아님

 대과거  과거보다 먼저 일어난 과거를 설명할 때



< multiple sentences 구조  Conjunction 으로 시작  Compound/Complex sentence 구조>

conjunction/connector 종류  역할 기준으로 2 가지  1) Coordinate C + 2) others (수많음)

* MS  Main Sentence

<Coordinate Conjunction>  (MS) independent sentence + CC + (MS) independent sentence

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

<Other Conjunctions>  (MS) independent sentence [other conjunction dependent sentence] 


1) Adverb clause

2) Adjective clause  noun 만 수식  N who / which / that

3) Noun clause

5.11 Coordinate Conjunctions

 5 개뿐  등위접속사 ( compound sentence)

FANBOY  for = because and neither but or yet

Type Use Example

both A and B I like both an apple and a banana.
(ex) I like eating an apple and swimming.
not A but B (A 가 아니라 B 도) He is not a student but a teacher.
but not only A but also B (A 뿐만 아니라 I like not only swimming but also climbing.
B 도)
either A or B (A 혹은 B) He is either a student or a teacher.
or neither A nor B(A 도 아니고 B 도 He is neither a student nor a teacher.
so He is smart so I like him.
You should have finished the assignment yet you
yet = but do not.
(cf) He didn’t come yet. (아직)(adverb)

(ex) I play a violin and he plays a guitar.  independence sentence(주절) + CC + independence


I play a violin. And he plays a guitar.

(ex) I play a violin [when he plays a guitar].  independence sentence(주절) + [Con+dependent


I play a violin. + When he plays a guitar.

5.12 Types of (dependent) Clauses  Complex sentence)

main sentence (independent) + [conjunction/connector dependent sentence]

1) adverb clause

2) adjective clause (N)

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

3) noun clause

5.13 Adverb Clause

 [conjunction + S + V ~~~~ ], main sentence (S + V)

 main sentence (S + V) [conjunction + S + V ~~~~ ].

(time) (cause) (contrast) (condition)

시간 관련 ~때문에 ~에도 불구하고 / ~하는 반면 만약 ~라면
when(ever) because S + V * although S V (만약 ~라면)
after / before / until as * even though S V if
as (=when) since * though S V = in case
as long as (~하는 한) inasmuch as while (~하는 반면) = provided
as soon as (하자마자) now that * whereas (~하는 반면) = providing
by the time (=when) in that
once 일단 ~하면 (만약 ~가 아니라면)
while ~하는 동안 unless = if not
since ~이래로

5.14 Noun Clause

 subject + object(목적어) + complement(보어)  생략 불가

that / what(ever) when(ever) where(ever) why how which(ever) / whether(if)(~인지 아닌지 여부)

1) 주어 [What(것) I like] is you. (불완전) // [That he is kind] is wrong. (완전)

2) 목적어(~을,를) I think/ believe [that he was wrong.]

3) 보어 The fact is [that he was wrong].

[If you go there], you will know.  adverb clause

I do not know [if he comes or not].  noun clause

[How you do it] is important.

(ex) 그가 언제 올지 나는 모른다.  I don’t know [when he will be coming.]

(ex) 나는 모른다 무엇이 옳은지(right)  I don’t know [what is right.]

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

(ex) 너가 하는 말은 어려워.  [What you are saying] is difficult.

 What you saying is difficult. (broken sentence)




5.15 Adjective Clause  noun 수식  관계대명사(Relative Pronoun) 6

N [conjunction + S V ~~~]

N [conjunction/Subject + V ~~~]

주격 사람 who 사물/동물 which (사람/동물/사물) that

소유격 whose of which / whose X

목적격 whom/who which that

1) 주격/소유격/목적격

I have a friend. + He is kind.  (주격) I have a friend [who is kind.]

I have a friend. + His name is Tom.  I have a friend whose name is Tom

I have a friend. + I like him.

I have a dog. + It is cute.  (주격) I have a dog [which is cute.]

I have a dog. + Its name is A.  I have a dong whose name is A.

There is E M. + His company is good.  There is E M [whose company is good.]

There is a company. Its CEO is EM.  There is a company whose CEO is EM.

 There is a company of which CEO is EM.

I have a dog. + I like it.  I have a dog which I like.

(ex) who’s / it’s

(ex) I have a friend who’s name

나는 함께 놀 친구가 없다.

I have no friend [who I play with].

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

I have no friend [who plays with me]

2) , 관계대명사  2 가지 경우

2-1) 쉼 쉬라고  who, which 모두 가능

2-2) 앞 문장 전체 수식할 때  무조건 , which / 단수 취급

3) 전치사 + 관계대명사(whom/which)  명사를 동사 뒤로 보내서 전치사 필요한지를 찾아라!

N at with for beyond above around / which whom N

I have no friend [who I play with].  I have no friend with whom I play.

I have no friend [who plays with me]

This is a house. + I live in that house.

There is an island + 내가 사는  There is an island which I live on.

 There is an island on which I live.

This is the Earth. + 내가 사는  This is the Earth on which I live.

I have no friend + 선물을 줄  I have no friend who I give a present to.

 I have no friend to whom I give a present.

There is the ocean + 내가 수영하는

There is a boy. I give a present to him.

4) 관계 부사  전치사 + 관계대명사( which) 의미가 1) 장소 + 2) 시간 + 3) 이유 + 4) 방법

(장소) in/at/on which = where

(시간) in/at/on which = when

(이유) for which = why

(방법) in which = how

It is Korea where(=in which) I live.

(ex) This is a house which I live in.  This is a house [in which I live.]

 This is a house [where I live].

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

(ex) It is Sunday which I go to church on.  It is Sunday [on which I go to church.]

 It is Sunday [when I go to church].

5) 관계대명사 that 용법  절대 안 된다는 3 가지 기억할 것

- 소유격으로는 쓸 수 없다 (of that)

- 앞에 전치사를 쓸 수 없다

- 앞에 , 절대 찍을 수 없다

 (that 만 쓰는 경우) 참고만 하라  앞에 있는 명사가 명백하게 정해진 경우에는

1) the only / the last / the second ~~~ [that ~~~~~]

(ex) He is the only person [that I like].

2) supremative 최상급 (단위)

(ex) He is the tallest boy (in this classroom) [that I like.]

N who/which/that

6) 생략이 가능한 경우 2

6-1) 목적격은 생략 가능  S V (목적어가 없음)

(ex) He is Tom [who I like.]  He is Tom I like.

(ex) This is a pen [which I use everyday].  This is a pen I use everyday.

6-2) conjunction + be 동사 함께 생략  분사형 형용사만 남는다 (Ving / p.p.)

 He is Tom [who is studying English now.]  He is Tom, studying E now.

 He is Tom who studies English.  He is Tom studying E.

 He is Tom who is beaten by John.  He is Tom, beaten by John.

 He is Tom [who speaks E well.]  He is Tom speaking E well.

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

Since I met her yesterday, I am happy now.

그녀는 A 이다. 나를 보고 웃고 있는

(ex) She is A [who is smiling at me.]  She is A, smiling at me.

(ex) She is A who is look at // watch

5.16 Reduced Forms

1) Adverb Clause

2) Adjective Clause

3) Noun Clause

1) Adverb Clause Reduced Forms  결국 participle  adjective 로 바꾸겠다!

1) 주어가 동일하고 시제가 동일할 경우  주어 생략  주어가 직접 했으면 Ving

2) 주어가 동일하고 시제가 동일할 경우  주어 생략  주어가 V 를 당한 것이면 p.p.

3) 주어가 다르고 시제가 동일할 경우  주어를 “소유격(possessive)”로 표시!

Step 1) S+V 의 관계를 생각한다  직접 했으면 Ving // 당했으면 p.p.

Step 2) main sentence 주어와 다르면 무조건 “소유격으로 표시”

4) 주어가 같고 시제가 다를 경우 

Step 1) S+V 의 관계를 생각한다  직접 했으면 Ving // 당했으면 p.p.

Step 2) main sentence 주어와 다르면 무조건 “소유격으로 표시”

Step 3) 주어가 직접 한 것이면 having p.p.

Step 4) 주어가 당했으면 having been p.p.

5) 주어가 같고 시제가 다를 경우 

Step 1) S+V 의 관계를 생각한다  직접 했으면 Ving // 당했으면 p.p.

Step 2) main sentence 주어와 다르면 무조건 “소유격으로 표시”

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Step 3) 주어가 직접 한 것이면 having p.p.

Step 4) 주어가 당했으면 having been p.p.

2) Adverb Clauses Reduced Forms  conjunction + be 동사 함께 생략

1) 목적격일 생략 가능

(ex) He is Tom. + I like him  He is Tom [who I like.]

2) N [who/which/that V]  participle 형태(Ving + p.p.) 남는다

(ex) I went France which is located in Europe.

(ex) Companies prefer to celebrity endorsement providing (which provides) positive effects.

3) Noun Clause Reduced Forms

5.17 Inverted Sentences

 S V  (강조하고 싶다~~~) V S  4 가지의 경우

 강조하고 싶은 단어/phrase 가 있다면 언제나 inverted 구조로 가능!

Sadly, I got F.  Sadly did I get F.

<동사의 종류  2 종류>

1) be 동사  am/are/is  강조하고자 하는 말 V + S

2) common 동사  강조하고자 하는 말 do/does/did S + Root verb

3) have/has/had p.p.  강조하고자 하는 말 have/has/had S + p.p.

* helping verb  can / may / should

1) 의문문 만들 경우

(ex) 그는 학생이니? .

(ex) 너 E 공부하니?

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(Ex) 그는 E 공부하니?

(ex) 너 E 공부했니?

(ex) 너 E 공부 해본 적 있어? .


2) 부정어를 강조하고 싶을 경우  hardly(거의..않은) / seldom / never / rarely

(ex) I am hardly stupid. 

(ex) He is never smart. 

(ex) You hardly visit me. 

(ex) He hardly visits me. 

(ex) They hardly studied. 

(ex) She has hardly slept. 

3) Prepositional Phrase(Preposition+Nun) (장소)를 강조하고 싶은 경우

(ex) (In Korea), people are kind. 

(ex) (At the station,) I met John. 

(ex) With you, I study well. 

(Ex) With you, I studied well. 

(ex) With you, I have studied well.  With you have I studied well.

4) 가정법을 강조하고 싶은 경우



5.18 The use of IF

1) noun clause  ~인지 아닌지 (여부)  (ex) I do not know [if=whether he comes (or not).]

 (ex) [If=Whether he comes] is not important

2) adverb clause  만약 ~~ 라면,  contingent on “possibility” (가능성)

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1) 일어날 수 있는 경우  (conditional clause / 조건절)  possible 한 경우

2) 불가능한 경우  (subjunctive mood / 조건법)  특수 문법을 따라야 함 (불가능한 일 반대로 가정)

5.19 Subjunctive Mood

 불가능한 일을 가능하다고 하고 / 반대로 가정

(ex) If somebody gets a perfect score, I will give you a break time.  가능한 일은 가정법이 아님

1) 가정법 Past  현재사실에서 일어날 수 없는 일을 반대로 가정

 If S were/동사 과거형 ~~~~, S would/could/should/might V ~~~.

(ex) 내가 지금 만약 an adult 라면, 행복할 텐데. 

(ex) 내가 지금 Af 있다면, 나 사자랑 뛰어 놀텐데. 

(ex) 내가 지금 만약 대통령이라면, 참 피곤했을텐데 

** be 동사는 were 만 쓴다! (was/am/are/is)



2) 가정법 Past Perfect  과거와 관련해서 불가능한 일 / 이미 일어난 일을 안 일어났다고 하거나

 If S had p.p. ~~~, S would/could/might/must/should have p.p. ~~~.

(ex) 만약 공룡이 안 죽었다면, 

(ex) 만약 R-U 전쟁이 일어나지 않았다면, UP 고통을 안 받았을텐데 

(ex) WW2 가 안 일어났다면, 소련은 안 붕괴되었을텐데.

(ex) 내가 만약 3 년 전에 너를 안 만났다면, 그 대학 이미 합격 했을 텐데

5.20 Verbs for emotional expression

6. Preference of Formal Written English

1) 반복을 싫어하는 언어  pronoun + the 명사(noun) + 동의어(syn)

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2) 영어는 구조가 다양한 언어  주어(subject) 다양하게 변화시킬 수 있다  개념을 고민하라!

3) 사물 주어 상당히 많음  I / you / we 쓰지 말고, 주어를 달리 고민해보자!

(ex) 펜이 책상 위에 있다.

(ex) 내가 거기 갔을 때, 나는 행복했다.

4) 너무 당연한 문법적 표현 생략하는 선호  1) appositive (동격) + 2) participle (분사)



5) 확정적으로 말하는 것을 싫어함  돌려 쓰는 다양한 표현 발달

5-1) superlative (최상급) 쓰지 않는다  one of the most Ns (복수명사, plural noun)

5-2) will 을 쓰지 않는다  100% 확정적인 것을 표현 할 때 아니면 쓰지 않는다  would / be highly likely to

(ex) The Sun will rise from the east. // Will you marry me? Yes, I will.

(ex) Students will learn better.  would / be highly likely to

(ex) Ants will protect the C from possible attacks by predators, which would be harmful to the C.

5-3) must / have to 쓰지 않는다  should / be required to / necessary to (shall (법, 성경) / must > should . had to

6) Globally acceptable 형태  I + you < we < people / an individual  he or she

7) Abbreviation 쓰지 말자  It’s  It is // its leg // can’t  cannot // does not / do not

8) Punctuation 제대로 쓰자!

9) main sentence 먼저 쓰라!! + [when/as/although/because ~~~~~]

(ex) [When I went there with Tom holding hands together on Sunday], I was happy.

(ex) I was happy [When I went with Tom holding hands together on Sunday],

10) descriptive(서술형) 언어  SVO 구조  adjective + adverb + verb 위주로 설명

한/일/중 definitive (확정적) 언어  SOV 구조  명사 위주로 설명

* 반드시 기억할 Detailed Grammar

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1) article + countable singular Noun  a/an/the + singular noun  subject + object + complement

2) singular noun (3 인칭) + is/was // common verb +s

 plural noun 으로 바꾸라  Companies produce it.


7. Expository/Argumentative Essay
1) common point  너의 의견/입장 설명 // 차이점  얼마나 controversial 한가에 따라 다름

2) cause/effect // compare/contrast // analytic

3) Basic Structure

Introduction  Hook + Supporting idea + thesis(너의 주장)

Body 1

Body 2

(Body 3)


Expository / Argumentative Examples



1. At what point should children begin doing chores?

2. Should school have better security?

3. Has artificial intelligence gone too far?


4. Animal testing should be outlawed.

5. Do you feel like there should be a death penalty?

6. Do you agree or disagree with allowing patients to have physician assisted-suicide in the case of
terminal illness? (death of dignity)

7. Do you think the act of cloning DNA presents a moral issue?

8. Should employers have the right to require a Covid-19 vaccine?

9. Do you believe brick-and-mortar schools are still necessary for today's post-pandemic society?


Introduction  Hook + Supporting idea (왜 그래?를 설명) + Thesis

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1) Hook (Attention grabber)  intriguing (interesting but not clear)

1-1) quote / maxim (격언) / proverb (속담)  반드시 source/이름/선택 이유(어떤 사람이길래 설명할 것!

1-2) Rhetorical Questions  have you ever heard of / thought of unique concept?

(ex) Have you ever heard of YOLO / the Black swan effect / the Butterfly effect / Carpe Diem / Homo

(ex) Have you ever heard of Nomophobia? (용어 뜻 설명) The syndrome refers to the condition~~~.

1-3) Own definition  importance / ubiquitous (existing everywhere) / popular

(ex) Education is important for children.

<~라고 말해도 괜찮다>  최대한 I 쓰지 않기 위한 표현!

- It is safe to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being / in modern days

- It is no exaggeration to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is inevitable to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is generally acceptable to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is not an overstatement to say that

- No discussion would be complete without mentioning the importance of 대표명사

- The 21st century we are living in is an era(시대) of expression/art/creativity (대표명사)

- Art, one of the most ubiquitous elements in human society, matters in modern days/for human being.

2) Supporting idea  Hook 에 대한 source 설명 + 인용한 논리 설명

 왜 중요한데? 1) 삶의 질 향상 + 2) 사회경제 전반적인 발전 + 3) 경쟁사회에서 살아남기 (Thanks to ~~~),

people have been able to

(세 번째 논리 고리 필요하면 넣어라!)

3) Thesis (나의 주장)  (그래서) In this vein(정맥/흐름/맥락), = Hence, = In this regard, = Against this
backdrop(배경), = Based on that rationalization(belief) = So, I believe ~~

<Simplest Form - Introduction>

It is safe to say that / It is no exaggeration to say that / It is not an overstatement (너의 주장) it is
better for children to grow up in urban areas.) // That is not only because body 1 주장 but also because
body 2 주장. // In this vein, I agree/disagree with the statement with the following reasons and

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body  Statement(근거) + supporting idea + specific evidence/example (+ body conclusion) (100-

150 words)

1) statement 는 반드시 prompt 에 because 를 걸고 고민하라 + connotation 반드시 보이게(prompt


(ex) spoken 형식 안됨!  The first reason that I want to talk about is that

(Ex) First, = Firstly, = To begin with, = To start off, = First and foremost,

2) supporting  왜 그렇게 말해? 1-2 문장이면 되고, 너무 길다 싶을 때에는 example 에서 서술하도록


3) Evidence  Specific 함이란?  1 개의 사건 + Specifically who when what why where


1) objective example  source 이름 + 연도 반드시 제시할 것!

2) subjective example  내 경험

- 80-100 words) 나와야 함

4) Body conclusion  전체를 아우르는 정리 문장 (prompt 전체 OR 해당 body statement)

- 그래서, this vividly exemplifies that 주장

- Based on 증거, it is safe to say that

- 그래서, it is not an overstatement to say that 주장

- 그래서, it is not an exaggeration to say that 주장

- 그래서, it is acceptable to say that

- This example corroborates that 주장

- (subjunctive mood/가정법) If there had not p.p., it would have not p.p.~

(그래서) In this vein, = In this regard, = Hence, = Thus, // So, 절대 안됨!

* 각각의 body 가 150-200 words 정도 되게 쓰자! (specific example 이 body 의 70%) 나오게!

Conclusion  (반대의견) + 나의 thesis

1) general summary  반대의견 언급

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* To conclude / In conclusion, I believe that //

* In conclusion, some people might think B. However, I think A.

1) 반대의견 언급 (반대의견이라고 말해도 괜찮다) It is reasonable / plausible / logical / convincing

= Generally, people might say that 반대의견 좋다 (since/because 이유 1 개).

= It is generally acceptable to say that 반대의견 좋다

= Normally, it is inevitable to say that 반대의견 좋다

= It is safe to say that 반대의견 좋다

= It is neither illogical nor unreasonable to say that 반대의견 좋다

2) (논리 연결 고리) 갸들도 맞는 말이야~ = reasoning = rationalization = rationale = points

= I am not saying they are wrong.

= Of course, they have their own reasoning and points.

= Their rationalization can be partially agreed with. = I partially agree with their rationalization.

= People [who believe so] have logical ground.

= People who say so have their own reasoning.

3) However, I believe 내 의견 풀어 쓰기

(ex) However, attending lectures in classrooms is more helpful than field trips not only because body 1
주장 but also because body 2 주장.

(Conclusion thesis statement 줄이는 방법)  시간이 없다면~

= However, I believe A with the aforementioned reasons and examples.

= However, I believe A with the reasons and examples mentioned above.


<Final Grammar & Expression>  전체 단락 아래의 check-list 꼼꼼히 체크할 것!

1) 단락 안에서 loical chunk // 구분 표시하라!*

(Introduction) Hook // Supporting idea // Thesis

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(Body) Statement // Supporting idea // Specific example // Body Conclusion

(Conclusion) 반대의견 // 너의 주장
2) Introduction - specific
2-1) 대부분의 시제가 have/has been ~ing 가 옳다
2-1) prompt question 에 대한 thesis statement 명확하게 쓰라
3) Body - specific
3-1) prompt question 에 대한 statement 명확하게 쓰라
3-2) supporting 은 statement 을 좀 더 풀어서 설명하는 내용이어야 한다(general explanation)
3-3) “specifically when who what where why how” 반드시 문서에 옮겨 적어놓고 밑줄 그어 제출하라
3-4) body 결론 반드시 쓰세요
4) conclusion
4-1) 반대의견이 먼저 제시되어야 하며, 논리 확인하라
5) Overall Check-point
1) countable noun  plural noun  Ns
2) the Noun  the 무조건 삭제  Ns  the Noun 정 빼면 안 될 것 같으면 밑줄
3) be ~ing  have/has been ~ing
4) not only because 문장, but also because  but 앞에 , 찍지 않는다
5) The government 절대 없게 하라  Governments
6) 최대한 I / we/ you 쓰지 않는다  people  they / an individual  he or she (he/she)
(Thesis (마지막 문장)에만 그나마 I 가 들어갈 수 있다!  “~라고 말해도 괜찮다” 라는 표현 쓸 수 있다
7) 그 어떤 단어라도 main sentence 앞에 , 찍어야 함!
8) 배운 단어 7 개 이상 활용하려고 하고 밑줄 그어 제출(highlight 말고 밑줄만 그어 주세요)

<Essay Topic 1> Schools should or should not have school uniforms.

(step 1) (umbrella idea)  common points (school uniforms)  뭘 상징? conformity

(step 2) 입장 먼저 잡기  가장 큰 이유를 고민  (save time)

(quote 찾는 방법)  google 검색  quote + importance of

1) 입어야 한다

- School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes.

- Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit.

- (오전에 시간 절약) reduce time consumption in the morning / time efficient

- 학생을 상징 = because school uniform tells that I am from this school.

-> increase student safety

- 그 학교의 소속감 // 공감대 형성

- It is a symbol of its school and stands for that you are student (identity)

- 공감대 형성, 매일 무슨 옷을 입어야 할 지 고민 X -> 사복을 입고 다녀야 된다면 옷을 골랐어야 될 시간에 남은 시간을
공부 등 다른 일에 쓸 수 있음

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- Doesn’t exist any gap between rich and poor (equality)

- 학교의 단합성이 올라간다

2) 입을 필요 없다

- students should have freedom for whatever they want. / 개인의 선택적 자유를 보장해야 한다

- restrict students freedom

- increase violent attack outside of school

- Need to pay for uniform

- 표현의 자유를 침해한다


Introduction  Hook(A 가 중요하다) + Supporting idea (왜 그래?를 설명) + Thesis(너의 주장)

1) Hook (Attention grabber)  intriguing (interesting but not clear)

1-1) quote / maxim (격언) / proverb (속담)  반드시 source/이름/선택 이유(어떤 사람이길래 설명할 것!

(maxim = adage = axiom = aphorism)

<Introduction Structure>

1) Quote 자체를 쓰라!

2) quote 설명(이름 + credential)

3) quote 의 의미 설명  너의 영어와 논리로 설명! (1~2 문장으로 설명)

4) (세번째 문장 연결 고리) 필요하나? 안 하나?  quote 에서 school uniform 얘기가 없다면 당연히 넣어야 함!

5) (그래서) Thesis

그래서 쓸 때 So, 쓰지 말고! = In this vein, = Thus, = Hence, = In this regard, = Against the backdrop, = Therefore,

= On this ground, = Based on this, =

body  Statement(근거) + supporting idea + specific evidence/example (+ body conclusion) (100-

150 words)

1) statement 는 반드시 prompt 에 because 를 걸고 고민하라 + connotation 반드시 보이게(prompt


(ex) spoken 형식 안됨!  The first reason that I want to talk about is that

(Ex) First, = Firstly, = To begin with, = To start off, = First and foremost,

2) supporting  왜 그렇게 말해? 1-2 문장이면 되고, 너무 길다 싶을 때에는 example 에서 서술하도록


3) Evidence  Specific 함이란?  1 개의 사건 + Specifically who when what why where


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1) objective example  source 이름 + 연도 반드시 제시할 것!

2) subjective example  내 경험

- 80-100 words) 나와야 함

4) Body conclusion  전체를 아우르는 정리 문장 (prompt 전체 OR 해당 body statement)

- 그래서, this vividly exemplifies that 주장

- Based on 증거, it is safe to say that

- 그래서, it is not an overstatement to say that 주장

- 그래서, it is not an exaggeration to say that 주장

- 그래서, it is acceptable to say that

- This example corroborates that 주장

- (subjunctive mood/가정법) If there had not p.p., it would have not p.p.~

* 각각의 body 가 150-200 words 정도 되게 쓰자! (specific example 이 body 의 70%) 나오게!

Conclusion  (반대의견) + 나의 thesis

1) general summary  반대의견 언급

* To conclude / In conclusion, I believe that //

* In conclusion, some people might think B. However, I think A.

1) 반대의견 언급 (반대의견이라고 말해도 괜찮다) It is reasonable / plausible / logical / convincing

= Generally, people might say that 반대의견 좋다 (since/because 이유 1 개).

= It is generally acceptable to say that 반대의견 좋다

= Normally, it is inevitable to say that 반대의견 좋다

= It is safe to say that 반대의견 좋다

= It is neither illogical nor unreasonable to say that 반대의견 좋다

2) (논리 연결 고리) 갸들도 맞는 말이야~ = reasoning = rationalization = rationale = points

= Of course, they have their own reasoning and points.

= Their rationalization can be partially agreed with.

= People [who believe so] have logical ground.

= People who say so have their own reasoning.

= I am not saying they are wrong. = I partially agree with their rationalization.

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

3) However, I believe 내 의견 풀어 쓰기

(ex) However, attending lectures in classrooms is more helpful than field trips not only because body 1
주장 but also because body 2 주장.

* 맨 마지막에 결론 쓰는 경우 

Schools should or should not have school uniforms.

<~라고 말해도 괜찮다>  I 를 쓰지 않는 방법!

- It is safe to say that [school uniforms should be compulsory] for human being / in modern days

- It is no exaggeration to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is inevitable to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is generally acceptable to say that [Art is important/ubiquitous/popular] for human being.

- It is not an overstatement to say that

- It is understandable / reasonable / acceptable / logical / convincing to say that ~~~

1) First, = Firstly, = To begin with, = Above all, = To start off, = First and foremost, = Initially,

2) Second, = Secondly, = In addition, = Furthermore, = Moreover,

(교복을 입어야 한다  1) 오전 시간 절약 + 2) identity / unity)

 In addition to (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 Setting aside (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 With (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 Keeping (body 1 주장 명사형으로) in mind, body 2 주장, body 2 주장

3) 예를 들면, = For example, = For instance,

 My experience(One paper released by WHO) vividly exemplifies this point.

 My experience can be the epitome for this point.

 My experience can be exemplary to support the point.

 The point can be corroborated by my experience.

4) because = as 괜찮지만  since = now that = in that = inasmuch as

5) conclusion 맨 끝에 본인 의견 제시할 경우

To put everything in a nutshell, = All in all, = All things considered, = Taking into all account, = In short,


Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

<Essay Topic 1 – Overall Feedback> Schools should or should not have school uniforms.

<Introduction> Hook + supporting idea + (논리 고리 필요한가 고민) + thesis statement

1-1) adage = aphorism = axiom = proverb (= quote)  반드시 source/이름/선택 이유(어떤 사람이길래
설명할 것!  한 문장으로 된 + 짧은 형태가 좋다!

1-2) Supporting idea (source 설명 + 중요성 설명)

- source 이름/ 선택 이유(얼마나 중요한 역할을 했는지를 설명해야 credential 을 높일 수 있다) //

- quote 에서 말하고자 하는 중요성이 뭐야? + quote 내용을 너의 영어로 주욱~~~ 설명할 수 있어야 한다!

1-3) (세번째 논리 필요한가?)  바로 thesis 로 연결할 수 없다면 세 번째 논리 연결 문장 있어야 함!

1-4) Thesis statement  그래서 나의 주장은 ~~하다

* 그래서  So, 쓰지 말자!  In this vein, = Thus, = Hence, = In this regard, = Against the backdrop, =
Therefore, = On this ground, = Based on this, = I think

<Hook + source 설명>

1) 직업 나열 X + quote 먼저 쓰자

(Ex) Rachel Zoe, an American fashion designer, businesswoman, and author, stated in her maxim: “Style is a
way to say who you are without having to speak.” As it is, the style reflects who you are. If someone wears a
police uniform people recognize that person as police, if an array of people wear a military uniform people
recognize them as a soldier, and likewise when someone wears a school uniform, people recognize that
person as a student

(ex) “Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable
treasures. “-Cecelia Ahern, a novelist who wrote various exciting novels. This sentence signifies

2) 영향력 + Credential 을 설명하라  appositive

 one of the most influential / prominent / seminal / significant / woe-inspiring /inspiring ~~Ns

3) 논리 연결 고리가 필요한가? 항상 고민하라!

(ex) “I was not designed to be forced. I will breathe after my fashion.” - Henry David Thoreau. Henry David
Thoreau was an American philosopher, he was an abolitionist wanting to emancipate slaves, this quote was for
slaves who couldn’t show their individuality. It’s similar to school uniforms.

4) Thesis  너의 주장만 쓰라! + 어차피 conclusion 에서 다 설명해야 한다

(ex) Thus, It is no exaggeration to say that schools should have school uniforms with the following reasons and
examples. (Also, a school uniform helps build school spirit, but also because school uniforms keep students
focused on their education, not their clothes. In this vein, I agree with the statement with the following reasons
and examples.
5) thesis 에서 이유 다 쓰면 분명 parallel (병렬) 깨진다!  쓰지마!
(ex) Therefore, school uniforms should not be made obligatory because they prevent the student’s way of
expression, costly, and uncomfortable.
(ex) School uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression, promote conformity over individuality, and,
most importantly, students oppose school uniforms.

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

(ex) school uniforms should be obligatory as they can be beneficial in three most impactful ways;
stresslessness when coming to picking out clothes every day, and last but not least, reducing peer pressure.

(Therefore, school uniforms should not be made obligatory. This essay will elaborate

6) Rhetorical Question 이랑 quote 형식이랑 합치지 마라! RQ 는 이렇게 쓰는 게 아니다!

(ex) Have you ever heard (of creativity) is a natural extension of our enthusiasm? This aphorism is stated by
Earl Nightingale who was one of the most awe-inspiringly visionary radio authors in human history. Creativity
is a way that student expresses their difference and find their own identities. It is not an exaggeration to say
that creativity and freedom are important for a human being. There is no doubt restricting their own creativity
is cruel behavior for growing teenagers. In this regard, I disagree with the statement that students should wear
uniforms to attempt school for the following reasons and examples.

(ex) Have you thought of the necessity of the school uniform? There is a famous maxim , “Always remember
that you are unique. Just like everyone else,” from Margaret Mead. Considering this quote, we could show our
uniqueness enough without wearing unique clothes; we can be special enough with wearing the same clothes.
Additionally, wearing school uniforms has plenty of benefits; it could save time and money and also could
increase students’ sense of closeness.

(ex) Have you ever heard of any reasons people state as an advantage of school uniforms?

<Good Introduction Models>

(Ex) Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable
treasures. // This maxim is proclaimed by Cecelia Ahern, a well-known Irish novelist. // By stating the maxim,
she emphasizes the importance and the necessity of time, which are superior to other important elements that
people think are, as time has been supporting people to create good habits of organizing your daily activities.
This could be applied to preparation time used to go school, which includes getting dressed. The biggest role
that has been reducing the preparation time is school uniforms as it reduces time to pick and wear clothes.
Thus, schools should have incontrovertible school uniforms.

(ex) “What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so
quick. Fashion is instant language." // This axiom was said by Miuccia Prada, the CEO of the fashion brand,
Prada, which gives us a revealing glimpse of the pivotal meaning of fashion. The maxim has it that one’s
ingenious fashion instantly expresses one’s identity and is useful in contemporary society. // On that note,
wearing specific uniforms daily may deny individuals from expressing themselves, especially students who
should be obliged to be clad in school uniforms. // In this vein, it is generally acceptable to say that schools
should ban school uniforms.

(ex) Time is money, time is gold. // This axiom was coined by Benjamin Franklin, a luminary American
statesman and polymath. By proclaiming this aphorism, he seems to emphasize that there is nothing more
valuable and precious than time. In addition, whether affluent or destitute, time is provided equivalently and
generously to everyone. Furthermore, time is one of the few tools that money cannot purchase. // This maxim
may apply to students wearing a seminary uniform. // Thus, wearing a school outfit may restore their time and
emancipate them from not deciding what to wear.

(ex) “Lost time is never found again.” // The maxim was stated by Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding
fathers of the United States, who exemplifies “rose from humble beginnings” – a influential person who begun
at the very bottom. // The axiom emphasizes that time management is vehemently significant in success since

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passed time doesn’t come back. The same can be applied to students. In this vein, schools should have school
uniforms to support students to use their time efficiently. 

<Body> Statement + Supporting idea + Specific Example (120-150 words) + Body conclusion
1) Statement  너의 입장이 명확하게 보여야 한다

(ex) In economic terms, school uniforms are undesirable.

(ex) Fashion acts as a medium for students to express their identity.

(ex) First of all, it is meaningless to wear school uniforms.

(ex) Furthermore, most importantly, students [who wear school uniforms] oppose uniforms.

2) Supporting idea  statement 가 왜 맞는 거야? 왜/how 그게 좋아?  (This is because ~~~) 1-2 문장

(ex) Secondly, wearing uniforms can make dresscode fair. // This can reduce the segregation between the rich
and the poor.

(ex) Furthermore, school uniforms have been promoting the spirit of school. // Wearing uniforms enhances
school pride, unity, and consensus.

(ex) In addition to stealing freedom, school uniforms may increase the chance for students from getting
violent attacks. // One of the advantages of school uniforms is that it reduces bullying. However, it does not
emancipate the students completely from oppression

3) Body 2 시작할 때

 In addition to (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 Setting aside (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 With (body 1 주장 명사형으로) saving time in the morning, body 2 주장

 Keeping (body 1 주장 명사형으로) in mind, body 2 주장, body 2 주장

3) Specific example
- Objective example

- Subjective example

<하지 마라 Examples>
3-1) Let’s imagine/ say 가정 등은 specific example 으로 인정받을 수 없다!

To begin with, school dress code should be compulsory for the unnecessary waste of time and effort. //
For example, say school A has no dress code, while school B has a strict dress code with uniforms. Students
of school A will have to decide what to wear everyday, while students of school B can wear a certain
uniform without deciding what to wear. Students of school A will waste time and effort everyday to decide
what to wear. Even the famous scientist, Albert Einstein wore the same clothes everyday to not waste his

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brain power on picking clothes. Hence, school uniforms should be mandatory for all students to save time
and effort from choosing what to wear.

3-2) 한 개만 깊이 있게 파라

To begin with, school uniforms are a form of way that schools restrict students from their freedom. // Every
human has the right to freedom including students and can wear their own preferences. // Based on the
research in Sweden, on December 4, 2017, Sweden government defined school uniforms were a human rights
violation because “dress and appearance should be considered an individual expression, decided by the
students themselves.” The government added “these should be used to facilitate and maintain a peaceful
atmosphere for students to study in.” The decision Sweden government made is fully respects the students as
students are the one who are wearing the uniform. Moreover, one study done by researchers from the
University of Nevada, Reno concluded that 90% of students did not enjoy wearing uniforms though they know
the benefit of wearing them. 

3-3) quote 자체만 제시하고 너의 영어로 설명하는 것도 specific example 이 될 수 없다!

(ex) In accordance with, “When all students are dressed in uniforms, kids don’t feel pressured to
wear trendy clothes. This removes competition with their classmates in terms of what they are wearing.
Uniforms also help reduce the amount of time that kids spend choosing what to wear in the morning.” This
suggests that students are not fraught with their clothing and become a laggard, instead influences them to
focus on their education. It is not an exaggeration to say that most students would not be convinced with
alacrity about school uniforms, however, as time passes they would naturally find acceptance to wear
uniforms for their goods

(ex) To give you an idea, research from the US claimed in 2019 that, “Too many people today make judgments
about people based on appearance. With school uniforms, judgment will be lessened because everyone will
look the same in the uniforms, allowing students to choose friends based on character and personality and
not just appearance.” This quote indicates that school uniforms are essential to let students not critic one and
all through their physical looks. Wearing school uniforms can let students to focus about one’s special ideas
and opinions. Additionally, unifying clothing can prevent social snobbery through certain dress styles that are
related to their wealth and status. Thus, it is not an overstatement to say that schools should have school

(ex) This problem can be solved easily by wearing school uniforms because “When all students are wearing the
same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can
concentrate on their schoolwork (Individuality vs Conformity, Caruso).” By giving all of the students equal
clothing, students don’t have to stress over what clothes might make them more popular with others every
morning. Wearing school uniforms actually improved the grades that students got on their tests, the
University of Houston found that “elementary school girls’ language test scores increased by about 3% after
uniforms were introduced (Gentile, 2010).”

3-4) objective OR subjective 예시 한 개만 넣어라

(ex) To begin with, having school uniform strengthen school community. // This states that it makes you think
as you are belongs to the school. // In my experience, school uniforms driven sense of belonging in school
community, because when everybody had same school symbols as I, it made me feel belonged to school.
Therefore, school  uniforms improve individual unity through equalisation and representative symbols of
plethora of schools. Supporting this, according to one of recent surveys of which is the most
influential website of all, although 90% of students in Washoe County school district had shown “No” to
school uniforms, however, a result of asking “I still have identity when I am wearing school uniform” has shown

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

us majority of students responded as either “agree” or strongly agree”. // Hence, wearing school uniform
keeps individual identities, while enhancing level of unity.

<Good Body Examples>

(ex) To begin with, school uniforms have been deterring crime and increasing student safety. // Uniforms are
no flamboyant clothes. They do not encumber their styles.  It has decreased violence and theft and enabled
school officials to recognize school intruders. Not only do uniforms physically protect students from harm,
they also have provided security. // According to TheGreyhound, pupils have found that uniforms decrease
crime. In Long Beach, California, after instituting a constraint wide required uniform policy, there has been a
huge decrease in crimes, ranging from many cautionary problems such as assault and battery to fighting and
even sex offenses. Reports of assult and battery droped by more than 30%, assult with a deadly weapon by
more than 50%, sex offenses by more than 70%. Another plumbing in 2012 found that after a year of wearing
a uniform policy at Middle School in Nevada, school police data showed a 63% decrease in police log reports.
// This research provides an incontrovertible proof to elaborate that school uniforms have been a panacea to
plenty of problems.

(ex) First and foremost, clothes deprive the time that can be used for studying. // In adolescence, the juveniles
have a propensity of allocating a considerable time for their appearances, including make-ups and fashion.
//Statista plumbed on what American teens like to spend their money on in 2018, among average-income
teens aging of average 16. The investigation suggests that food and clothing were the top two categories for
average-income American teen spending as of Fall 2018, each category accounting for a 20 percent share of
total expenditures. This result deduces an idea that the adolescent not only spend money, but also spend their
time shopping. Moreover, an increase in the number of clothes directly leads to time to match clothes . //
Hence, it is not an overstatement to say that clothes diminish time efficiency of students.

(ex) To start, school uniforms promote conformity over individuality. // (supporting idea) // Six years ago, in
2016, when I was attending a Korean international school in Hong Kong, school uniforms were essential, and
students were not allowed to wear a jacket when it was cold or take off the vest when it was hot, and the
school contacted their parents if they violated those rules several times. Because the weather in Hong Kong
was torrid, the classroom was always air-conditioned three-quarters of the year at school, from spring to
autumn. Because of this, students who were initially vulnerable to the change of seasons or cold quickly got
sick. In this way, students in schools that had firm control over students naturally became antipathetic to
school uniforms—students who were especially sensitive to fashion and liked to dress always expressed
dissatisfaction. //Based on my experience, it is not an overstatement to say that school uniforms promote
conformity over individuality.

(ex) To commence with, restricting students’ outfits equalizes their style, resulting in an evanescence of
uniqueness and ingenuity in students. // Apparels are one of the most frequently used methods to express
one's singularity. People show multiple factors about themselves through clothing, including their mood and
personality. Therefore if the school limits the students to a single uniform, this can detract from the student's
uniqueness//The loss of individuality caused by school uniforms can be supported by a testimony from a 17-
year-old girl reported by the National Catholic Reporter in March 2012. In the report, she mentioned how
school uniforms "completely killed any sense of individuality any one of us had. Everyone looked the same,"
making it harder for her to distinguish between others. The violent and aggressive diction used to describe the

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

term "killed" conveys that school uniforms severely damage the students' individuality, leading to a society
fraught with identical people with identical personalities. // Overall, school uniforms limit the students from
demonstrating their ingenuity since it forces a congruent style, which leads to a similar disposition.

(ex) To start off, having school uniforms can break down class barriers between rich and destitute students. //
When students don’t wear school uniforms, it can be easy to distinguish into two types, impoverished
students and wealthy students based on what they wear to school, but same outfit wouldn’t be exposed that
problem visually, which can lead to more socializing. // My younger brother experience vividly exemplifies this
point. When he was in elementary school, he could wear what he wants while in school. Thus, most of the
students wore casual clothes like sportwear, sweater, and so on. However, few students wore flamboyant
clothes as if to boast of their wealth. As he said, it was divided into two groups among the friends which based
on the price or the value of their outfits. Even if he did a group work with his friends, few students wearing
flamboyant clothes scorn to him and be left out from groups. Since that incident, he always told mom to buy
luxury items for him in order not to be ignored by them. Inevitably, she bought it for his son even she
encumbered in economically by it. However, when he went to middle school where every student should wear
the same uniform. // Hence, it is acceptable to say that having school uniforms is able to break down class
barrier between rich and destitute students.

<Conclusion> 반대의견 + 너의 body 1+2 주장 + 최종 prompt 주장

1) 반대의견 + body 1+2 를 먼저 쓰면 역삼각형 논리 구조 명확히 보임!

(ex) It is still neither illogical nor unreasonable to say that students should not have to wear school uniforms
because of course, they have their own reasoning and points and I even agree with some parts. However, I still
believe that students should wear uniforms not only because of the sense of incongruity between the rich and
the destitute students but also because there are past experiences.  To put everything in a nutshell , wearing a
uniform has many advantages. It shows togetherness, oneness, and pride in the school and reduces the time
of preparing for school every morning.  Therefore, I can say that I am sticking to my opinion that students
should wear uniforms. 

2) conclusion 맨 끝에 본인 의견 제시할 경우

To put everything in a nutshell, = All in all, = All things considered, = Taking into all account, = In short,

<Good Conclusion Models>

(ex) It is neither unreasonable nor illogical to state that schools should not have school uniforms since
individual freedom of choice of students should be guaranteed. // Their rationalization can be partially agreed
with. // Nevertheless, school uniforms have been producing student safety and have been influencing the
students and schools effectively. //To put everything in a nutshell, I believe school uniforms should be
ubiquitous and obligatory with the aforementioned reasons and examples.

(ex) Some may argue that school uniforms should be compulsory since it prevents flamboyant clothes and
haphazard attire, which is partially correct. //However, considering that school uniforms annihilate the unique
features of students and restrain their liberty, the repercussion of school uniforms outweigh the benefits of
having them. //Resultantly, schools should not have uniforms since it demolishes the student's identity by
forcefully equalizing their attire and limiting their freedom of choice.

<내 마음을 반영하지 못하는 영어>

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

(Ex) I calculated the estimated time // between wearing a uniform and not wearing a uniform.

(ex) In this regard, school uniforms [that do not squander valuable time] are essential for students.

(ex) Thus, it took me about two to three minutes. However, wearing uniforms only took me about
one minute to choose.

(ex) Everyone is tired every day and wears same clothes

(ex) To begin with, school uniforms are(might) a form of way [that schools restrict students from
their freedom.]

(ex) students cannot show our different personalities

(ex) I have experience of going to both of the schools which could wear normal clothes and are
forced to wear uniforms

<Grammar & Expression>

1) 예를 들면, = For example, = For instance,

 My experience(One paper released by WHO) vividly exemplifies this point.

 My experience can be the epitome for this point.

 My experience can be exemplary to support the point.

 The point can be corroborated by my experience.

2) coordinate conjunction 으로 시작하지 않도록 하자

and but or so yet // but  Nonetheless, = Nevertheless, = Albeit, = Notwithstanding, = Still, =

Regardless of N, = Despite N,

3) 단어 활용할 때 parts of speech 제대로 알고 쓰자!!

(Ex) I was sad and bewailed.

(ex) school uniforms could help destitute students bewailing // about paying for clothes in
every new year or season

(Ex) They could not be encumbered with buying buy new clothes and also promote a sense
of belonging with peers.

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

4) should VS should not

(ex) students should not have school uniforms at school. 

5) lots of things
lots of = 많은
things  문맥에 따라 고민하라  factors / elements
(ex) there are lots of things which make students think alike

6) spoken language 형태 아니되오

(ex) What I want to say from this example is that

7) the 남발자들  the 가 고민되면 아예 쓰지 말고  무조건 plural 로 쓴다!

(ex) However, if those clothing are cages that traps students (the student) to be alike with everyone

Plus, it could be an appropriate way of preventing the too flamboyant student in school
(ex) There is barely any chance of wearing them outside school, which will make them be

abandoned as soon as the student graduate the school

8) source 먼저 제시할 경우 // according to

(ex) Based on the First Amendment to the U.S constitution, it states
(Ex) In my research, It says that

9) very 좀 쓰지 맙시다!
(ex) very = significantly = considerably = notably = remarkably = markedly = exceptionally =

<Intro-Specific Word Register>

1) 말하다 say =state = elucidate = proclaim = promulgate = declare

2) 중요성을 보여준다 = allude to = emphasize = refer to = describe = explicate

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO


<Essay Topic 2>

2018 AP English Language and composition Free-Response Questions

Question 3
Suggested time – 40 minutes

In her book ‘Gift from the Sea’, author and aviator Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001) writes,

“We tend not to choose the unknown [which might be a shock or a disappointment or simply a little

difficult to cope with.] And yet it is the unknown (with all its disappointments and surprises) [that is

the most enriching].”

Consider the value Lindbergh places on choosing the unknown. Then write an assay in which you develop your

own position on the value of exploring the unknown. Use appropriate, specific evidence to illustrate and
develop your position.

Exploring the unknown is necessary.

Step 1) umbrella idea 

Step 2) 입장 정해 

the unknown  the unexplored  mystery  risky // 과학

(추구해야 함)

1) 발전을 이뤄왔다

- 인류는 미지의 영역을 개척하면서 발전을 이루었기 때문

2) 미래의 해결책 발견

추구하는 과정에서 현재 직면해있는, 또는 앞으로 직면할 문제의 해결책을 발견할 수 있다

- 추구하면서 해결책을 찾을수있다.

- Help to develop a better future through exploring scientific dangers that might happen

3) 앞으로의 발전을 위해

- 인류의 지식은 그 자리의 머물러 있을 것이고 더 이상 발전하지 못할 것이다.

- 추구하는 과정에서 더욱 더 발전을 할 수 있기 때문

- 추구함으로써 발전가능성을 높일 수 있기 떄문

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

- Without taking risks, there is no advancement

- 세상은 너무나도 크기 때문에 새로운 발견은 새로운 발명으로 이어갈 수 있다

- 미지의 영역은 인류의 미래와 직접적으로 되어 있을 수 있기 떄문에 더 발전이 되기 위해 계속 연구 되어야한다

4) characterize 인간

- Explore// one of the main factor of human identity

- 인간은 모르는 것을 알아감으로써 성장하기 때문입니다

- can expand the view of human

- 책이나 영화를 만드는 사람들한테 아이디어를 쌓아서 다른 사람들한테 영향을 주고 사람들의 창의력을 더 쌓을 수 있음.

<Too specific>  body statement 는 general 해야 함!

- 추구를 함으로써 새로운 자원을 확보하기 위해

- It is essential to explore the unknown as the Earth needs to be prevented from global warming somehow.

- need cuz to find new things such as medicine that cure cancer

(추구할 필요 없다)  practicality = utility // 환경

- 더 시급한 문제가 많다 eg. 환경, 지구온난화, 금융위기. 당장 핵전쟁이 내일 일어나서 망할수도 있는데

- Exploring the unknown should not be continued as we could produce research results with a variety of things that
have already been revealed.

- 돈과 시간을 많이 요구하다

- 이미 explore 한 영역을 아직 완벽하게 알지 못했기 때문에 완벽히 이해하고 다음 문제를 찾아야한다

<Possible Examples>

space exploration(Mars/Jupiter/aliens) / 메가로돈(The Meg) / Arctic + (carbon/mineral / unknown deep sea creatures /
lost cities (Atlantis / A Machu Pichu / Marie Curie (Madam C)

- widen and deepen mankind’s knowledge

- harness / exploit/ channel new (natural) resources (limited / would be depleted)

 main energy resource 3 개  fossil fuel / oil / natural gas  언제 고갈??

 (ex)

- ‘exploring the unknown’  inherent/inborn/ ‘gene’

- In the process of evolution, adaptation is needed.  (Charles Darwin / natural selection / the survival of the Fittest)


Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

10) who/which 줄일 수 없을까?

(ex) an inspirational author who contributed to writing over 300 books
(ex) The adage mentions that fitting into the frame made by others becomes a regret, which conveys
that they should be the ones making the decisions

<Relevant quote/Maxims>

“Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it.” – Frances Wright

“Life’s too short to wear boring clothes” - Carly Cushnie

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. -Margaret Mead

"Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking." – Mahatma Gandhi.

“Don't these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike, now they have to make them
loom alike too?” - George Carlin

“Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable
treasures. “-Cecelia Ahern

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy” -Dalai lama-

If everyone is moving forward together then success take care of itself “Henry Ford”

"I think there is beauty in everything. What 'normal' people perceive as ugly, I can usually see something
of beauty in it."—Alexander McQueen

“A school uniform helps build school spirit.”, Ananya Bhatt

Pros of school uniforms should be abolished. Wearing School uniforms is a total denial of human rights


8. Cause-and-Effect
Intro) Hook (Quote / general situation 설명 / specific story) + supporting + thesis(무슨 내용일지 설명할 것)

Body paragraph 구성 cause-focused  cause 1 + cause 2 + effect 1

Body paragraph 구성 effect-focused  cause 1 + effect 1 + effect 2

Conclusion) (general summary) + edge/impact 주는 놈으로 마무리(quote 적용)


Sun_Topic_1 <Cause-Effect Essay Type> (400 이상 // 500-600 words)

Based on the current crisis on Ukraine, write a cause-and-effect type essay. (24/02/2022)

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

cause) U(natural resource 많음)  NATO 가입하려고 하는데 R 가 싫어함(R 의 명분 돈바스(R) 독립 지원

NATO  북대서양 조약기구

effect) 다양한 perspective  경제 + diplomacy + political + psychological + human rights

- refugee  다른 나라 주변 나라

- 외교  new cold war

- 경제  oil price / methan gas 중단 / currency 폭등(surge / soar / skyrocket) // 폭락(plummet/nosedive/plunge) / 철

수출 문제 / 인플레이션, 무역 더딤

- R 러시아 경기 불황

- 원래 러시아가 단독 공급하는 질소로 비료도 만들고 그랬는데 그게 끊겨서 내년에 food price 도 엄청 오름

- 러시아가 철을 수출을 굉장히 많이 해서 철의 가격이 오름에 따라 기계 또는 철을 이용하는 거의 모든 산업이 굉장히

타격이 클 수 있다.

(안 좋은 결과) repercussion = aftermath = fallout

(결과적으로) As a result, = resultantly, = Consequently,


2) Cause-and-Effect
Intro) Hook (Quote / general situation 설명 / specific story) + supporting + thesis(무슨 내용일지 설명할 것)

Body paragraph 구성 cause-focused  cause 1 + cause 2 + effect 1

Body paragraph 구성 effect-focused  cause 1 + effect 1 + effect 2

Conclusion) (general summary) + edge/impact 주는 놈으로 마무리(quote 적용)

<Cause-Effect Essay Types for Middle School Students Examples>

1. What are the reasons for sibling rivalry?

2. What are the outcomes of playing violent video games?
3. How has your favorite book affected your life?
4. How have video games affected society?
5. What bad consequences could peer pressure cause?  cause 1 + effect 1 + effect 2
6. Why do think people lie?  cause 2 + effect
7. What would be the effects if one stops doing chores in their house?
8. How vacations affect families that take them together?
9. What could be the outcomes if the Internet disappears forever?

Drills for Reading & Writing (D-RW) Christine CHO

10. How does terrorism affect education? cause  effect 1  effect 2


<Cause-Effect Essay – Final Feedback>

- 대체 이 글을 무슨 종류의 에세이일까요?  thesis 명확하게 표시하라


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