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Learners are the center of the educational process that takes place inside and

sometimes outside the classroom. They are the most important clientele of teaching-

learning process. Our main goal is to develop learner’s percipience through teaching.

The question is “how”. Answering this basic question will lead us to the main goal of

education, and that is the development of each learner.

It is a common knowledge that every individual has its own peculiarity. Thus,

each of them acquire learning differently. Giving emphasis on learner’s uniqueness and

applying it in teaching-learning process, we could say that everyone learns differently

because each of them has their own unique intelligences.

Nevertheless, questions about ones cleverness have intrigue people from one

generation to the next especially people from the field of education. This never-ending

debate challenged educators to formulate means on how to elevate our so called

human intelligence.

Upon thorough inquisition, two approaches in learning transpired. First, we have

the “Traditional Approach”; this approach in learning takes effect when the teacher

conveys his/her knowledge to the learners. The said approach has been tested and

proven to produce more intellectual individual. However the trends in education

changes as well as the approaches in learning. This gives rise to the second approach

which is more modern and innovative. People who develop this approach believed that
learning will be more effective when the learner is provided with an environment

conducive for his/her learning.

Hence, the issue is not about learning or not learning at all but rather it’s about

whether the learning is meaningful or not and if the learner has been given opportunity

to learn or not.

In this modern times, the so called traditional or chalk method may not

considered be effective at all. It’s because, according to some studies, this type of

method does not give equal opportunities to learners with different capabilities.

Still, some schools remain to be traditional in their approach to teaching. This

results to learners being labeled as “under-achievers” because the individual giftedness

do not received due recognition and proper reinforcement. At some point, some

learners in private schools leaves because they can’t fulfill the standard set by the


However, there are some schools who believes in Gardner’s Theory of Multiple

Intelligences and somehow applied this approach in teaching. For some schools it was

effective and for some it was not. There was also the worst scenario wherein majority of

the schools focused only their attention to some intelligences such as linguistic and

logical-mathematical intelligences rather than giving equal opportunity to learners who

shows giftedness in other intelligences. As an aftermath, many children with other

intelligence do not receive much acknowledgement and reinforcement.

Because of these reasons, researchers decided to study the multiple intelligence

quotient of students in order to determine the appropriate M. I approach in teaching to

improve academic achievement.

Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of this study is to determine the correlation between the

multiple intelligence quotient and academic achievement of grade four elementary

pupils at Malinta Elementary School during the school year 2016 –2017.

The result of this study will serve as the basis for implementation of multiple

intelligence approach and device some strategies that will cater the needs of each pupil

in relation with their respective multiple intelligence quotient to improve their academic


Specifically, the following question were sought to be answered:

1. What is the multiple intelligence quotient of grade four pupils of Malinta

Elementary School in terms of the following aspects:

a. Musical-Rhythmic

b. Visual-Spatial

c. Verbal-Linguistic

d. Logical-Mathematical

e. Bodily-Kinesthetic

f. Interpersonal Intelligence

g. Intrapersonal Intelligence

h. Naturalist Intelligence

i. Existential Intelligence

2. How significant is the difference among the multiple intelligence quotient among

the subject pupils?

3. What is the level of the academic achievement of the respondents?

4. How significant is the correlation between pupils academic achievement and their

multiple intelligence quotient in the following aspects:

a) Musical-Rhythmic

b) Visual-Spatial

c) Verbal-Linguistic

d) Logical-Mathematical

e) Bodily-Kinesthetic

f) Interpersonal Intelligence

g) Intrapersonal Intelligence

h) Naturalist Intelligence

i) Existential Intelligence

Significance of the Study

This study aims all individuals who are involve directly or non-directly in teaching-

learning process, to be more effective. It also helps to elevate the academic

achievement of students. Specifically, this study is made in order to be of help for the


To the school heads and Administrators. The school heads and administrator

would gain more insights about ways to implement the multiple intelligence approach in

their respective schools. It will also help improve their teachers by giving them in-service

trainings and seminars for them to be more equipped and knowledgeable.

To the Teachers. The teachers’ knowledge about multiple intelligence approach

would be beneficial in planning out lessons and activities for students. They may use

varied types of methods that maybe suited for a certain type of learner. This will be an
opportunity for teachers to offer appropriate remediation for students to improve their


To the Parents. Parents who are aware of their child’s multiple intelligence could

help them in providing appropriate activities and facilitate learning at home and

therefore become closely involved in the learning process of their children.

To the Researchers. The upshot of this study would be beneficial for other

researchers who wants to conduct their own research about multiple intelligences as it

continues to influence our educative process.

To the Students. Being able to know your multiple intelligence enables you to

understand your strength that will help them handle the task that seems harder for

them. This will also guide them to assume responsibilities for their own accomplishment

and success.

Scope and Limitation

This study is limited to the multiple intelligence quotient and academic

achievement of grade four students at Malinta Elementary School year 2016-2017.

Therefore, this study aims to focus only on two variables such as Multiple Intelligence

Quotient and Academic Achievement. This study will also reveal the multiple

intelligence quotient of grade four pupils through Multiple Intelligence Survey by Walter

Mckenzie (1999).

This study is not the result of the entire population of Malinta Elementary School

but only reflects the result of grade four pupils. In terms of the results of the academic

achievement of the learners, the researcher will only be using the first quarter grades of

the pupils.

Theoretical Framework

This study tried to investigate the multiple intelligence quotient of students and

their possible correlation with their academic achievement in order to apply the basic

principles behind Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory. Speculatively

Gardener proposed this model in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple

Intelligences. According to Gardner, an intelligence must fulfill eight criteria. (1) Musical-

Rhythmic (music smart). (2) Visual-Spatial (picture smart). (3) Verbal-Linguistic (word

smart). (4) Logical-Mathematical (number smart). (5) Bodily-Kinesthetic (body smart).

(6) Interpersonal Intelligence (people smart). (7) Intrapersonal (self-smart) and (8)

Naturalist Intelligence (nature smart). (9) Existential Intelligence (spirit smart)

According to Gardner, in order to give justice to every learner all these nine

intelligences should be considered in teaching-learning process. Gardner's theory

argues that students will be better served by a broader vision of education, wherein

teachers use different methodologies, exercises and activities to reach all students, not

just those who excel at linguistic and logical intelligence. It challenges educators to find

"ways that will work for this student learning this topic". This give birth to the new era in

teaching which is called the multiple intelligence approach in teaching.

L.C Peters (2010) when teacher recognize that students bring varied talents into

the classroom, they can help students find success by allowing them to use their natural

intelligence. Teachers can find ways to build task into each lesson to interact with the

content in ways that fit their learning.

Darling-Hammond (2010) providing students with multiple ways to demonstrate

knowledge and skills increases engagement and learning, and provides teachers with

more accurate understanding of students’ knowledge and skills.

T. Armstrong (2000) a teacher in MI classroom contrast sharply in traditional

linguistic classroom. The MI teacher continually shift his/her method from linguistic to

spatial to musical and soon and often combining intelligences in creative ways.

In that event, schools that have fully implemented Gardner’s theory have testified

that their academic achievement in all subjects have intensified. Studies shows that

school who preferred to use multiple intelligence got a high retention rate based on their

year-end test of the topics studied during the previous eight months. Students cited that

their preferred method of recalling information is through musical, visual and kinesthetic.

Students who have been “unsuccessful in school became achievers in new areas.

The Conceptual Framework

First this study strengthens the cognitive theory suggested by many psychologist

that intelligence is a pluralized way of understanding the intellect. To support this theory

now called “The Multiple Intelligence Theory” researchers came up with an instrument

that measures multiple intelligence quotient. The researcher assess the population of

interest in order to applicability of the theory on the respondents. Secondly, the same

theory which suggested the multiple ways of acquiring knowledge through structuring

lessons in order to: (a) awaken the intelligences, (b) turn on the brain, (c) transfer

knowledge and (d) strengthened the awaken capacity that will empower the learner in

order to improved their academic achievement. The researcher then desired to

establish a possibility of correlation between two existing variables namely: (a) multiple

intelligence quotient which is an independent variable and (b) academic achievement

which is a dependent variable. Figure 1 below illustrates the paradigm of the study.

Figure 1


Bodily-Kinesthetic ACHIEVEMENT
Interpersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Naturalist Intelligence
Existential Intelligence


1. There is no significant difference among the multiple intelligence quotient of the

subject pupils.

2. There is no significant correlation between pupils’ academic achievement and

their multiple intelligence quotient in the following aspects:

a. Musical-Rhythmic

b. Visual-Spatial

c. Verbal-Linguistic

d. Logical-Mathematical

e. Bodily-Kinesthetic
f. Interpersonal Intelligence

g. Intrapersonal Intelligence

h. Naturalist Intelligence

Definition of Terms

To have a better view of this research study, the following terms are operationally


Academic Achievement. In this study, it is the grades of every pupils in all

subjects. In this study, pupils will be classified as outstanding, above-average, average,

below average, poor and failed.

K to 12 Curriculum. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of

basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and

two years of Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of

concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary


Intelligence. It is the learners’ capacity to acquire and apply knowledge and


Multiple Intelligence Approach in Teaching. It is an approach in teaching

which uses Gardner’s Nine Multiple Intelligences Theory.

Multiple Intelligence Quotient. It refers to the scores acquired by learners after

answering Multiple Intelligences Survey adapted from Walter McKenzie (1999).

Multiple Intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates

intelligence into specific “modalities”, rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a

single general ability.

Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence (Music Smart). This area has to do with

sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. People with a high musical intelligence

normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play

musical instruments, and compose music. They have sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter,

tone, melody or timbre.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart). This area deals with spatial

judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind's eye. It involves the potential to

recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas.

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart). People with high verbal-linguistic

intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at

reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number Smart). This area has to do

with logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers and critical thinking. This also has to do

with having the capacity to understand the underlying principles of some kind of causal


Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart). The core elements of the

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are control of one's bodily motions and the capacity to

handle objects skillfully. Gardner elaborates to say that this also includes a sense of

timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train
responses. People who have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence should be generally

good at physical activities such as sports, dance, acting, and making things.

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart). In theory, individuals who have

high interpersonal intelligence are characterized by their sensitivity to others' moods,

feelings, temperaments, motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as

part of a group.

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self-Smart). This area has to do with introspective

and self-reflective capacities. This refers to having a deep understanding of the self;

what one's strengths or weaknesses are, what makes one unique, being able to predict

one's own reactions or emotions.

Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart). This area has to do with nurturing and

relating information to one's natural surroundings. Examples include classifying natural

forms such as animal and plant species and rocks and mountain types. 

Existential Intelligence (Spiritual Smart). Sensitivity and capacity to tackle

deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and

how did we get here.


This chapter describes the research methodology use in gathering the

needed data. It includes discussion of the research design, respondent of the

study, the instrument, collection and management of data and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design
The descriptive correlation method of research was employed in

determining the correlation between multiple intelligence quotient and

academic achievement of grade four pupils of Malinta Elementary School,

District III of Dasmariñas. The researcher believes that it is the best method

that can be employed to gather the needed data to realize the

investigation’s objectives. It is descriptive in the sense that the necessary

points discovered to be actually existing will be portrayed.

As quoted by Pascua (1995), Van Dalen and Meyer (1984) maintained

that this method is utilized by researchers “when they depict current status

and sometimes identify relationship that exist among phenomena or trends

that appear to be developing, and occasionally, when they attempt to make

predictions about future events.”

Research Respondents
This study was conducted in Malinta Elementary School, District III of
Dasmariñas. It involves the participation of the 135 students in the Schools.

Research Instruments


Data Collection and Management

Statistical Treatment

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