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NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m.

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Summary Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
9 69.55556 26.93098 8.976994 7 91 84

Counts Section of salado ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Sum of Missing Distinct Total Adjusted
Rows Frequencies Values Values Sum Sum Squares Sum Squares
9 9 0 9 626 49344 5802.222

Means Section of salado ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Geometric Harmonic
Parameter Mean Median Mean Mean Sum Mode
Value 69.55556 79 58.26335 35.88432 626
Std Error 8.976994 80.79295
95% LCL 48.85457 45 30.99399 16.36263 439.6911
95% UCL 90.25654 87 109.525 -185.8652 812.3088
T-Value 7.748201
Prob Level 5.493165E-05
Count 9 9 9 0
The geometric mean confidence interval assumes that the ln(y) are normally distributed.
The harmonic mean confidence interval assumes that the 1/y are normally distributed.

Variation Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Standard Unbiased Std Error Interquartile
Parameter Variance Deviation Std Dev of Mean Range Range
Value 725.2778 26.93098 27.78364 8.976994 26 84
Std Error 438.7631 11.52028 3.840092
95% LCL 330.9023 18.19072 6.063574
95% UCL 2661.899 51.59359 17.19786

Skewness and Kurtosis Section of salado ───────────────────────────────────────────

Skewness Kurtosis Coefficient Coefficient
Parameter Skewness Kurtosis (Fisher's g1) (Fisher's g2) of Variation of Dispersion
Value -1.616781 4.293775 -1.959835 3.60719 0.3871866 0.1954993
Std Error 0.9040969 3.504708 0.1605201

Trimmed Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

5% 10% 15% 25% 35% 45%
Parameter Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed
Trim-Mean 71.83951 74.69444 76.47619 79.11111 78.68519 79
Trim-Std Dev 23.11055 16.4431 12.36147 3.543382 1.530553
Count 8 7 6 5 3 1
NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 2

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Mean-Deviation Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

Parameter |X-Mean| |X-Median| (X-Mean)^2 (X-Mean)^3 (X-Mean)^4

Average 19.35802 15.44444 644.6913 -26465.44 1784609
Std Error 5.374354 390.0116 12936.59 915387.1

Quartile Section of salado ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

10th 25th 50th 75th 90th
Parameter Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile
Value 7 60 79 86 91
95% LCL 45
95% UCL 87

Normality Test Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.7356893 0.003698 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.205331 0.003846799 Reject normality
Martinez-Iglewicz 8.242821 1.482192 2.150806 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.246772 0.252 0.274 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness -2.638046 0.008338526 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 2.0334 0.042010 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 11.0941 0.003899 4.605 5.991 Reject normality

Plots Section of salado ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 3

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Percentile Section of salado ────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Percentile Value 95% LCL 95% UCL Exact Conf. Level

99 91
95 91
90 91
85 89
80 87
75 86
70 85 75 91 95.53555
65 82.5 75 91 96.81059
60 80 75 91 96.48875
55 79.5 45 87 95.24022
50 79 45 87 96.09375
45 78 45 87 95.24022
40 77 7 85 96.48875
35 76 7 85 96.81059
30 75 7 85 95.53555
25 60
20 45
15 26
10 7
5 7
1 7

Percentile Formula: Ave X(p[n+1])

Stem-Leaf Plot Section of salado ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

Depth Stem Leaf

Low | 7,45
(3) 7. | 579
4 8* | 0
3 .| 57
1 9* | 1

Unit =1 Example: 1 |2 Represents 12

NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 4

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Summary Section of acido ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
9 39.55556 21.96651 7.322172 11 69 58

Counts Section of acido ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Sum of Missing Distinct Total Adjusted
Rows Frequencies Values Values Sum Sum Squares Sum Squares
9 9 0 9 356 17942 3860.222

Means Section of acido ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Geometric Harmonic
Parameter Mean Median Mean Mean Sum Mode
Value 39.55556 31 33.54869 27.79333 356
Std Error 7.322172 65.89954
95% LCL 22.6706 20 20.50667 18.18729 204.0354
95% UCL 56.44051 62 54.8853 58.90576 507.9646
T-Value 5.402162
Prob Level 0.000644353
Count 9 9 9 0
The geometric mean confidence interval assumes that the ln(y) are normally distributed.
The harmonic mean confidence interval assumes that the 1/y are normally distributed.

Variation Section of acido ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Standard Unbiased Std Error Interquartile
Parameter Variance Deviation Std Dev of Mean Range Range
Value 482.5278 21.96651 22.66199 7.322172 40.5 58
Std Error 94.74208 3.049768 1.016589
95% LCL 220.1495 14.83744 4.945812
95% UCL 1770.963 42.08281 14.0276

Skewness and Kurtosis Section of acido ────────────────────────────────────────────

Skewness Kurtosis Coefficient Coefficient
Parameter Skewness Kurtosis (Fisher's g1) (Fisher's g2) of Variation of Dispersion
Value 0.1312854 1.346963 0.1591419 -2.005784 0.5553333 0.6057348
Std Error 0.5933579 0.2412053 0.1000512

Trimmed Section of acido ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

5% 10% 15% 25% 35% 45%
Parameter Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed
Trim-Mean 39.50617 39.44444 39.25397 38.5 36.66667 69
Trim-Std Dev 20.90598 19.45208 18.76917 17.68474 15.96872
Count 8 7 6 5 3 1
NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 5

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Mean-Deviation Section of acido ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

Parameter |X-Mean| |X-Median| (X-Mean)^2 (X-Mean)^3 (X-Mean)^4

Average 19.7284 18.77778 428.9136 1166.195 247796.6
Std Error 4.383644 84.21518 5172.859 85996.88

Quartile Section of acido ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

10th 25th 50th 75th 90th
Parameter Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile
Value 11 21 31 61.5 69
95% LCL 20
95% UCL 62

Normality Test Section of acido ──────────────────────────────────────────────────

Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.8818222 0.1640928 Can't reject normality
Anderson-Darling 0.5808018 0.1309333 Can't reject normality
Martinez-Iglewicz 1.047934 1.482192 2.150806 Can't reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.2070956 0.252 0.274 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 0.2280604 0.8195993 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -1.9703 0.048800 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 3.9342 0.139860 4.605 5.991 Can't reject normality

Plots Section of acido ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 6

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Percentile Section of acido ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Percentile Value 95% LCL 95% UCL Exact Conf. Level

99 69
95 69
90 69
85 65.5
80 62
75 61.5
70 61 22 69 95.53555
65 58 22 69 96.81059
60 55 22 69 96.48875
55 43 20 62 95.24022
50 31 20 62 96.09375
45 28 20 62 95.24022
40 25 11 61 96.48875
35 23.5 11 61 96.81059
30 22 11 61 95.53555
25 21
20 20
15 15.5
10 11
5 11
1 11

Percentile Formula: Ave X(p[n+1])

Stem-Leaf Plot Section of acido ──────────────────────────────────────────────────

Depth Stem Leaf

1 1| 1
4 2| 025
(1) 3| 1
4 4|
4 5| 5
3 6| 129

Unit =1 Example: 1 |2 Represents 12

NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 7

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Procedure Input Settings ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Autosaved Template File

C:\Users\sandr\Documents\NCSS 2020\Procedure Templates\Autosave\Descriptive Statistics - Autosaved

Variables Tab
-- Data Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Variables: salado, acido

-- Frequency (Count) Variable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Frequency Variable: <Empty>

-- Grouping Variables for Separate Reports ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Group Variable 1: <Empty>
Group Variable 2: <Empty>
Group Variable 3: <Empty>
Group Variable 4: <Empty>
Group Variable 5: <Empty>

-- Data Transformation Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exponent: None
Additive Constant: <Empty>

Reports Tab
-- Select Reports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary Section Checked
Counts Section Checked
Means Section Checked
Variation Section Checked
Skewness Section Checked
Trimmed Section Checked
Quartile Section Checked
Mean-Deviation Section Checked
Normality Tests Checked
Percentile Section Checked

·· Alpha ···················································································································· ···················

Alpha Level: 0.050

-- Stem and Leaf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stem Leaf Checked

-- Report Options ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Precision: Single
Value Labels: Data Values
Variable Names: Names

·· Decimal Places ··························································································································

Values: General
Means: General
Probabilities: General
NCSS 2020, v20.0.7 07/11/2022 08:37:46 p. m. 8

Descriptive Statistics Report

Dataset ...\Base de datos Atributos sensoriales (1 muestra).xlsx

Procedure Input Settings (Continued)

Reports Tab (Continued)

·· Percentiles ·············································································································· ··················
Percentile Type: Ave X(p[n+1])
Smallest Percentile: 1.0
Largest Percentile: 99.0

Plots Tab
-- Select Plots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Histogram Checked
Probability Plot Checked

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