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“Stop Smoking,

Around 1.33 Billion 12 % use
Tobacco users worldwide
Out of every 100 Boys if not today Cigarette -- Smoked form

and Girls aged 13- 15

82% - MALES
14 % use then Cigar – Smoked form

18% - FEMALE
tomorrow” Snuff – Finely ground Tobacco

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Chewable forms of tobacco

----- Pipe smoking

--- ----- There are 7000
toxic chemicals in
tobacco smoke.

Smoking Virus can be spread People breathing in Water pipe

tobacco often when the user spits second-hand smoke users often
involves some out the excess saliva are at greater risk not share the same
hand to mouth produced during the only of Covid but also pipe increasing
contact. chewing process respiratory tract the risk of
infection, asthma etc. transmission

 The researchers have proposed that
--- nicotine attaches to the ACE2
Tobacco causes many serious health
receptors, thereby preventing the
conditions like respiratory diseases.
virus from attaching and potentially
reducing the amount of virus that can
get into a person’s lung cells
COVID attacks the lungs and develops
threat to those who use tobacco.  Tobacco usage can increase the nitric
oxide production which may potentially
inhibit replication or entry of SARS CoV2
Tobacco compromises the immune --------------------------------------------------
system by disrupting the epithelial lining ‘’If getting through
therefore decreasing the mucociliary COVID-19 is like running
a 100-meter dash,
. ---
smokers are having to
The virus will latch to all those extra
ACE2 receptors found in smokers, destroy carry sandbags with
healthy lungs cells and multiply quickly them while trying to
finish the race’’

 Tobacco market is having a

--- neutral impact due to the
 Study of 323 hospitalized patients China,
reported a statistically significant association
 In fact over the years the
between smoking and severity of disease.
- market is said to have an
 27 observational studies found that smokers
incremental growth rate of
constituted 1.4-18.5% of hospitalized adults.
-------------------------------------------------- 8.01%.

What does WHO recommend for

-- tobacco users?
1) Quit tobacco use – ----- 2) Constantly sanitize and avoid

Within 20 min - elevated heart rate and blood touching your mouth
pressure drop --- 3) Maintain social distancing
After 12 hours - Carbon monoxide levels gets
back to normal.
4) Nicotine replacement
Within 2 - 12 weeks - circulation improves and therapies
lung function increases.

After 1-9 months - coughing and shortness of

breath decreases

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