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Out of School Learning: Evaluation of Flipped Classroom Method of Teachers in

Promoting Logical-Mathematical Intelligence of Alternative Learning System Students in

Plaridel, Bulacan


Alvaro, John Carl

Dela Cruz, Nica Shayne Khreindale DL.
Gosi, Mike Jazher DC.
Salazar, Rhian Nicole D.
Santos, Elise Angela P.
Santos, Justine Paul R.
Salvador, Ellaine Ghia D.
Leonardo, Rian
Chapter I



The Flipped Classroom has become a prominent teaching strategy and a developing idea
in classrooms. Math has always been a significant subject in a person's life. Students today are
exposed to advanced technologies, which inspires educators to develop a fresh method of
instruction that is efficient and a relief for both students and educators. The use of both face to
face and virtual teaching through videos and online, promote more autonomous, flexible and
dynamic teaching for students. The flipped classroom is a mixed learning method where students
manage their own time and are effective for those with busy schedules. Teachers also have an
easier way to teach fundamental information and can use innovative lesson plans to encourage
them to embrace logical intelligence in mathematics. It will be easy to connect this method's
application to Alternative Learning System (ALS) students.
The Alternative Learning System is a Philippine government initiative that provides an
alternative to formal education for out-of-school kids, industry workers, people with disabilities,
ex-offenders, and other individuals for a diverse range of reasons. It will be simpler to connect
this method's application to Alternative Learning System students. A parallel learning education
program called the Alternative Learning System is offered by the Philippine Department of
Education to out-of-school youths, industry workers, people with disabilities, ex-offenders, and
other individuals for a variety of reasons. It was founded on the 1987 Philippine Constitution,
which launched non-formal education in 1984 and was primarily focused on making existing
formal teachings more relevant.
The students have direct access on knowledge in the flipped learning. Particularly, in
learning mathematics it is convenient for pupils to learn at their own pace. In comparison, formal
schooling they are required to pass their outputs at a given time while the students under the
flipped classroom can have a sufficient amount of time before their mentors check their work.
A formal education in logical mathematic intelligence includes a math textbook from
cover to cover, problem-solving exercises, or homework assignments to keep students engaged
until the end of the school year. If the flipped classroom approach is used in the classroom,
teachers will give their students take-home video lectures to help them prepare for the actual
classes. Students learn more deeply about concepts that they can apply to their daily lives
through interactive discussions and group projects, and they develop individual learning abilities
that are practical for each learner. Students who have to attend class while dealing with personal
concerns won't fall behind because they have access to the virtual learning materials. (Hoekstra
de-Roos, 2014)
Statement of the Problem
The aim of this study is to evaluate the flipped classroom method in logical-mathematical
intelligence of alternative learning system students. It will determine the most significant factors
in the performance of ALS students through the learner’s interviews.
The specific objectives of the study are as follows:
1. What students are typically having difficulties in mathematics?
1.1. Age Range
1.2. Gender
2. How does the flipped classroom method show an increase in a student’s intelligence in
terms of logical mathematical intelligence?
3. How does the student’s logical-mathematical intelligence in flipped classroom being
different in mainstream?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flipped classrooms?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may be beneficial to the following individuals:
Teachers. The findings of this study may help teachers identify any issues with mathematical
intelligence that may be present in specific students. It may also provide guidance on how to help
the students who are having difficulties in solving mathematical problems.
Students. The result of this study will enhance the learners’ critical thinking and knowledge on
how the topic can help them in terms of nurturing their analytical skills and could serve as a
guide to improve their academic performance.
Parents. This study may help the parents in figuring out what kind of skills their child is lacking
as logical-mathematical intelligence goes beyond numbers and what part of it does their child
Future Researcher. The findings of this study may be useful to researchers studying on similar

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study mainly concentrated on the introduction of alternative learning system as a
way to enhance the mathematical intelligence, comprehension, and analysis of the learners from
Plaridel Central School (Alternative Learning System). This study sought the insights and
opinions of eight students and two teachers from Plaridel Central School (Alternative Learning
System) regarding the use of alternative learning system in the education of the selected level
which will be later on used for the comparison of learners from St. Francis de Assisi Montessori
School who are in the traditional classroom setup.
This study is limited to the words of our selected respondents as all learners under
alternative learning system have their own experience which do not represent the ALS learners
around the country.

Definition of Terms
Flipped Classroom. It refers to a teaching method that delivers lecture content to
students at home through electronic means and uses class time for practical application activities.
Alternative Learning System. A parallel learning system in the Philippines that
provides out of school youth and adults (OSYA) the opportunity to develop basic and functional
literacy skills and access equivalent pathways to the completion of basic education.

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