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Duke of Qin


6 Tweets • 2022-04-08 •  See on Twitter 

I wrote this a few years ago but people still aren't

aware of how a chaos maximization strategy serves
US interests. People like to compare US hegemony to
late imperial Rome but aren't cognizant of the fact that
once Rome no longer had the strength to enforce the
Roman peace or

Roman law, that didn't mean it no longer had the

strength to create Roman disorder. The strategic
policy of the Eastern Roman empire along frontiers it
could no longer govern was to make them
ungovernable so no one could. Once the US can
longer be the city on a golden hill, it
will not fade quietly but instead seek to be king of the
dung heep. What this means in practice is taking
advantage of it's relatively secure and isolated
geostrategic position and creating bush fires across
the rest of the world for others so that it itself is viewed
as an oasis

of stability and security in comparison so that financial

flows can be redirected to itself from the rest of the
world. Once you move from a win-win game to a lose-
lose game, the strategy becomes to make sure that
others lose more in relative terms than yourself. It is
why the US

is undermining the international system it publicly

espouses to uphold and why it's immediate satrapies
are being put to the torch first. There are of course
ways to strike back at the US strategy here, but none
of them are particularly pleasant and beyond the
mental blocks of

people who cling to Liberalism or even just basic

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