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Rakha Fadhilah (10090321170) & Muhamad Fadil (10090321188)

Essay 1 : Controversial of Wadas (Discussion)

Indonesia is one of the largest mining producers in the world. This country has abundant
natural resources and we must be used properly. But this mining triggers a conflict if it is not done
properly, for example the conflict that occurred in wadas. The Wadas conflict is a conflict that
arises between the residents of Wadas Village and the Indonesian government. Mining in this
wadas aims for investment and development for the country. Since the mining company start, the
people of wadas village been suffer since then, many pros and cons have occurred in in community
groups and locals figures. There are several community and locals figures who are against and
some are pro against the project.

On the side who agree with this mining due to several reason. First, the company will
provide severance pay to residents there and also provide jobs for residents there. The government
will also provide compensation money that has been incurred by the company. Second, with the
construction of a mining company, the infrastructure in the village is also helped by the taxes paid
by the mining company. Because it is good for the economy in the wadas village area. So that the
villagers will be helped by the taxes given by the mining company

Meanwhile, on the side that disagrees due to several reasons. First, the existence of the
project poses a threat of environmental damage. If that happens, it will destroy the landscape and
is no different from forcing humans to live with the destruction of ecosystems. As a result of the
project, the landscape will be damaged or become no longer beautiful. Second, the existence of
the project also results in the loss of community livelihoods. The destruction of water sources will
result in the destruction of agricultural land, and then the community will lose their livelihoods.
With the destruction of agricultural land, people who have a livelihood in the environment will
lose their livelihood

In conclusion, mining in wadas triggers pros and cons between citizens and the government
because it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Indeed, mining companies do not always
damage the environment but can also rebuild what has been damaged. Therefore, the government
must take responsibility for this conflictshould cancel the mine exploitation plan in Wadas or look
for other alternatives.
Essay 2 : Controversial of Wadas

Type of text : Discussion Text

(1 Controlling idea)

Indonesia is one of the largest mining producers in the world. This country has abundant
natural resources and we must be used properly. But this mining triggers a conflict if it is not done
properly, for example the conflict that occurred in wadas. The Wadas conflict is a conflict that
arises between the residents of Wadas Village and the Indonesian government. . Mining in this
wadas aims for investment and development for the country. Since the mining company start, the
people of wadas village been suffer since then, many pros and cons have occurred in in community
groups and locals figures. There are several community and locals figures who are pro against the

On the side who agree with this mining due to several reason. First, the company will
provide severance pay to residents there and also provide jobs for residents there. The government
will also provide compensation money that has been incurred by the company. Second, with the
construction of a mining company, the infrastructure in the village is also helped by the taxes paid
by the mining company. Because it is good for the economy in the wadas village area. So that the
villagers will be helped by the taxes given by the mining company

In conclusion, mining in wadas triggers pros and cons between citizens and the government
because it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Indeed, mining companies do not always
damage the environment but can also rebuild what has been damaged. Therefore, the government
must take responsibility for this conflict and also they could be should cancel the mine exploitation
plan in Wadas or look for other alternatives.
Essay 3 : Controversial of Wadas

Type of text : Discussion Text

(1 Controlling idea)

Indonesia is one of the largest mining producers in the world. This country has abundant
natural resources and we must be used properly. But this mining triggers a conflict if it is not done
properly, for example the conflict that occurred in wadas. The Wadas conflict is a conflict that
arises between the residents of Wadas Village and the Indonesian government. Mining in this
wadas aims for investment and development for the country. Since the mining company start, the
people of wadas village been suffer since then, many pros and cons have occurred in in community
groups and locals figures. There are several community and locals figures who are against the

On the side who disagrees due to several reasons. First, the existence of the project poses
a threat of environmental damage. If that happens, it will destroy the landscape and is no different
from forcing humans to live with the destruction of ecosystems. As a result of the project, the
landscape will be damaged or become no longer beautiful. Second, the existence of the project
also results in the loss of community livelihoods. The destruction of water sources will result in
the destruction of agricultural land, and then the community will lose their livelihoods. With the
destruction of agricultural land, people who have a livelihood in the environment will lose their

In conclusion, mining in wadas triggers pros and cons between citizens and the government
because it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Indeed, mining companies do not always
damage the environment but can also rebuild what has been damaged. Therefore, the government
must take responsibility for this conflict but also they could be should cancel the mine exploitation
plan in Wadas or look for other alternatives.

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