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Kimmie D.

Castroverde BSIT 3-A

1. Emerging technology ethics can only rely on speculative evidence regarding future goods, usage,
and impacts. Importantly for our purposes, emergent technologies are still in development.
They're not completely grown and assimilated into society Despite the fact that it is not a simple
linear process, technical
Innovation comprises several stages, which frequently begin with study (to examine novel
phenomena, for example ideas, designs, or processes), followed by development, manufacturing,
marketing, and societal dissemination.
2. All human-participant research should be performed in line with four essential ethical principles:
respect for humans, beneficence, fairness, and community respect.
3. Some professional groups may characterize their ethical approach as a collection of specific
components. Honesty, trustworthiness, openness, responsibility, secrecy, objectivity, respect,
adherence to the law, and loyalty are typical examples.
4. Accountability is also vital in ensuring that firms properly incorporate new technologies, such as
hyperautomation, which helps cut costs and boost efficiency in areas such as case management.
However, many people believe that hyperautomation will have a long-term influence.
5. Yes, working with large data necessitates strict ethical guidelines, accountability, and
responsibility. Yes, since when working with huge data, ethical rules, accountability, and
responsibility must be properly adhered to. The following are some of the principles that must be
Confidentiality: The data's information must be handled as very confidential. Information should
not be disclosed to a third party.
Responsibility: The personnel in charge of processing the data must be adept at evaluating large
amounts of data. They should also be equipped with the necessary abilities.
Accountability: The service that is delivered must be excellent. This is due to the importance of
maintaining a healthy working connection.

Finally, while working with large data, ethical and moral principles must be observed.

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