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Assumptions and Hypothesis:

Assumption 1: Multimedia teaching is a more engaging and interactive way of teaching

compared to traditional methods.
Hypothesis 1: Students who receive multimedia instruction will have higher levels of
engagement and interest in their studies compared to those who receive traditional instruction.
Assumption 2: Multimedia teaching can improve students' retention of information.
Hypothesis 2: Students who receive multimedia instruction will have better retention of
information and will perform better on tests compared to those who receive traditional
Assumption 3: Multimedia teaching can help students learn complex concepts more easily.
Hypothesis 3: Students who receive multimedia instruction will have a better understanding of
complex concepts and will perform better in their classes compared to those who receive
traditional instruction.
Overall, these assumptions and hypotheses suggest that multimedia teaching has the potential to
improve students' academic performance and engagement in their studies at Halapitan National
High School.

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