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5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

Implementation of a New Content and Technology Model of Pedagogical Education in

Distance Education and the Results Obtained


Leading Adviser of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
& Khazar University
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy
Orcid: 0000-0002-7078-5400


The main goal of the study was to evaluate the level of efficiency of the new model of the
gradual implementation of the content and technologies of continuous pedagogical education
in distance education. The results of ongoing experiences at different levels for thirteen years
have shown that the application of the content and technologies of pedagogical education in
five stages serves to improve the quality of pedagogical education, enables the training of
teachers with the following competencies: who determines their professional identity (stage
I), the activity of education who builds on the basis of legal norms, understands the state
policy in education and fulfills his duties responsibly (stage II), researcher and creator (stage
III), constantly develops himself as a personality and professional (stage IV), always
maintains his professional relevance through his creative activity which preserves (stage V).
2019-2020; In the 2020-2021 academic year, "Introduction to Education" (5 groups) and
"Curriculum and Assessment Strategies" (3 groups) were taught in eight groups for 3
semesters at Khazar University. The results of the final exams of the students of the groups
where the subjects are taught are officially recorded on the Microsoft Teams platform.
A quasi-experimental research design was used to investigate the effect of an experimental
subject taught in distance education. The capabilities of the Social Science Statistics
calculator were widely used for the analysis.
Thus, the t-test of the students of the 8 groups, whose results were analyzed, showed that the
indicators of the students in the 7 groups, whose content and technology were arranged in
accordance with the programs organized in stages, were much higher. It was not high enough
in only 1 group (1.25). 87.5 percent of the results of the groups participating in the T-test
showed significantly higher results than the average success rate of students.

Keywords: Pedagogical Education, Content, Technologies, Gradation, Distance Education

I. Introduction
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, instructional processes were conducted remotely via the
Microsoft Teams platform during the 2019–2021 academic year. Both the teacher and the
students made significant efforts to adapt to the new teaching and learning environments and

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

It was a great opportunity to test a novel model of the phased organization of content and
technologies in teacher education in a distant learning setting, which had previously been
evaluated in face-to-face learning situations.
The subjects "Curriculum and evaluation strategies" and "Introduction to education," whose
content and technologies were developed using the new model, were taught in this manner, and
the results were evaluated.
Research question: Can students outperform the average success rate if the model of the staged
organization of content and technology of teacher education is implemented in a distance
learning environment?
The purpose of this research is to assess the efficacy of a novel five-stage model of content and
technology for teacher education in a distant learning setting.

II. Literature Review

Dozens of scientific literature were reviewed and grouped. The most important ones in terms
of the problem were selected and grouped according to the characteristics of individual stages.
The main features of the content and technology stages of pedagogical education were
1. Self-determination - Teacher's pedagogical approach, philosophy (Richard M. Ryan and
Edward L. Deci (2000), Pryazhnikov (1999: p. 18), Тиxомирова, А.В (2009), Новейший
философский словарь (А.А. Грицанов, 1999)
2. Self-organization - Teacher's civic thinking, Teacher's political thinking, Economic
thinking (Gershenson, C. A (2005), Heylighen & Gershenson, (2003); M. Dyachenko
(1998: p. 45), Боброва, Л.Ю (2014), Филоненко, В.А.
3. Scientific-pedagogical formation - Scientific-pedagogical formation of the teacher
(Radosavljevich (2012); (Ziogla, 2018); Mynbaeva A. K. (2013), Phil McRae and Jim
Parsons (2021).
4. Scientific-pedagogical self-improvement - Teacher's strategic thinking, scientific
methodological maturation (Mammadov, 2016); Ahmadov I. (2012: p. 27), Qəribova, A.
5. Self-realization - Creative, professional teacher personality ((Rahnamaei, 1999; Ireyefoju,
2015); Aliyev B. and Jabbarov R. (2008); Seriozhnikova R.K (2018), Seriozhnikova R.K.,
Nina Y. Shtreker, Lev G. Vasilyev (2018)).

The model of the staged organization of the content and technologies of teacher education
developed as a result of long-term research consisting of five stages (self-determination, self-
organization, scientific-pedagogical formation, self-improvement, and self-realization). These
stages are directed at training a teacher with the following qualities: "teacher-personality",
"teacher citizen", "teacher manager", "teacher-researcher", "teacher of lifelong learning", and
"self-actualizing teacher".

He/she builds He/she creates He practices

The student his/her an excellent scientific-
defines his/her professional scientific- pedagogical
professional "I" activity on the pedagogical theoretical-
identity and basis of base in the practical
the skills he
philosophy in documents field of knowledge
has acquired in
the field of regulating the specialization and skills in
his specialty.
specialization legislation and related to real situations
policy of his/her professional in his field of
specialized field activity specialization.

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

Numerous studies have shown that these stages are sequential and interdependent. From this
point of view, the fact that each upper level contains the level or levels below it, and that it has
a taxonomic nature, attracts attention from this point of view. Being able to achieve self-
realization in any field should be evaluated as a result of that person's successful passing
through the previous four stages.






III. Methodology. This study uses quasi-experimental research. In this research the
independent variable is manipulated, participants are not randomly assigned to conditions or
orders of conditions (Cook & Campbell, 1979)

2019-2020; In the 2020-2021 academic years, the following subjects were taught in eight
groups during 3 semesters: "Introduction to education" (5 groups), "Curriculum and assessment
strategies" (3 groups). The results of the final exams of the students of the taught subjects were
officially recorded on the Microsoft Teams platform.

The "Quasi-experimental" type of experimental research is mainly conducted with the aim of
determining the reasons for the current result of the experiment applied in the past. In this
regard, the mentioned research type and method were considered important. Based on the type
of "intervention results study" of the "causation-comparison" method of the research, the
percentage of T-test results of 8 non-randomly selected groups was compared with the average
success rate of students and evaluated (7, p.367). The Latin "ex post facto" (after the fact)
approach or characteristic defines the procedure of this study. Literature shows that (Frankel J.,
p. 367; Gay L. p. 351) "Causal-comparative studies" can be an alternative to "Experimental
studies". This research, based on the application of the innovation in selected groups, requires
a lot of time, materials and teacher training seminars, etc. is quite expensive in terms of

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

However, the finding that there is a positive difference after the application of the innovation
has been continued for several years provides a rationale for the implementation of that

The results obtained at the end of the course on the teaching of the mentioned subjects were
analyzed using the possibilities of the Social Science Statistics calculator. The accuracy of the
calculators and tools presented on this web page have been checked against results produced
by a number of statistical packages, including SPSS and Minitab, and are widely used by the
scientific community. This social science statistics calculator allows you to determine values
for many parameters. In this study, the t value and p coefficient were determined by us using
numerical calculation.
As you know, the most common types of t-test are one-sample t-test, dependent t-test, and
independent t-test. A one-sample t-test is useful for drawing conclusions about the mean of an
experimental group.
Table 1. Groups whose results were analyzed in the study

Year Semester Name of dissipline Number of groups

2019-2020 I İntroduction to education 2 (distance)

2020-2021 II İntroduction to education 1(distance)
2020-2021 I Curriculum and assessment strategies 2 (distance)
2020-2021 II İntroduction to education 2 (distance)
2020-2021 II Curriculum and assessment strategies 1 (distance)

Hypotheses: If the new five-staged model of content and technology of teacher education is
implemented in a distance learning setting, the great majority of students would outperform the
average success rate of students.

IV. Findings & Discussion

As mentioned above two disciplines have been taught in distant learning settings in the 2019-
2021 academic years whose content and technologies were arranged on the basis of a new
2019-2021 - "Introduction to education" in 5 groups
2020-2021 - "Curriculum and assessment strategies" in 3 groups
The final exam results of students were compared to the student's average success indicators
by using Test Calculator for a Single Sample

The mean of the successful student was determined as follows. As it is known, students who
scored 81-100 points in the 100-point evaluation system are considered to have demonstrated
high results and are assigned to categories A (91-100) and B (81-90). In this regard, when
calculating the t value of the results of the final exams conducted over 50 points, 81% of 50
points was 40.5. Analyzing the results of the final exams conducted on 40 points with the same
principle, 81% of 40 points was 32.4.

Dissipline İntroduction to education

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

Academic 2019/2020 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021

Semester second second first second second
Exam day 16.06 2020 18.06 2020 14.01.2021 14.06.2021 14.06.2021

Maximum 50 50 50 40 40
Average 50*81(B 50*81(B 50*81(B 40*81(B 40*81(B
success rate category)/10 category)/10 category)/10 category)/1 category)/100=
of students 0= 0= 0= 00= 32,4
40,5 40,5 40,5 32,4
Student 38 48 45 40 40
results 50 48 40 36 40
50 50 46 38 40
50 50 41 34 40
48 38 30 38 40
48 48 47 40 40
50 42 43 38 40
50 48 43 34 40
50 32 43 38 36
50 48 48 40 40
44 48 46 33 40
50 48 41 38 40
50 44 48 34 40
38 48 50 34 40
38 50 48 36 38
46 40 48 36 40
34 50 46 34 40
44 48 48 33 40
42 48 44 33 40
46 50 45 40 40
48 46 47 40 40
46 38 40
44 36 39
46 40 35
50 34 40
35 40
39 40
40 40
38 40
40 40
40 40
T value The t-value The t-value The t-value The t-value The t-value is
is 4.877042. is 5.689759. is 5.387574. is 34.204907. The
The value of The value of The value of 10.714446. value of p is <
p is .000046. p is < p is < The value .00001. The
The result is .00001. The .00001. The of p is < result is
significant at result is result is .00001. The significant at p <
p < .05. significant at significant at result is .05.
p < .05. p < .05. significant
at p < .05.

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

As can be observed, the findings obtained on the indicators of all groups on the discipline
"Introduction to education" were regarded as significant in terms of p < 0.05.

Dissipline Curriculum and assessment strategies

Academic year 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021

Semester first second second
Exam day 18.01.2021 18.06.2021 12.06.2021
Maximum score 50 50 40
Average success 40,5 40,5 32,4
rate of students
Student results 45 46 28
46 44 36
46 46 35
46 46 37
43 46 35
38 44 34
46 46 28
44 46 35
46 46 35
46 50 33
46 44 31
46 48 36
46 46 35
50 46 38
50 46 27
48 44 38
50 50 38
48 50 31
50 50 34
42 50 30
46 48 38
50 50 36
48 50 33
48 32
48 21
46 38
50 31
48 31
T meyar The t-value is The t-value is
9.718212. The 18.365688. The The t-value is
value of p is < value of p is < 1.251169. The
.00001. The result is .00001. The result is value of p is
significant at p < significant at p < .05. .110803. The
.05. result is not
significant at p <

The results obtained on the indicator of two groups on "Curriculum and assessment strategies"
discipline were considered significant in terms of p <0.05,

5th International CEO Communication, Economics, Organization & Social Sciences Congress

The results of one group on "Curriculum and assessment strategies« discipline were considered
not significant at p < .05.

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

1. The results of the students in 7 groups were significantly higher than the average success rate.
In 1 group, the results were not higher than the student's average success rate.
2. 87.5 percent of the students whose results were analyzed showed a result significantly higher
than the average success rate.
3. İmplementaton of the new five-staged model of content and technology of teacher education in
a distance learning setting showed that the great majority of students outperform the average
success rate of students.


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