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99% Spanish (88% mother tongue[13]) (Official

Catalan 16%[14] (9% mother tongue[13])
(commonly spoken in Catalonia, Balearic Islands and
Galician 7% (5% mother tongue[13]) (commonly
spoken in Galicia)
1.6% Basque (1% mother tongue[13]) (spoken in the
autonomous Basque Country) and in dareha
Aran (a variant of Gascon Occitan) is spoken in Val
d'Aran, a small valley in the Pyrenees.
constitutional monarchy
Bahasa[sunting | sunting sumber]
 Bahasa Spanyol 99% (88% bahasa ibu[13]) (Bahasa resmi)
 Bahasa Catalunya 16%[14] (9% bahasa ibu[13]) (umumnya dipakai
di Catalonia, Kepulauan Balearik, dan Valencia)
 Bahasa Galicia 7% (5% bahasa ibu[13]) (umumnya dipakai di Galicia)
 Bahasa Basque 1.6% (1% bahasa ibu[13]) (dipakai di Basque Country daerah
otonomi) dan di dareha Navarre).
 Bahasa Aran (sebuah varian dari Gascon Bahasa Occitan) digunakan di Val d'Aran,
sebuah lembah kecil di Pyrenees.

 In Spain, sipping water with certain foods is

considered taboo, especially among the older
generation and people from certain communities.
Tradition teaches that drinking water when
eating octopus and soup, the combination of
these foods can make you sick. So, if you are
thirsty, it's better to choose a drink other than
water such as wine or soft drinks

Di Spanyol, menyeruput air dengan beberapa

makanan tertentu dianggap tabu, terutama diantara
generasi tua dan orang dari komunitas tertentu.
Tradisi mengajarkan bahwa minum air saat santap
gurita dan sup, kombinasi makanan tersebut dapat
membuat sakit. Jadi, jika haus, lebih baik pilih
minuman selain air seperti wine atau soft drinks

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