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Alibango St., Alimodian, Iloilo


Week 4-6

Name: _______________________________ Grade&Cluster: _______ Date: _______ Score: _______

Direction: MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the space provided before each number.

_____1. What is a system of thunderstorms moving in a circular direction?

a. tropical depression b. tropical storm c. typhoon d. tropical cyclone

_____2. When is the time when PAGASA, the national agency dedicated to providing flood and typhoon
warnings, public weather forecasts and advisories, begins to monitor a weather disturbance?
a. when it is outside and near the Philippine Area of Responsibility
b. when it is inside and near the Philippine Area of Responsibility
c. when it is outside the other Countries Area of Responsibility
d. when it is inside the other Countries Area of Responsibility

_____3. These past few days, you have watched a news about a low pressure area outside the PAR which
has already turned to a tropical depression. From your experience from the past years the
following are the possible effects of it except?
a. the surface wind increases in magnitude and is maintained over a time interval of several
minutes to half an hour. The increase in wind speed may occur abruptly or slowly.
b. storm surges or the rise of water which is an oceanic event that occur along coasts with low-
lying terrain.
c. the places where the tropical depression will pass through will still experience a normal weather.
d. rainfall associated with tropical cyclone is both beneficial and harmful. Rains contribute to the
water needs of the areas traversed by the tropical cyclone. The rains are harmful when the
amount is way too large as to cause flooding.

_____4. Which of the following can happen when storm signal number 3 has been raised?
a. the storm may bring moderate to heavy damage to the community, for the most part in the
agriculture and industrial sectors
b. all big trees are uprooted
c. classes from pre-school to secondary school are cancelled
d. all lines of communication are down

For numbers 5-6, refer to the illustration below.

_____5. Where did the Tropical Depression originated?

a. Pacific Ocean outside the PAR c. on the land masses outside the PAR
b. Pacific Ocean inside the PAR d. on the land masses inside the PAR
_____6. In what direction does the Tropical Depression Auring move to?
a. northwest b. southwest c. westward d. northeast

_____7. Tropical cyclone weakened or dies out when it reaches land because
a. high mountain reduces its speed c. there are a lot of structures that prevent it
b. winds prevent it to form d. absence of water vapor

_____8. Why is Philippines being prone to typhoons?

a. it’s an archipelago surrounded by bodies of cool water
b. it’s an archipelago surrounded by many smaller islands
c. it’s an archipelago that is surrounded by bodies of warm water
d. it’s surrounded by continents of cool temperature

_____9. How do tropical cyclones are generated?

I. warm air rises, causing an area of lower air pressure. Air from the surroundings with higher
air pressure pushes in to the low-pressure area.
II. as the warmed, moist air rises and cools off, the water in the air condensates and forms
clouds. The whole system of clouds and winds spins together and grows.
III. as the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air spins in to take its place.

a. I, II, III b. I, III, II c. III, II, I d. II, I, III

_____10. Which of the following happens when a typhoon reaches landforms?

I. the wind directions changes
II. there is lack of water to supply the needed moisture in the air.
III. the air temperature drops

a. I and II only b. II and III only c. I and III only d. I, II, and III

_____11. What is the name of a Super typhoon which is considered as one of the most powerful typhoons
ever recorded in the history of the Philippines and hit the country on November 8, 2013?
a. Yolanda b. Ondoy c. Vinta d. Sendong

_____12. How can we accurately track a typhoon?

a. by its position and strength of the high and low pressure areas
b. when low pressure areas are not yet developed
c. if the weather in a certain area is fine
d. all of the above

For numbers 13-14, refer to the illustration below:


_____13. Philippines is always visited by a typhoon. If your place is always included in a typhoon’s path,
which part of a typhoon always brings out strong winds and great destructions?
a. point A b. point B c. both point A and B d. none of the two

_____14. Which location has a calm condition?

a. point A d. point B c. both point A and B d. none of the two
_____15. If a typhoon has said to have coordinates of 7 o N and 139oE, where is it located?
a. inside the PAR c. outside the PAR but on the land masses
b. outside the PAR d. inside the PAR but on the land masses

_____16. A typhoon follows a coordinates of 7o N and 134oE, 8o N and 133oE, 8o N and 128oE, what happens
to the typhoon?
a. the typhoon has already landfall c. the typhoon has stopped developing
b. the typhoon is still on the body of water d. the typhoon is moving southward

_____17. Which of the following is/are the different paths of a typhoon?

I. Straight. A general westward path affects the Philippines, Southern China, Taiwan and
II. Recurving. Storms recurving affect eastern China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan
III. Northward. From the point of origin, the storm follows a northerly direction, only affecting
small islands

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. all of the above

_____18. Typhoons have lower air pressure in the middle. This is often the explanation as to why the air in
the surroundings moves towards the “eye” where wind speed is low. But within the eyewall,
where dense clouds are found, the wind speed is great. This statement is _____
a. true b. false c. partly true d. partly false

_____19. The following weather signs in a specific location show that there is an approaching typhoon
except ___________.
a. increase in wave height and frequency c. clear skies
b. cloudiness and heavy rainfall d. falling air pressure

_____20. Considering the overall earth’s atmosphere, you would expect more rainfall to occur in a zone
a. high atmospheric pressure c. prevailing westerly winds
b. low atmospheric pressure d. prevailing trade winds

_____21. What is the compound that makes celestial bodies to reflect light?
a. chondrites b. silicate c. carbon dioxide d. ammonia

_____22. The recent theory states that the Asteroid Belt was heavily populated with asteroids, but the
gravitational pull of a certain planet has made these asteroids thrown. It was also theorized that
this planet’s gravitational pull prevented these asteroids from forming into a new planet. What
planet is this?
a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Neptune
_____23. Why do we need to learn about asteroids, meteors and comets?
a. provides clues on how liquid water was formed on Earth
b. provides information on star formation and evolution
c. provides information on the composition of the Earth’s interior
d. all of the above

_____24. Ancient civilizations thought comets, asteroids, and comets as bad omens such as the following
a. great change or challenge c. wars
b. ushering disasters d. remnants of other planets

For numbers 25- 27, refer to the illustration below:

_____25. What can you infer from the illustration?

a. the celestial body changes as it passes through the different layers of the atmosphere
b. the celestial body becomes bigger and bigger as it reaches the earth
c. the celestial body remains the same as it approaches the earth
d. all of the above

_____26. Is there a possibility that the celestial body can reach the earth?
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. cannot be determined

_____27. Which layer of the atmosphere does the celestial body is greatly vaporized by a frictional heat?
a. meteoroid b. meteor c. meteorite d. all of the above

_____28. Which statement is true?

a. comets are colder the farther they get from the sun
b. comets are hotter the farther they get from the sun
c. comets become asteroids when they are far from the sun
d. comets become meteors when they reach the earth

_____29. Each celestial body is special. Considering comets, how do they achieve their distinct
a. because of the unique combination of their composition
b. because of the gravitational pull of the planets
c. because of the dust and gases that surrounds it
d. because of the touch of the modern technology

_____30. The following are true about asteroids except

a. the meteors do not reach the ground of the earth
b. the meteors may come in group
c. the scientists can collect so many samples of meteors
d. some portions of the meteors are burned up in the atmosphere

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