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What Is Erosion?
Heavy rains, wind and water naturally erode soil moving it from
one area to the next.

How Humans Impact Erosion

Humans contribute to erosion by cutting down trees, shrubs and
other plants. This makes the process of erosion happen faster.
Large farms with many animals also contribute to erosion.

How Erosion Impacts Humans

Topsoil may be lost through erosion, which
is the best for growing plants. Without this
topsoil the crops that are grown in it have
less nutrients. With less soil, not as many
crops can be grown.

How Erosion Impacts the Environment

Erosion causes soil to be washed into our water systems. This soil
may contain fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This pollutes
our rivers, lakes and other water systems.

How can people prevent erosion?


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