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ESP32/ESP8266 WIFI Display Using MQTT Protocol

by kd8bxp

The idea came about because I wanted away to sometimes I'm a little slow.)
display sensor data from a robot remotely. Having a
screen on a robot is very useful, but only if you are Hardware is really simple. Usage is pretty simple, and
near that robot. the results are good!

v1.0, to v2.0 are some of my first attempts at this There are two base versions of code included in the
goal. They do not use MQTT. They worked for what I github repository. One version creates it's own
wanted, but have some serious problems. Most of website and displays messages on either a TFT or
which I just don't want to fix after I added MQTT. OLED. The other version is the MQTT version, and
was only written to use a OLED. (I recommend using
One week at the Automation Technology Club I did a the MQTT version, I will go over the original version
MQTT demo, and all of a sudden it hit me. Use MQTT briefly for historical reasons.)
to display my robot data remotely. (Later, it hit me that
I could use this for a lot of other things....yeah

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Step 1: Hardware.

There are two versions of code included in the github 3) A ESP8266 board with a OLED screen on board.
To make v1.0 and v1.1 you need a NodeMcu board
and a ILI9341 TFT screen. (Not recommend, this 4) A Wemos D1 Mini with Mini OLED (I also use a
version creates a website, and doesn't use MQTT or battery shield and a dual base shield, but these aren't
have any type of screen formatting) required)

(I couldn't find a link to the TFT screen I used. Optionally any ESP32/ESP8266 and OLED screen
Honestly I bought the screen about 4 or 5 years ago, should work, but you may need to make some
couldn't get it to work, but it up, found it 6 months changes in the software.
ago, hooked a 3.3v microcontroller to it, and it
worked. I hooked it back up to a 5v Arduino and it *** AS a note here, the ESP32 and ESP8266
didn't work....conclusion.... it's a 3v only display. boards that have a on board OLED don't require
(including the I/O pins)) anything else. That is all the hardware you need.
They do come with no PINs in the header, but you
It's a SPI TFT screen, 3.3v display it has a ILI9341 don't need to use the GPIO (Other than the I2C
driver. This is similar to what I have but it's not the and it's already connected to the screen) for this
same screen. project. ***

A NodeMCU board The D1 Mini needs to have it's pins solder to it, but
once done, it would be the next easiest only requiring
To make v2.0 you simply need a ESP32 board with a the D1 Mini and the mini OLED screen.
OLED screen on board. (This version is a little better
than v1.x, but I still would not recommend it. It still The NodeMCU board with a OLED screen would be
creates a website, doesn't use MQTT. It does have the next simplest only needing 2 wires for data, and 2
some limited screen formatting however) wires for power.

To make the recommended (MQTT) version 1.3 And finally, the NodeMCU with the SPI color screen
MQTT you need any of the following. needing 8 wires total.

1) A NodeMCU board and a I2C 0.96" OLED screen Also note none of these boards are truly breadboard
friendly, the D1 mini is probably the closest. With just
or enough room to plug in wires on each side of it.

2) A ESP32 board with a OLED screen on board. *** I used a breadboard with the NODEMCU but it
was hanging over on one side of the board.

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Step 2: Hooking It Up....

NodeMCU with SPI TFT Screen. This requires at least 8 wires.


VCC 3.3v
RESET 3.3v
LED 3.3v

The only thing I can say is be careful, My TFT screen has the PIN names on the bottom of the screen meaning
when you turn it over the pins are opposite. IE: VCC GND CS REST DC MOSI SCK LED would look like this
when it's plugged in to the breadboard LED SCK MOSI DC REST CS GND VCC.

NodeMCU with I2C OLED Screen. This requires 4 wires total.


VCC 3.3v

For the D1 MINI and the Mini OLED - simply solder the pin headers on and plug the screen into the D1 Mini.

if you also bought the dual base, and battery shield, solder the pin headers and plug them in. I am using a small
quad copter battery - it doesn't have the right connector on it, but it does work (just watch your positives and

THE ESP32/ESP8266 with on board OLED will work the way they are. Personally I'm not planning on soldering
the pin headers to these because I want to make a small case and turn them into name tags. (Another project for

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Step 3: Libraries Needed (MQTT Version)

First you need to make sure you have the boards I am fairly sure I found PubSubClient in the library
installed into your Arduino IDE. manager, so installing was simple.

ESP32 - follow the instructions for installing the The other, I downloaded the zip, unzipped it, renamed
boards to the IDE. the new directory (removing the -master from the end), and moved the directory to my libraries folder. A
restart of the IDE maybe required.
ESP8266 (NodeMCU/D1 Mini) - follow the
instructions for installing the boards to the IDE. * Depending on your OS will depend on where the library directory is located. Typically, for Windows it's
in the document folder, under the Arduino folder.
You will need two other libraries: Linux it's in typically in your home folder, under the
Arduino folder.
PubSubClient.h If this is your first new library, the library directory may
not exist and may need to be created.

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Step 4: Using the MQTT Sketches....(A Little History Too)

MQTT is a publish/subscribe (MQ Telemetry Transport). extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol,
designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. The design principles
are to minimise network bandwidth and device resource requirements whilst also attempting to ensure reliability
and some degree of assurance of delivery. It is because of this that it has become a go to protocol for the IoT
world of things.

Developed by IBM for the oil industry in 1999. (it's been around for a while).

MQTT uses brokers and topics. This is a very simplified understanding of what happens.

1) Device needs to "send" information - it connects to a MQTT broker and publishes a Message to a topic.

mean while in some part of the world a 2nd device

2) A 2nd device connects to the same MQTT broker, and subscribes to the same topic. When a message is posted
to that topic this device reads it.

Even more simplified: Publish means Talk, Subscribe means listen.

A broker is pretty much a special type of server, and topic is sort of like a thread (no not really....forget that).

The Code can be found here:

So what does this mean for the sketches. Both the ESP8266 and the ESP32 sketches work for the most part the
same, there really are just a few changes between the two and those changes are really more because of the
devices themselves and not MQTT.

For us the broker I've chosen to use is '' with no security, the topic the display subscribes too is
'display1' - If I turn all 4 of my devices on (as seen in the video), and I publish on to topic
'display1' all 4 devices will display the same message. And they will all display within milliseconds of each other.

Another thing is the device name, and that name needs to be unique on the broker - If two devices have the same
name weird things happen. So, I've made attempts to create unique devices in the sketches using the MAC
addresses of the devices. So far this seems to be working, but I have a limited selection of devices to try.

ESP32 (Unique ID Code snippet)

<p>uint64_t chipid = ESP.getEfuseMac(); // MAC address of ESP32</p><p>uint16_t chip = (uint16_t)(chipid>>32); </p><p>char clientid[25]; </p><p>snprintf(clientid,
25,"WIFI-Display-%04X",chip); </p><p>if (client.connect(clientid)) {</p>.......

ESP8266 (Unique ID Code snippet)

<p>uint32_t chipid=ESP.getChipId(); </p><p>char clientid[25]; </p><p>snprintf(clientid,25,"WIFI-Display-%08X",chipid); //this adds the mac address to the client for a
unique id </p><p>Serial.print("Client ID: "); </p><p>Serial.println(clientid); </p><p>if (client.connect(clientid)) {</p>......

Both of these snippets pretty much do the same thing. I am appending part of the MAC address to the name
"WIFI-Display" in both sketches this is contained in the reconnect() function. It's in this function you'll find the topic
name 'display1'

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<p>Serial.println("connected"); // Once connected, publish an announcement... </p><p>//client.publish("Say", "-t 'hello world'"); // ... and resubscribe </p><p
>client.subscribe("display1"); } else {</p>

I would highly recommend changing this to something else, otherwise you may end up getting messages you don't
really want to be getting.

Near the top of the sketches, you'll find the typical "ssid" and password stuff, of course this needs to be changed
for your network.

The ESP8266 version also has the follow commented out, you'll need to select one or make a change to the SDA,
SCL pins. This code is at about line 18 or 19.

<p>//SSD1306 display(0x3c, 4, 5); //d1 mini<br>//SSD1306 display(0x3c, D1, D2); //ESP8266 w/OLED
SSD1306 display(0x3c, D2, D1); //NodeMCU
#define D1mini 0 //1 - using D1 mini</p>

Just uncomment the line for your device, and comment the other lines. You'll also see a define statement here.

The library doesn't official support the small display size of the D1 mini, and for that I added a little extra code that
attempts to move the message to the best location on the small screen. Changing the zero in the define to a one
(1) tells the code to use the small screen. (of course the default is for the 0.96" screens).

That is about it as far as the sketches go. Now we need to upload the code to our device, and send a test

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Step 5: Connect to a MQTT Broker Send a Message....

At this point, it's time to publish something to your screen.

There are many different ways to do this. A lot of tools to do this, and a lot of websites.

I am using LinuxMint 18, and for me the easiest way is to install "mosquitto-clients" which is a command line utility.

sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

I now have a set of tools that I can use to publish and subscribe to MQTT topics.

What I want to do is publish to the topic 'display1' on broker with the message 'test' this is done

$ mosquitto_pub -h -t "display1" -m "test"

For people not using Linux, does have a functional but limited Websockets client. There is a picture above of this, you'll see a "connect" button, a 'Topic' form, and a
'Payload' form. (Payload = message). You'll want to make sure you are connected to the broker, type 'display1' in
the topic, and type your message into the payload. Click publish and you should see a message on your display.
(OF course if you changed the topic name use your name)

HiveMQ has published a list of clients for other OSes including Mac and Android - most clients all use the same
idea of broker, topic, message (or payload), and device (Clients are also devices and need a unique name).

The Library PubSubClient for Arduino also comes with examples to both publish and subscribe to topics. And you
could use another Arduino connected to the network to publish a test message.

** Don't want to use a public broker.... have a raspberry pi? You could run a mosquitto broker on your pi. Plenty of
tutorials on how to do that. ** A special note about running on the PI that I have found, for some reason the
pubsubclient library doesn't like a .local in the host, I've found that I alway need to put the pi's IP address for it to
work **

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Step 6: The Video and Final Thoughts.

Known Limitations:

My screen formatting is pretty limited, and large messages can get cut off, this is really noticeable on the D1 Mini
with the small OLED.

Messages are not guaranteed to be delivered. *There is a way to do this but it is way beyond the scope

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Step 7: Bonus - Libraries and General Usage for V1.0, V1.1 and V2.0

TFT version (v1.0, v1.1) Need the Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_ILI9341 library. I believe both can be found in the
library manager.

OLED version.


General Usage:

You will need to change the SSID and password for your network. Load the sketch to your device, you may need
to reset your device after the IDE is done uploading the code (I've noticed I've had to do this for the ESP32

Both the ESP8266 and the ESP32 version of the sketch work in the same way. They will connect to your network
get an ip address, create a website, and set a host-name (not necessarily in that order). It can take a few minutes
for the host-name to show up on your network.

v1.1 and v2.0 both give some type of feedback via the web-browser. v1.0 does not (See pictures above).

It's a simple site, the idea is to just type or message after the hostname.local


http://hostname.local/this is my message

if your host name never shows up, the IP address works equally as well. is my message

Your IP address will be different. With the ESP8266 the current way to find your IP is look in the serial console.

The ESP32 displays it's IP address when it first starts.

My web browser requires the HTTP on the URL otherwise it doesn't work.

The ESP32 has some pretty limited screen formatting - actually it's build into the SSD1306 library.

The NODEMCU does not contain any type of screen formatting.

IF your message is too long, at least part of it will get lost.

My only other comment here is that if you wanted to use a ESP8266 with on board OLED you probably could,
There would be some minor changes (namely how the device connects to the internet I think) to the ESP32
version of the sketch.

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