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Created by THE LAB Education Research Center

Host : Ok. Here is the first question. What is the smallest

p. 4
1 Countries in the World country in the world? Tom, you have five minutes to
respond to this question. Don’t forget to describe
the answer as well.
Tom : Sure. The answer to the question is Monaco. Monaco
lies along the French Riviera near Nice. It is known
1. a person who takes part in a contest for Princess Grace...
2. to make a choice; pick Host : I am sorry, Tom. I’m afraid you’re wrong. Now the
3. to answer or reply chance goes to Pat.
4. to tell or explain Pat : Yes. The answer is the Vatican. The world’s smallest
5. to enclose or encircle all around state, the Vatican has a population of 770. This tiny
6. to go on without stopping country is the spiritual center for the world’s Roman
7. to look in the direction of Catholics, and is surrounded by Rome, Italy. It is
8. to a small degree; a little also known as the Holy See.
9. to be located next to Host : Correct. Pat gets 100 points for her answer. Pat,
10. having no mistake; true please choose the next category.
Pat : I’d like to continue in the category of geography.
A. Host : Yes. Here is the question. What is the longest
Answer : country in the world?
1. i Pat : That’s easy. The answer is Chile. The Republic of
2. e Chile is a country in South America with a long
3. d coastal line. It faces Argentina to the east, Bolivia to
4. b the northeast and Ecuador to the north.
5. g Host : Oh! I am sorry, Pat. You were very close, but your
6. c description was slightly wrong. Now the chance
7. h goes to James. James, go ahead.
8. j James : Yes, the Republic of Chile is the longest country in
9. f the world. Chile borders Argentina to the east,
10. a Bolivia to the northeast and Peru, not Ecuador to the
north. Chile is also famous for the Andes and the
1. select capital city is Santiago.
2. respond Host : That’s right! James got the correct answer. I am
3. surround sorry, Pat. You were really close. Now James, you
4. continue may pick the next category.
5. correct
B. Answer :
Answer : 1. T F 3
1. b 2. T 3 F
2. a
3. T F 3
3. c
4. b 4. T F 3
5. b 5. T 3 F

p. 5 B.
Answer :
1. b
2. b
Host : Hello, everyone! Welcome to the National Grand 3. b
Quiz Show. We have five contestants here with us 4. c
today. We will start with Tom. Tom has selected the 5. c
category of geography. Tom, whenever you are
Tom : I am ready.

p. 6 3. The rulers are kings and queens.

A. Answer :
Answer : See A. script.
Canada The Vatican City
p. 7 The second largest country The smallest country

The home of the head of the

Slightly bigger than China
Catholic Church (The Pope)
Most people know that Russia is the largest country in the Islands in the northern part Has famous art works - The
world. But did you know that Canada is the second largest? are mostly uninhabited Sistine Chapel
Canada is bigger than China, but not by much - only about
400,000km2. However, many of the huge islands in
northern Canada are mostly uninhabited, except for polar p. 8
bears and a few native Inuit settlements. But even more
surprising are the seven countries in the world that are
smaller than 100km2 - Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands,
Anchor : Today we have a special report about the Vatican
Nauru, San Marino, Tuvalu, tiny Monaco at 1.95km2, and
City. Darren Cooper is here to report the crime rate
the Vatican City which is about the same size as a city park.
of the Vatican City. Darren, I was surprised to hear
Some of these countries are called ‘micro-states’, and they
that the Vatican City has the highest per capita
are kingdoms in Europe still ruled by kings and queens.
crime rate of any nation in the world.
Others are tiny islands in the Pacific Ocean and the
Reporter : Yes, it is surprising to know the Vatican City, also
Caribbean. Most of these small countries are not very
known as the Holy See has a crime rate more than
powerful - they are mostly tourist destinations. But the
twenty times higher per capita than Italy.
Vatican City is the home of the Pope, the head of the
Anchor : What causes this unusual result? I thought it was
Catholic Church, and a very powerful man. The Vatican City
well-protected by the Swiss Guards and God.
is also home to some of the most famous artworks in the
Reporter : The statistics showed that in 2002 there were 397
world, including Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.
civil offences and 608 penal offences. The source
of the crime is the millions of visitors every year.
The Vatican City has gained another nickname, an
Answer : earthly paradise for pickpockets. Purse snatching,
pickpocketing and shoplifting are the most
widespread crimes. And it affects millions of
- the largest country in the world
tourists who visit every year.
Anchor : How does the Vatican City respond to this situation?
- the second largest country in the world
Reporter : The officials are concerned since it does influence
- bigger than China
the reputation of the state. Unfortunately, the
- huge islands in northern Canada are uninhabited
percentage of crimes that are solved is low.
Countries smaller than 100km2
Almost 90% of the crimes remain unsolved since
- called micro-states
the perpetrators and the victims are mostly
- some are kingdoms in Europe
tourists, not residents of the state. Even if the
- some are small islands in the Pacific Ocean and the
perpetrator was caught, which rarely happens,
there is no facility to carry out the judicial
- mostly tourist destinations
decision. There is no prison in the Vatican City.
The Vatican City
Anyone receiving a jail term has to be sent to Italy
- the home of the Pope
to serve the sentence. It’s rather complicated for
- contains many world-famous artworks
the Vatican City.
- home of the Sistine Chapel
Anchor : Thanks for the story, Darren.

Answer :
Answer : See the script above.
1. The largest and smallest countries in the world.
2. Countries that are smaller than 100km2

Answer : Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
1. The Vatican City has the highest per capita crime rate. Canada is the second biggest country in the world. It’s
2. The Vatican City has gained a dishonorable nickname. bigger than China, the United States and India. Only Russia
The tourists who visit the Vatican City don't feel safe. is bigger than Canada. Canada has two national languages:
3. The offenders and the victims are both tourists. There English and French. The most western province is British
is no prison in the Vatican City. Columbia. The most eastern province is Newfoundland. The
largest province in Canada is Quebec.
p. 9
Answer : 4. ① 5. ②

① Canada’s national symbol is the maple leaf.
② Red is China’s national color.
p. 10
2 Dream Interpretation
③ Russia’s flag has tools that are used for farming and
④ Greece’s flag has a cross.
⑤ Germany’s flag has three stripes. 1. to explain the meaning of
2. to express an idea or quality
Answer : ④ 3. to make known
4. having knowledge; informed
5. a strong wish or longing
6. to meet with
A : Is that the homework for the Geography class? 7. very large; huge
B : Yes, I am almost done writing an essay about the 8. in a quiet and patient manner
Vatican City. I will finish it today. 9. to do or experience again
A : But it was due last Friday. 10. to get advice or information from
B : What are you talking about? Mr. Durham told me to
hand it in next Friday. A.
A : Mr. Durham gave out that assignment the week before. Answer :
He never gives more than two weeks for the assignment. 1. h
B : Uh-oh. I am in trouble. 2. d
① Last Friday 3. e
② Two weeks ago 4. b
③ Next Friday 5. j
④ Yesterday 6. g
⑤ Today 7. c

Answer : ②
8. f
9. i
3. 10. a
A : Do you have a book about Monaco?
B : Yes, we carry traveling books in the entertainment section. 1. aware
A : I don’t need traveling information. I need to find 2. encounter
geographical information about Monaco. 3. gigantic
B : Then you’d better check the encyclopedia section. 4. consult
That’s in aisle 4. 5. interpret
① to write a book about Monaco
② to travel to Monaco B.
③ to study the geography of Monaco Answer :

④ to make a map of geographical information about Monaco 1. b

⑤ to get a free encyclopedia 2.
Answer : ③ 4. b
5. a

p. 11 B.
Answer :
1. b
2. a
Jimmy : Hey, Leslie. Look at this. It’s a book about
3. a
oneirology. Isn’t it interesting?
4. b
Leslie : Huh? What is that? Oneiro.. what?
5. c
Jimmy : It is the study of interpreting dreams. Some people
believe that dreams represent your subconscious
p. 12
mind. Your dreams reveal your deepest desires, fears
and wishes that you might not even be aware of.
Leslie : So you are saying that your dreams can explain
your secret worries and desires?
Answer : See A. script.
Jimmy : Sure. It is one of the professional fields in
psychology. You know Sigmund Freud, ‘the father
p. 13
of psychoanalysis’. He was the master of
interpreting dreams.
Leslie : Of course, I’ve heard of Sigmund Freud. But I know
another master of interpreting dreams. Nostradamus is one of the most famous dream interpreters
Jimmy : Oh, yeah? Who is it? Carl Gustav Jung? Jacques in history. A dream interpreter is someone who has a dream
Lacan? about the future and then tells other people what the future
Leslie : Well, I have no idea who they are, but I know my will be. Guessing about the future is called ‘prediction’.
grandmother is the master of interpreting dreams. Growing up in France, he allegedly predicted the plague
Jimmy : Your grandmother? How is it so? Did she get a which was a terrible illness that killed many thousands of
degree in psychology? people throughout Europe in the 16th century. He then
Leslie : No, but she is really good. For instance, one day my became a pharmacist - someone who gives medicine to sick
cousin came to visit and told us about her worst people. Thus, he gave his best efforts to stop the spread of
nightmare ever. She said she had a strange the Bubonic plague throughout Europe. Later, he began
encounter with this gigantic snake. The way she publishing books about prophecies full of hundreds of
described it made everyone scream with terror, but predictions. Prophecy is the prediction of future events
my grandma calmly smiled and said that my cousin such as weather, the stars, and political changes.
was pregnant. And what do you know! My cousin Nostradamus published his first books in 1555, and they
gave birth to a healthy baby boy 9 months later. have remained in print until this day. Many people believe
Jimmy : That’s amazing. So you are saying your that he predicted such events as the ‘Great Fire of London’
grandmother can predict the future? and the rise of Napoleon and Hitler and the September 11th
Leslie : Believe it or not, I think she can. She said she can attacks on the United States. Others believe that the
somewhat tell what your dream means. I had these wording of his writing is not exact enough to predict these
repeated dreams of falling down from a high events and that Nostradamus’ writings could be compared
building which made me wake up screaming in fear. to many different events in history. Either way, dream
My grandmother told me that the dream meant I interpreters have remained very popular and interesting to
was growing up. And I definitely grew out of my people around the world.
clothes really fast. It was unbelievable.
Jimmy : Hmm... I think I need to consult your grandmother.
I also have these repeated dreams of wetting beds.
Answer :
I wonder what that means.
Leslie : Eww, Jimmy. Don’t say you still wet your bed! Nostradamus
- one of the most famous dream interpreters
A. - predicted the plague
Answer : - became a pharmacist and worked to help stop the
1. T F 3 spread of the plague
- published books of prophecies
2. T 3 F
Nostradamus’ book
3. T F 3 - published in 1555
4. T F 3 - remains in print today
5. T F 3

- some people believe he predicted big events - Great Fire smart move. He bought a lottery ticket for himself
of London, Napoleon, Hitler and he hit the jack pot! So here is the lesson, folks!
- some people believe his words are too vague “Don’t forget to listen to your parents whether dead
or alive!”
A. Anchor : What an amazing story! Thank you, Tom. Some
Answer : cultures believe that dreams predict the future.
1. Nostradamus and his work as a dream interpreter. Maybe it does so. Sleep tight, everyone.
2. He worked as a pharmacist.
3. He first published his book in 1555. A.
Answer : See the script above.
Answer : B.
Answer :
New Vocabulary Restatement 1. Two lottery winners had similar dreams the night
someone who has a dream about before they won.
Dream Interpreter the future and then tells other 2. Because Mr. Black understood the meaning of his
people what it will be dream and bought a lottery ticket.
3. The anchor explained that maybe dreams predict the
Prediction guessing about the future future.

a terrible illness that killed many p. 15

The plague thousands of people throughout
Europe in the 16 century

the prediction of future events- 1.

① Adults don’t usually sleep or remember their dreams.
weather, stars, political changes.
② About fifty middle school students answered, ‘YES’.
③ Most university students didn’t want to participate in the
p. 14 survey.
④ Almost twice the number of high school students than
adults answered, ‘YES’.

Anchor : Tonight we have a story about the Illinois State

⑤ Almost twice the number of adults than elementary
students answered, ‘NO’.
Lottery winners. Tom Gunman is here to give you a
more detailed story. Tom, what happened? Answer : ⑤
Reporter : Two people won the Illinois State Lottery last
night, but that isn’t the most unusual thing. Both
winners, Mr. George Smallwood, 45, and Mr.
Richie Black, 46, had similar dreams on the night W : May I speak to Madam Wallstreet, please?
before they won. M : I am sorry. She is in a meeting with her client.
Anchor : Did they dream about winning the lottery? W : I need to consult her about my dream last night. It’s
Reporter : Not exactly. The night before the purchase, in a kind of urgent.
surprising coincidence, both men dreamt about M : She will be available in about an hour. Would you like to
their dead fathers. call again?
Anchor : Was the dream the same in each case? W : I can’t wait that long. Would it be better if I come into
Reporter : Mr. Smallwood described that, his dead father the office?
repeatedly talked about a set of numbers. And the M : Sure.
father yelled angrily at his son for not writing W:
them down. Mr. Smallwood thought his father was
① Do you know what time it is now?
trying to tell him something so he bought a lottery
② What time will she be back?
ticket. And, incredibly, he won.
③ Should I make an appointment?
Anchor : What about Mr. Black?
④ Can I take a message for you?
Reporter : Mr. Black said his dead father actually bought him a
lottery ticket and congratulated him with a big smile
⑤ May I call you in about an hour?
in his dream. When Mr. Black woke up, he made a Answer : ③

3. A.
B : I don’t think I have time to finish this essay. Answer :
G : Why? Mr. Richardson gave us more than three weeks for 1. d
that project. 2. h
B : I know! I didn’t know the amount of research would be 3. i
so much. 4. c
G : I don’t mean to criticize, but you should plan ahead and 5. j
work on your essay day by day. 6. a
B : I only have three days left until the due date. I can’t even 7. b
sleep at night. I have nightmares every night. 8. e
G : Show me what you’ve got so far. Maybe I can help you. 9. f
① study harder 10. g
② manage time better
③ start the research 1. odor
④ talk to Mr. Richardson 2. ceremony
⑤ sleep more comfortably 3. unconscious
4. burial
Answer : ② 5. barbaric

Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage. B.

Some people believe that you can tell a person’s future just Answer :
by looking at their palm. Everyone’s palm has unique lines 1. b
and wrinkles of different lengths. There are four main lines 2. c
on a person’s palm, and each have a different meaning. The 3. a
line down the center of the palm to the wrist is the lifeline. 4. a
A long life line means you will live a long time. Another line 5. c
across the center of the palm is the head line. A long head
line means you’re very smart. Professional palm readers are p. 17
very popular all over the world, even though many people
say they don’t believe in palm reading. Sometimes it can be
fun just to hear what the palm reader will say about your
Namju : Hey, Cooper! I have a question about the history
class we just had. I missed some parts of the lesson
Answer : 4. ① 5. ④ because I was busy taking notes. What was the
reason people in the 1500s got married in June?
Cooper : According to Mr. Doodle, most people in the 1500s
got married in June because they took their yearly
p. 16
3 How It All Started bath in May.
Namju : So? What has taking a bath in May got to do with
getting married in June?
Cooper : Think about it. It’s a yearly bath. People might still
smell pretty good in June. However, since people
1. a group of items gathered or bound together still started to smell, brides had to carry a bundle
2. an unpleasant smell of flowers to hide the bad odor. And that became
3. to cover the surface with straw, leaves or the like the tradition for brides carrying bouquets for the
4. a formal activity or event performed on a special occasion wedding ceremony.
5. a social gathering held before or after a funeral Namju : How about the origins of old English sayings! I
6. [Chemistry] a heavy, soft, bluish-grey metal like “It’s raining cats and dogs,” the best.
7. without awareness and feeling as if asleep or dead Cooper : Yeah, I was laughing until there were tears in my
8. the ritual ceremony of placing a dead body into the ground eyes when Mr. Doodle told the origin of that old
9. extremely cruel or uncivilized saying. I couldn’t believe people in old times kept
10. the passed down beliefs, customs, information etc. from their small animals like dogs and cats on top of
generation to generation thatched roofs. Those poor animals fell off the

roof because the piled straw would get slippery what they did, or whose children they were. A man named
in heavy rain. So there goes “It’s raining cats and Tom who lived near the Town Green or park, would be called
dogs.” for heavy raining days. Tom of the Green, or Tom Green. Place names such as
Namju : Darn, I missed that part. I wondered why London, Hamilton or Sutton were also used as last names. A
everybody burst out laughing in the middle of the man could have different family names according to the job
class. Anyways, I thought the story about a wake he had. William who was a blacksmith would be called
was interesting. William Smith. If he were a baker or a fisherman his name
Cooper : Yeah. Wait a minute. Isn’t that something about would be William Baker or William Fisher. Some people had
heavy drinking? last names that originated from their father’s name. If a man
Namju : Well, yes, kind of. The origin of a wake came from named James had a father named Anders, he might be called
drinking ale or whisky in lead cups. If you drink ale James, Anders’ son, or James Anderson. In other cases,
or whisky in lead cups, the combination could family names would describe personality and
sometimes make you unconscious even for a characteristics. For example, Short, Brown and Whitehead,
couple of days. So in those days, before the actual are all last names that give clues about a person’s
burial, people lay the unconscious person on the appearance. Another example would be Arthur; ‘Ar’,
kitchen table for a couple of days for observation. meaning ‘man’ and ‘thor’ meaning ‘strong’ combined and
Then the family would gather around and eat and became Arthur, strong man. But not everyone began using
drink and wait and see if the person would wake family names so early. In some parts of the world, people
up. That’s how the tradition of a wake started. I didn’t start using family names until the 19th century.
think it’s pretty barbaric.
Cooper : Yeah, tell me about it! But I guess that’s how it all
started. Answer :

A. Family Names
- only kings, queens and rich people had them
Answer :
- people began to have them in the 1300s and 1400s
1. T F 3 Details in family names
2. T F 3 - where a person lived, for example Tom Green
3. T 3 F - what kind of job a person had, for example William
4. T 3 F
- whose children they were, for example John Anderson
5. T F 3 - a person’s personality or appearance, for example Arthur
Answer : A.
1. b Answer :
2. b 1. Kings, queens and rich people had family names.
3. c 2. They began to get family names in the 1300s and 1400s.
4. a 3. It started to spread worldwide in the 19th century.
5. b
p. 18 Answer :

Main Idea : People begin to describe each other using certain

A. details that became family names.
Answer : See A. script.
Detail 1. Topic Sentence: Many family names derive
p. 19 from locations.
Example: Tom Green
Detail 2. Topic Sentence: Other family names derive
from occupations.
Have you ever wondered where people’s family names come Example: Baker, Smith, Fisher
from? Long ago, only kings, queens and rich people had Detail 3. Topic Sentence:Certain surnames result from a
family names. But in the 1300s and 1400s, people began to father’s first name.
Example: Anderson, Johnson
describe each other using certain details - where they lived,

Detail 4. Topic Sentence: A family name may describe a P.21
person’s characteristics or appearance.
Example: Short, Brown, Whitehead, Arthur

Conclusion : Family names have many different origins and 1.

became widely spread in the 19th century. A : I can’t believe people actually drank from this. Isn’t lead
p. 20 B : I guess people didn’t know how bad it was in the 1500s.
A : No wonder the origin of the wake started from this. I
heard it made people lose consciousness for two to
three days.
Anchor : Fashions change every year, it seems. What is B : The wake started from this? I didn’t know that.
popular today will be in the garbage cans
tomorrow, and then back as ‘retro’ two days later. Answer : ②
But have you ever wondered what fashions were
like in Shakespeare’s time? With a special report 2.
from the world of fashion, here’s Russ Dortman.
A : Why weren’t you in history class yesterday?
Reporter : Thank you, Alice. I’m here at the Museum of Fashion
B : I thought class was cancelled yesterday.
in Bristol, England. Behind me, you can see some of
A : No, next week’s class is cancelled.
the most popular fashions of the time. Ms. Mila
B : Oh, no!
Trask, the curator of the museum, will help us to
A : The teacher wants to see you.
understand about fashion back in time. Now, I
B : But it wasn’t my fault. It was an accident.
notice on these pictures that the women don’t have
A : I know, but you have to bite the bullet anyway. Just
eyebrows. Why is that?
explain what happened. I’m sure he’ll understand.
Trask : Well, in the 1400s, a pale complexion was
popular. Women used to shave their foreheads ① Wait.
and eyebrows to give themselves a paler ② Stay after school.
complexion. They also used ceruse to whiten ③ Talk to someone.
their faces. ④ Take your time.
Reporter : What is ceruse? ⑤ Deal with the problem.
Answer : ⑤
Trask : Ceruse is a mixture of vinegar and lead powder.
Reporter : Lead powder? Isn’t that dangerous?
Trask : Yes it is. Ceruse actually ate the woman’s skin and 3.
the lead poisoned them. A : Do you know the dates of the Korean War?
Reporter : Some people will do anything to be fashionable. B : I know. It started in 1950. But I don’t know when it ended.
What are these? A : It ended in 1953.
Trask : Believe it or not, these are early platform shoes. B : Do you know what the longest war in American history is?
They were very popular in the 1400s. Women used A : Was that the Vietnam War?
to wear them over their smaller shoes to protect B : That’s right. Do you know how long the Vietnam War was?
them from getting dirty. A:
Reporter : Thank you for the little tour, Mila. ① America lost the Vietnam War.
② History repeats itself.
A. ③ It lasted from 1964 to 1975.
Answer : See the script above. ④ Take your time to answer the question.
⑤ It broke out before dawn.
Answer : Answer : ③
1. He reports on fashion in the 1400s.
2. A pale complexion was popular. Early platform shoes
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
were also very popular.
3. Answers may vary. People try to look their best and do Today we’re going to learn about the history of Canada.
many things to accomplish it. Jacques Cartier was the first European to visit Canada in
1534. Samuel de Champlain started the first city in Canada
in 1608. Afterwards, Canada became a country in 1867. In

1885, the first railroad was built all the way across Canada. P. 23
In 1949, Newfoundland joined the country of Canada.
Newfoundland was the last province to join. In 1982,
Canada wrote a new constitution. And in 1995, Quebec,
Canada’s French province, tried to claim independence but Shelly : Hey Karen, did you hear the big news?
didn’t succeed. Karen : No, Shelly. What’s going on?
Shelly : You haven’t heard about Brad Pitt? Brad Pitt is
Answer : 4. ① 5. ③ finally divorcing Jennifer Aniston. Brad Pitt, my
dream guy! I knew he would come back to me.
Karen : Oh my. You are totally living in your own world.

P. 22
4 Celebrities’ Lifestyle I never knew your crush on Brad Pitt was this serious.
Shelly : I’ve always been completely serious about Brad Pitt.
He is the most perfect guy you can ever dream of.
Karen : But what do you really know about him? You only
know him from seeing him in movies and on TV.
Actors and actresses are people who act for a living.
1. complete and excellent without any flaws They are paid to perform other people’s lives. I don’t
2. formal and legal ending of a marriage think what you see is the true Brad. Get real!
3. feeling of being attracted to someone; infatuation Shelly : You are so judgmental and cold! I have to say I am
4. feeling intense and sincere about something pretty offended by what you just said! I know how
5. to act or play a part actors and actresses are, but I am sure he is different.
6. tend to have a criticizing opinion Karen : Well, I’m just telling you what I think. I won’t say
7. feeling angry or hurt another word about it then. Don’t get upset. By the
8. feeling disappointed or unhappy way, you do know why Brad is getting divorced,
9. simple and easy to fool; inexperienced right? The rumor about him dating Angelina Jolie
10. attractive and beautiful was right.
Shelly : Don’t be so naive. You can’t believe everything
A. junky tabloid magazines want you to believe. And
Answer : why would Brad want to be with someone like
1. g Angelina Jolie? I think she is ugly!
2. d Karen : Well, you have a point there about tabloid
3. i magazines, but I can’t really agree with your
4. b opinion about Angelina Jolie. I think Angelina is to
5. j die for. Not that you are not as gorgeous as
6. f Angelina Jolie, but....
7. c Shelly : KAREN! Whose side are you on? You are supposed
8. a to be my friend. You can’t take sides with Angelina
9. h Jolie. You should be on my side! For now, I have no
10. e time to talk to you. I gotta run and check out all the
stories about Brad and that ugly Jolie.
1. serious
2. perform A.
3. judgmental Answer :
4. offended
1. T 3 F
5. gorgeous
2. T 3 F
B. 3. T F 3
Answer : 4. T F 3
1. a
5. T 3 F
2. b
3. c
4. a
Answer :
5. c
1. b
2. b

3. c A.
4. b Answer :
5. b 1. The downside of the celebrity lifestyle
2. One gets to live in luxury and have millions of fans.
P. 24 3. The press wants to get the picture of their baby.

A. Answer :
Answer : See A. script.
Inference : Celebrities’ lives aren’t always fascinating.

p. 25
Detail : 1. constant exposure
2. paparazzi
3. unable to have privacy
4. public scrutiny
What is our current fascination with celebrities? Is it 5. public judgment
because they are rich and famous? Or is it because they
represent the dreams of the many people who are watching
p. 26
them? Who wouldn’t want to have a celebrity’s lifestyle,
with the million-dollar homes, traveling, staying at world
class hotels, photo shoots, and millions of adoring fans?
But there might be a downside. Many celebrities dislike the
Anchor : The entertainment world is buzzing over the first
constant exposure and wish the paparazzi would leave
pictures of Tom Cruise’s and Katie Holmes’ baby,
them alone. Since celebrities spend most of their lives in
Suri. The secretive couple haven’t given any
the public eye, they appreciate their private moments, away
interviews or made any public appearances since
from the cameras and the fans. But magazines pay
the baby’s birth. Here’s Britt with the story.
thousands of dollars for pictures of celebrities during their
Reporter: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, or TomKat, as many
private moments. Think about how the press has chased
tabloid reporters have named them, have been
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to get pictures of their baby. Or
avoiding the press ever since Katie got pregnant.
how entertainment magazines judge celebrities such as
Reporters have wondered if Katie has been
Michael Jackson on their lifestyles. Because celebrities are
depressed, if there are problems between Tom
public figures, every decision they make is held up for
Cruise and her family. Lots of rumors about them
public inspection. Do you think the money and fame is
are all over the Internet. Although they have not
worth giving up your private life? If you do, maybe you
agreed to an interview yet, Katie issued a
could be a celebrity too.
statement to the press. Here is Katie Holmes.
Holmes : I want to thank everyone for all their concern, but
I’m fine, Tom’s fine, and the baby’s fine. I
Answer : understand fans all over the world are eager to
see our baby. However, I just can’t let those
Fascination with celebrities
commercial tabloids take my precious baby as a
-rich and famous
money making material. That’s just not right. I
-represent the dreams of many people who watch them
can’t exactly say when we’ll be speaking to the
The celebrity lifestyle
public again, but it will definitely be soon.
-million-dollar homes
Anchor : Is there any truth to the rumors that another
celebrity couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, will
-world class hotels
be giving any interviews soon?
-photo shoots
Reporter: Sorry, Mitch, but there’s no word about
-millions of fans
Brangelina yet. But we will have an exclusive
-exposure to paparazzi
scoop for you as soon as it develops. When I find
-not much privacy
out, Mitch, you’ll be the first to know.
-tabloid rumors
-decisions and actions are scrutinized by the public
Answer : See the script above.

B. pizzas.
Answer : A : Would you like some hot sauce with that?
1. They haven’t given any interviews or made any public B : No, thank you. How long will it take?
appearances since the baby’s birth. A : It will be ready in twenty minutes. While you’re waiting,
2. Tabloid magazines do anything to make money. She would you sign an autograph for our store? I’d like to
doesn’t feel comfortable that those magazines are only frame it and put it on the wall.
after her baby for money. A : Sure. It will be my pleasure.
3. Answers may vary. ① One cheese crust pizza and lasagna
② One regular pizza
p. 27 ③ Two regular pizzas and lasagna
④ Two cheese crust pizzas and lasagna
⑤ One cheese crust pizza
1. Answer : ④
A : Did you get it?
B : Of course. People were going crazy trying to buy the Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
ticket for that concert. I heard some of them had to
Who’s the most popular pop star? By the time you answer
stand in line for four hours to get this.
that question, the answer will probably be different! Trends
A : Great! So how much do I owe you?
in pop music change just as quickly as trends in fashion. In
B : Seventy five dollars.
fact they’re both closely connected. Pop stars have a huge
A : Wasn’t it more than that?
influence on fashion trends. Have you ever changed your
B : I’ve got a 25% discount for booking online.
hairstyle to look like a pop star? Pop stars also make a lot
Answer : ① of television advertisements. Companies hope that the
stars’ popularity will help them sell products and make
money. Sometimes, it seems like the music is the least
important part of the package!
A : Oh my god. It’s you! It’s really you! I’ve bought all your
albums. Answer : 4. ⑤ 5. ③
B : Yes, it’s nice to meet you, too.
A : You don’t know how surprised I am. I’ve never imagined
bumping into you in the middle of the street. I am your
biggest fan! I love your music so much!
B : That’s very flattering. Thank you very much.
p. 28
5 Married? or Single?
A : I’ve just bought your new album. Could you sign it for me?
B : It’ll be my pleasure. What’s your name?
A : Sue. S-u-e.
① Clerk - Customer
1. to take or obtain something with the promise to return

② Brother - Sister
2. to choose or decide because of a higher value

③ Director - Actress
3. a long duration of individual life

④ Singer - Writer
4. to agree or understand

⑤ Musician - Fan
5. capable of success; practicable
6. having a high desire of achieving success
Answer : ⑤
7. judge harshly or unfavorably
8. state of being freed from control or influence
3. 9. to reject or refuse politely
A : May I take your order, Mr. Pitt? I am very happy to meet 10. the act of suggesting or offering
one of the most famous movie stars.
B : Thank you. I’d like two large pepperoni pizzas, please. A.
A : Would you like the regular crust or our new cheese crust? Answer :
B : Are they the same price? 1. b
A : The cheese crust is two dollars extra. But we have a 2. j
special deal right now. If you buy a large cheese crust 3. e
pizza, you can get free lasagna. 4. i
B : That sounds good. I’ll take two cheese crust pepperoni 5. d

6. a difficulties about being single. She said she hated
7. c to come to an empty home. I don’t think we can
8. f really judge whether being married is better than
9. g being single or vice versa.
10. h Annette : I suppose you are right. So have you really
planned your wedding since you were seven? You
1. prefer have been planning for about 10 years now. You
2. accept gotta tell me about it.
3. criticize Christine : It changes every time. I just love to look at
4. decline gorgeous wedding gowns. But I’ve just decided to
5. proposal invite you as a bridesmaid at my wedding. And
make you wear a pink dress.
B. Annette : I decline your proposal. I won’t wear anything
Answer :
1. b
2. a A.
3. c Answer :
4. a 1. T 3 F
5. a
2. T F 3
p. 29 3. T F 3
4. T F 3
5. T F 3
Annette : Christine, what are you reading? Isn’t that a bridal
Answer :
Christine : Oh, hi, Annette. Yeah, it is. You know my aunt is
1. a
getting married. I just borrowed this magazine to
2. c
take a look at the wedding gowns. You know
3. c
wearing a wedding gown and becoming a princess
4. b
for a day. Every little girl’s dream-come-true.
5. a
Annette : I am not so sure every girl daydreams about her
wedding day. Well, I don’t, for sure. Anyways do
p. 30
you really seriously think about marriage? I believe
many young women prefer staying single.
Christine : I am not sure I’d be happy if I stay single until I am
like in my late 20s or early 30s. I once read that
Answer : See A. script.
married people lead happier life than singles. The
research concluded people in married
relationship earn more money, have better p. 31
physical and psychological health and better
Annette : I believe being single has been accepted as a
Marriage has existed for thousands of years, and is a
viable life choice. At this moment, I choose not to
system which bonds together two people to create a family.
include marriage in my life. For instance, my
The match is made based on many factors like social status,
mother often talks about how ambitious she was. I
personalities, financial status etc. In the past, the marriages
don’t mean to criticize my mother’s choice, but
were arranged by a ‘match-maker’. A traditional ‘match-
she sounds like she gave up everything after she
maker’ would have all the information about the eligible
got married. I am sure she’d have made a different
people in a village and match couples based on things both
choice if she was given another chance.
families have in common. The couple would not have much
Christine : My aunt is different. She is a 45-year-old
say in their marriage as decisions would be made by the
successful career woman. She had her freedom
family heads. In some cases, they would not be able to
and independency to do whatever she wished to
even see the other until the wedding day. To a person living
do. However, she often talked about the

in the modern world, this kind of arranged marriage sounds - may not meet the - have dates - are privately
old-fashioned and unrealistic. But have they really spouse until according to conducted
disappeared from our world? Many people log on to their wedding day the match - have the freedom
computer and visit one of the numerous dating services - may force to date or not to
marriage date
online in the hope of finding a perfect match. These
- do not force
services compute information about many factors such as marriages
hobbies, interests, education, career, age and so on, and
then give a list of possible matches to help one find their
significant other. They differ from traditional ‘match- p. 32
makers’ because they respect one’s privacy. One can sign
up for computer dating without talking to anyone else in
the family and have the freedom to date, or not to date, any
of the computer’s choices. Additionally, computer ‘match- Anchor : With a report on social trends, here’s Sylvester
making’ services cannot force one into a marriage, as Wither, with a survey on single people in Vancouver.
traditional ‘match-makers’ sometimes might. Why does the Reporter : Well, Lisa, my most recent poll among Vancouver
custom of match making continue in the modern world? It single people has uncovered some surprising news.
provides a better opportunity to meet someone that you But first, I should give you a little background.
would be more compatible with. Anchor : Of course, go ahead.
Reporter : I first gave this survey back in 1986 and again in
1996. Between those two surveys, there was a
Answer : noticeable rise in people who were happy being
single. But this year, I wasn’t prepared for the
Marriage figures.
- has existed for thousands of years Anchor : Well, let’s hear them.
- a system to bond two people and their families Reporter : We polled 500 single people between the ages of
- the match is based on social status, personalities, 25 and 36 - 250 men and 250 women. The men
money etc. and women were chosen at random, but divided
Past equally between these age groups - 25 to 28, 29
- a match-maker to 32 and 33 to 36. For the first time, the
- based on things both families have in common percentage of people who were happy being
- family heads usually made the decision single went up as people got older. In the 33 to 36
Present age group, 54% of the people were happy being
- people use online dating services to find a match single. In the 29 to 32 group, 44% were happy
- based on things both people have in common being single, and in the 25 to 28 group, only 27%
- a person has more freedom to make a decision were happy being single.
Anchor : That’s surprising. What do you think it means?
A. Reporter : We’re not totally sure, but most of the older group
Answer : said they were comfortable with their singles’
1. The changes in the history of marriage. lifestyles, and didn’t want the complications of
2. A match maker usually arranged marriages in the past. married life.
3. They want to find their perfect match. Anchor : It’s certainly different from past years. Thank you
for that information, Sylvester.
Answer : A.
Answer : See the script above.
Traditional Similarities Modern
- usually done by a - to create a - people B.
match-maker family sometimes use Answer :
- matches made - find common online dating 1. It was about single people in Vancouver.
based on factors to services
2. More people were happy being single as they got older.
common things make a match - matches made
- is decided by based on 3. Answers may vary.
family heads personal
preference and

p. 33
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
A recent study found that the average marrying age for
Korean women is 27.3 years. That’s older than the average
1. age of 2003. It seems that Korean women are waiting longer
A : Hey, Kim. Are you going to Peter and Samantha’s to get married than before. There are a number of reasons for
wedding on Sunday? this. Many women are choosing to focus on their education
B : Of course! I’m a good friend of Peter. But it says the rather than getting married early. Also, women are becoming
reception will be at the Greenfield Fire Hall. more independent and more interested in controlling their
A : Right. At 6:00. own lives. They are choosing careers instead of husbands.
B : But I can’t go to the reception. I have to take care of This trend will probably continue for many generations.

② ⑤
some business.
A : Where is Sunset Lane? I’ve never been to St. Thomas Answer : 4. 5.
Church before.
B : I can give you a lift if you want.
A : Great, thanks!

Answer : ④
p. 34
6 Mission to Mars
A : Wasn’t it a beautiful wedding? 1. a living being assumed to exist outside Earth
B : Yes, it was even more beautiful than ours. 2. the basis that helps to form a conclusion
A : I remember how beautiful you looked in your wedding 3. existing possibility
dress. 4. a place to live; dwelling
B : And you were so handsome in your tuxedo. 5. to stay in the same place
A : Maybe we should get married again. 6. position in a straight line or in parallel lines
B : You mean, have a second wedding? 7. to find or attract new members or employees
A : Why not? Lots of people do it. It’s very popular these 8. a person who works or performs without pay
days. 9. to shut or keep in
① to make a new tuxedo 10. an act of investigating an unknown place; examination
② to look handsome
③ to buy a wedding dress A.
④ to attend a wedding Answer :
⑤ to have a second wedding 1. c
Answer : ⑤ 2. d
3. g
3. 4. h
A : Excuse me, Mr. Denborough. 5. b
B : Yes, what is it, Steve? 6. j
A : Well, my wedding is coming up. 7. f
B : Oh, yes. You told me about that. Congratulations. 8. i
A : Thank you. But I was wondering if I could have some 9. e
time off for my honeymoon. 10. a
B : How much would you like?
A : I was hoping for a week. 1. evidence
B : I think we can manage that. 2. potential
A : Thank you, Mr. Denborough. 3. remain
① teacher - student 4. recruit
② father - son 5. confine
③ aunt - uncle
④ employer - employee B.
⑤ friend - friend Answer :
Answer : ④ 1. c

2. a 2. T F 3
3. b
4. a
3. T 3 F
5. a 4. T 3 F
5. T F 3
p. 35
Answer :
1. c
Harry : Jake, do you believe in the existence of 2. c
extraterrestrials? 3. b
Jake : I haven’t seriously thought about it. Is there a 4. a
special reason you ask, like, have you seen one 5. c
recently, Harry?
Harry : If I had seen an alien, I wouldn’t be this calm. Just p. 36
that I read the article on the Mars rover Opportunity
finding evidence that water once existed on Mars. If
there was water, there might be a possible A.
existence of living beings, like E.T. Answer : See A. script.
Jake : It may be possible since Mars is the most Earth-like
planet in our solar system. I once read that Mars has
p. 37
the greatest potential for human habitation with its
environmental condition.
Harry : A trip to Mars doesn’t sound bad. I hope to see that
day soon. Mars is the 4th planet from the sun and is named after the
Jake : Well, I think it will take a long time to make it Roman god of war. It has the tallest mountain in the solar
possible. NASA hasn’t sent any human to Mars yet, system and two irregularly shaped moons, named Phobos
only the exploration rovers. Do you know how long and Deimos - which mean fear and terror, respectively. The
it takes to reach Mars from Earth? interesting thing about the names of the moons is that they
Harry : Maybe a week or two? I am not sure. are named after the two sons of the god of war, who always
Jake : The trip to Mars will take between four to six accompany their father. Another feature of Mars is that it
months. Then, to return safely to Earth, you have to also hosts four orbiting spacecrafts and two robotic land
remain there for about 18 months until the proper rovers. The land rovers are the most exciting of these
alignment of Earth and Mars. So with the modern explorers. Launched by NASA in June and July 2003, Spirit
technology, it takes about 3 years in total under the and Opportunity both made successful landings on
condition everything works as planned. opposite sides of Mars after traveling nearly seven months
Harry : 3 years is unreal. But I think it’d be worth trying if I through space. The scientific goal for these unmanned
were allowed to join. remote controlled land rovers is to examine rocks and soil
Jake : Then you should be an astronaut. NASA, European in order to learn more about the history of Mars. One of the
Space Agency and Russian Space Agency are getting most interesting discoveries is conclusive evidence that
ready to send humans before 2030. Actually, the there was once water on Mars. This means that there is a
Russian Space Agency already recruited 6 volunteers very good chance that there was also life on Mars.
for a 15 month preparation training for a Mars Originally, the mission for Spirit and Opportunity was only
mission in 2015. expected to last for three months. However, the rovers were
Harry : So it’s already happening. Anyways, 15 months of extraordinarily well built and have remained in operation to
training doesn’t sound too bad. this day.
Jake : Well, I don’t think it will be that easy. I heard those
6 volunteers will be confined in a mock space
capsule for the entire 15 months.
Answer :
Harry : Ouch, you are going to be locked in? That’s harsh.
A. - the 4th planet from the sun
Answer : - named after the Roman god of war
1. T F 3 - has the tallest mountain in the solar system

- has two moons Anchor : I believe water up there is a valuable resource.
- has four orbiting spacecrafts and two robotic land rovers Ansari : Yes, it is. There is a water conduction collection unit
Land Rovers that takes the moisture out of the air and recycles
- launched by NASA and purifies it. We air-dry anything wet including
- Spirit and Opportunity sweaty clothes after exercising. It might sound
- traveled nearly seven months to reach Mars weird but one of the astronauts said that all the
- goal is to examine the environment of Mars crews are very close to each other since we drink
- found existence of water in the past each other’s sweat. I couldn’t quite understand
what he meant at first, but now I perfectly can.
A. Anchor : That’s a very unique experience I must say. Well,
Answer : Ansari, we hope you make a safe return to Earth.
1. They are named after the two sons of the god of war. And thank you for this opportunity.
2. There are six explorers orbiting Mars. Ansari : Thank you. Space Cadet, Ansari, out.
3. They found that there was once water on Mars.
B. Answer : See the script above.
Answer :

Main Idea : Scientific discoveries about Mars B.

Answer :
Detail 1. Detail 2. Detail 3. 1. It was conducted via satellite phone.
Description of Mars Mars explorers Spirit and Opportunity 2. Because she is the first female civilian to visit the
쪾 the 4th planet 쪾 four orbiting 쪾 sent to opposite International Space Station.
from the sun satellites sides of Mars to
쪾 쪾
3. Because water is a valuable resource.
the tallest two land rovers study soil and
mountain in the history
solar system 쪾 discovered
p. 39
쪾 two irregularly there was once
shaped moons water
쪾 mission still
going today 1.
G : Oh, look! There’s another one!
B : I don’t get it. How come you always see them and I
p. 38
always miss them?
G : I don’t know. I’m just lucky I guess.
B : Did you make a wish?
Anchor : Today, we have a special guest from space. The G : Yes. I wished for a good score on my math test tomorrow!
first female civilian to visit the International Space B : That’s kind of a boring wish.
Station, Anousheh Ansari is on a satellite phone
with us here. Ansari, can you hear me?
Answer : ③
Ansari : Yes, Jason. I can hear you clearly. I am very pleased
to talk to you. 2.
Anchor : Thank you. We are also very pleased to hear your W : Aren’t the stars beautiful tonight?
voice. First of all, how is it up there? M : They sure are. Hey, can you see that star up there?
Ansari : It’s great! Well, it’s more than great. I don’t think I W : Yes, I see it.
can ever find a suitable word to describe this M : Now look underneath it. You can see three stars close
amazing experience. together.
Anchor : We can only imagine. You mentioned in your blog W : Oh, there they are. And there are two more stars
that keeping good hygiene in space is not that easy. beneath them. They look like feet.
I must say it was very interesting. Would you like to M : Right. That’s called Orion. The first star is his head, and
tell us about it? the three stars together create his belt.
Ansari : Sure. It is quite difficult to keep yourself clean up W : Where did you learn that?
here. We usually use wet towels and wet wipes to M:
clean ourselves. Brushing teeth is another
① I can’t talk about it.
challenge since you can’t rinse and spit after
brushing, you end up rinsing and swallowing.
② I’ve been there.

③ I think I can remember. A.
④ You should know better than me. Answer :
⑤ I read about it. 1. e

Answer : ⑤
2. g
3. i
3. 4. a
M : Okay, here it comes. Do you have your filters ready? 5. c
W : Yes, ready. 6. j
M : Remember, do not look straight at the sun or you’ll hurt 7. h
your eyes. Can you see it getting dark? It’ll last about 8. f
fifteen minutes. Enjoy yourself! 9. d
W : Okay. 10. b
M : When we go back to class, we’re going to write a report
about it. 1. recognize
W : Sure. 2. popular
① To listen 3. create
② To instruct 4. land
③ To entertain 5. master
④ To study
⑤ To evaluate B.
Answer :
Answer : ② 1. a
2. a
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage. 3. b
4. a
Recently, a new giant planet was discovered in the
5. a
constellation Taurus, about 450-light years from Earth.
Now, scientists have discovered 122 other planets outside
p. 41
our solar system. For people who believe in aliens, these
are exciting discoveries. Every time scientists find a new
planet, it increases the chances of discovering
extraterrestrial life. But alien hunters shouldn’t get too Liz : Kate, I almost didn’t recognize you. What are you
excited just yet. It may be a long time before scientists wearing? And what are you doing?
discover a hospitable planet like Earth. Kate : Hi, Liz. Don’t look so shocked. I am just grooving. You

Answer : 4. ③ 5. ④ know I joined one of the most popular clubs at our

school. B-Girls, the hippest break-dance club in our
Liz : B-Girls? I didn’t know you joined them. Didn’t they

p. 40
7 The World of B-Boying make it to the finals through the preliminary contest
for the international b-boying competition?
Kate : Yeah! We made it to the finals and that’s why I need
to practice these new moves. I need to groove, girl!
Liz : And you also talk different!
1. to identify or remember Kate : Since I joined the club, it has changed the way I
2. well-known; renowned dress, walk and talk. I also created a special
3. the act of testing skill or ability; contest nickname. My fellow B-Girls call me KIEN, Kate-In-
4. introductory level for a main event Electric-Nation.
5. to make something new Liz : OK, KIEN. So what is that you are trying to do now?
6. an explanation or direction You look like you got only two left feet.
7. to come down Kate : Does it look that strange? This is one of the moves I
8. to turn or rotate rapidly; whirl need to master before the competition. It is called
9. to have complete understanding of Airswipes. Look at this instruction. It really sounds
10. to be free from difficulty or discomfort simple, but when I actually try it, nothing works.

Liz : Airswipes. You start with both hands and feet on the breakdancing to a much wider teenage audience throughout
ground. Then kick your legs up high with your the ‘80s. Some breakdancing moves, like the head spin and
weight on one arm. And spin over so that you land on the freeze are actually much more difficult to perform than
your other arm before your legs hit the ground. Wow! regular dance moves, making breakdancing closer to an
It doesn’t sound simple at all! athletic contest. Street battles, where dancers test their
Kate : You should come and watch how my fellow B-Girls moves against each other, are becoming more highly
move. They have already mastered this move and are organized and exciting contests. These days, dancers from all
practicing a new one. Help me, Liz. Watch how I move over the world compete for money, pride and the sheer thrill
and tell me which step looks weird. of breakdancing. Breakdancing is a great way to keep in
Liz : Ok. I am not sure, but I will try. So your hands and shape and make new friends. And who knows? You may also
feet should be on the ground. That’s good. Then be able to win a contest, too!
cross your right hand over to your left leg and your
left hand goes here and then you kick both your legs
high in the air. Answer :
Kate : Liz! You are not helping me at all. Untangle me right
now! I can’t move! Help! Breakdancing
-started in the early 1980s
A. -James Brown first showed breakdancing at his concerts
Answer : The Modern Breakdancing
1. T F 3 -started in the late 1970s
-urban inner-city black youths started it
2. T F 3 -got more popular with music videos
3. T 3 F Breakdancing Moves
4. T F 3 -more difficult than regular dance moves
5. T F 3 -are more athletic
Breakdancing Contest
B. -started from street battles
Answer : -many dancers compete
1. c
2. b A.
3. b Answer :
4. b 1. They perform more difficult moves and steps than
5. c those of regular dancers.
2. They test their moves against each other.
p. 42 3. It helps the dancers to compete for money, pride and
the sheer thrill of breakdancing.

A. B.
Answer : See A. script. Answer :

James Brown first performed

p. 43 breakdancing with his music.

Breakdancing became popular in

late 1970s
urban inner city areas.
Breakdancing is back! Those crazy, funky moves from the
early ‘80s became the newest dancing sensation in Asia in the American pop songs and music videos
made breakdancing popular among
early 2000s. The very first appearance of breakdancing was 1980
teenagers of all areas.
presented by the infamous American musician, James Brown.
He performed brilliantly energetic dancing in 1969 at various Breakdancing became extremely
concerts. The modern breakdancing started in the late 1970s, early 2000s
popular in Japan and Korea.
mostly among urban inner-city black youths, but music videos
like Herbie Hancock’s “Rock It”, Malcolm McLaren’s “Buffalo Dancers from all over the country
Gals” and Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” introduced Present compete for money, pride and the
sheer thrill of breakdancing.

p. 44 B : I am not sure. I’d better check my schedule.
G : When is a good time for you?

Anchor : In Entertainment Tonight, we have a very Answer : ⑤

interesting event coming up. Dave, can you tell us
something about it?
Reporter : I sure can, Venus. Tonight is the 7th Annual B-Girl
Battle in downtown Seoul. M : Oh, my. I don’t think I can do it.
Anchor : And what is a B-Girl, exactly? W : Hey, what’s wrong?
Reporter : Well, welcome to the world of breakdancing. M : I don’t feel very good. I have butterflies in my stomach.
This ‘battle’ is a breakdancing competition among W : Don’t worry. You will have no problem on the stage. You
the best female break dancers in the country. have practiced almost everyday for two months.
Teams come from all over the world to Korea to M : Look at them dancing! I will just make a fool of myself
show off their head spins and flares. I have one on stage.
of the participants here. Are you ready for the W : I’ve seen you dance. I bet nobody can do airswipes
battle tonight? better than you do. Now, it’s your turn. Good luck.
Miss Kim : Yes, I’ve been practicing all year for this. I think ① comfortable
our team has a great chance to win. ② sick
Reporter : And how long have you been break dancing? ③ worried
Miss Kim : I’ve been doing this since elementary school. All ④ confident
my friends used to practice in the gym after ⑤ calm
Answer : ③
school. But I was the best.
Reporter : How did you get interested in break dancing? Or
B-Girling? 3.
Miss Kim : My older brother got me into it. He taught me how
M : I am afraid I have some bad news for you.
to do a lot of the more complicated moves. I have
B : What? What is it?
a few surprises I’ve been working on, so it’s going
M : I tried my best but I don’t think you can participate in
to be really exciting.
the contest tomorrow.
Reporter : Thank you and good luck. Well, Venus, these girls
B : No! I have to. Is there anything you can do to make it
are showing us that breakdancing isn’t just for
boys anymore. Back to the studio.
M : I am sorry. Your ankle is severely injured. You should
Anchor : Thanks, Dave. Some of these moves look
wear a cast for about a month.
dangerous, kids. So be sure to wear safety
B : It can’t be that serious!
① doctor - nurse
equipment when you practice your moves.

② dancer - instructor
③ teacher - student
Answer : See the script above.
④ director - actor
B. ⑤ physician - patient
Answer : Answer : ⑤
1. It is being held in Seoul, Korea.
2. Because the contestants of the competition are female
break dancers. Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
3. It protects the dancers from getting injured doing In the United States, the reality TV boom has almost
dangerous moves. completely dominated the airwaves. The popularity of ‘Do
you think you can dance?’ and ‘American Idol’ has led to a
p. 45 rush of new reality shows every season. For television
producers, reality TV is a dream since you don’t have to pay
millions of dollars for actors or scriptwriters, or keep
coming up with fresh ideas every week. A single concept
1. can be enough for a whole season’s worth of programming.
G : When can you come for practice? We only got a week till However, people are raising voices about the quality of the
the final. shows. A lot of people think the new shows are much less

interesting than the first ones. Of course, by the time reality p. 47
shows have lost their popularity, TV producers will have
found a new trend.

Answer : 4. ⑤ 5. ② Ella : I can’t believe the final book of Harry Potter is finally
coming out. Aidan, I am excited but also sad that I
won’t be able to enjoy that tingly feeling of

p. 46
8 The Biggest Fan of Harry Potter anticipation. Every Harry Potter book was worth
waiting for.
Aidan : Yeah, Ella. I totally agree with you. The Harry Potter
series were the best books I’ve ever read. As the
biggest fan of Harry Potter, I definitely agree that
each book was worth the wait.
1. the feeling of waiting for something to happen; Ella : Oh, yeah? But I bet you don’t know more than I do
expectation about Harry Potter. I consider myself to be the
2. in a doubtless and certain manner number one expert on Harry Potter. I am even very
3. to think thoroughly and carefully familiar with the little mistakes in the Harry Potter
4. having good knowledge or understanding of series.
5. to say briefly Aidan : What do you mean by mistakes?
6. having great admiration; moved Ella : I know J. K. Rowling is an amazing writer. Still she is
7. to stop or avoid only human. We all make mistakes. For example, in
8. to exchange different opinions; to disagree the first book, it mentions that the snake in the zoo
9. purpose or reason winked at Harry. But snakes don’t have movable
10. to say firmly and refuse to give in; persist eyelids so they can’t wink.
Aidan : Whoa, Ella. I am impressed.
A. Ella : There are more. Did you know that Hogwarts only
Answer : allows the students to bring pet cats, owls, or toads
1. e but Ron brings a rat? I could go on forever, but I will
2. h refrain myself. Now who’s the bigger fan of Harry
3. a Potter?
4. g Aidan : I should say you are. I know some interesting facts
5. j about Harry Potter, too. You probably know
6. c everything already though.
7. d Ella : Let’s hear it.
8. f Aidan : I know at least one person will die in Harry Potter
9. i book seven. Many argue that J. K. Rowling will kill
10. b her favorite character, Harry Potter since she has no
intention of writing any further books about the
1. consider character. She doesn’t want anyone to write a
2. familiar sequel story using her character Harry Potter in the
3. refrain future. But others insist the writer doesn’t have the
4. argue courage to kill Harry. She loves him too much. I
5. insist guess the debate will continue until the final book
is out.
B. Ella : That’s something I’ve never heard or thought about.
Answer : I would be quite shocked to see Harry die. I wish J.
1. c K. Rowling continues to write Harry Potter series.
2. a Aidan : I guess she is fresh out of ideas. She has been
3. b planning and writing this series for 16 years now. If I
4. b were her, I would be very tired by now. How about
5. a you Ella, why don’t you start writing your own
stories? You are full of imagination.
Ella : Sure. How does “Jerry Pootter and His Adventure”
sound to you?

A. -one of the most popular series in history
Answer : -sold 300 million copies
-translated into 47 languages
1. T 3 F
2. T F 3 -feature a young boy who trains to be a wizard
3. T F 3 -many interesting points many adolescents like to read
4. T 3 F about
5. T F 3
-based on the story
-earned almost $900 million world-wide
Answer :
-good balance between special effects, imagination and
1. b
excellent casting
2. c
3. b
4. b A.
5. b Answer :
1. It sold over 300 million copies and has been translated
p. 48 into 47 languages.
2. The story has everything a young reader could want
and deals with the problems all adolescents face.
A. 3. The films have found the perfect balance between
Answer : See A. script special effects, imagination and excellent casting.

p. 49 B.
Answer :

The Harry Potter book series has become one of the most sold 300 million made into a
copies film
popular in history, with over 300 million copies of the books
sold and translated into 47 languages, which is more than
any other book except for the Bible. The series features a
young, dark-haired, bespectacled boy who must train to Harry
translated into written by J. K.
become the greatest wizard in the world at a special Potter
47 languages Rowling
academy for sorcerers. The story has everything young Series
readers could want. There are exciting battles, good guys
and nasty villains, humor and thrills, and it deals with the features a
story deals
problems faced by all adolescents - finding the courage to do young boy
with problems
become a
the right thing, standing up for yourself, learning how to deal teenagers face
with new responsibilities, and, of course, falling in love. The
characters are sharp and well-written, and the author, J. K.
Rowling, knows how to create suspense without making
p. 50
things too scary. But even more surprising than the success
of the books has been the success of the films based on
them. The latest Harry Potter film, ‘Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire’, earned almost $900 million worldwide! The Anchor: Well, it looks like the latest Harry Potter book, Harry
films seem to have found the perfect balance between Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is set to
special effects, imagination, and excellent casting. Many shatter sales records before it’s even released.
viewers now identify the actor Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Nancy?
Potter and feel that he has really brought the books to life. Reporter: I’m here at the Barnes and Noble at West
Edmonton Mall, and the line you see behind me is
not to buy the latest book in the Harry Potter
Answer : series. It’s a line to preorder it. The book is
scheduled for release next January, and it’s
Harry Potter books already on backorder. It seems bookstores all over

the country are having the same problem - they ① cartoon
just can’t order enough copies. We talked with ② romantic comedy
David Mortensen, the manager of this Barnes and ③ action
Noble branch about the popularity of Harry Potter. ④ drama
Mortensen : It’s really hard to explain. We’ve never had this ⑤ documentary
Answer : ①
kind of reaction to a book before, at least not in
over ten years. It really is amazing.
Reporter: Why do you think the books are so popular? 3.
Mortensen : I think they deal with situations and issues that A : I ordered Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince two
kids can relate to. The books are very imaginative,
weeks ago. Is it here?
which is good for kids, but they’re also universal.
B : May I get your name, please?
Everyone can understand and enjoy them. A : It’s Carole Jones.
Reporter: Are you a Harry Potter fan?
B : Yes, it’s here. How would you like to pay for the book?
Mortensen : Me? No, but my son is. He’s twelve now, and he
A : Credit card.
just loves Harry’s adventures at Hogwarts. B : You get a 15% discount for ordering online and there is
Reporter: Thank you, David. Back to you, Glen. an additional 5% discount with that coupon.
A : Great!
① Internet Cafe
Answer : See the script above.
② Grocery store
③ Department store
④ Court House
Answer :
1. They want to preorder the latest Harry Potter book.
⑤ Book store
2. The story deals with situations and issues that kids can Answer : ⑤
relate to. The books are very imaginative and universal.
3. Answers may vary.
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
p. 51 Have you heard the story about the lazy grasshopper and
the busy ant? The story is as famous as the Harry Potter
series nowadays. However, the story has more history than
the Harry Potter series. It is over 2600 years old. It was one
1. of the many fables written by Aesop, a Greek poet who
① More girls are interested in history books. lived over two and a half millennia ago. We don’t know
② More girls tend to read magazines than boys. much about Aesop’s personal history, but his fables have
③ The same number of both boys and girls like to read the been passed down for hundreds of generations. Aesop’s
newspaper. fables are short stories that have a moral at the end. A
④ Boys are more interested in non-fiction books. moral is a sentence or two that explain what the fable
⑤ Boys and girls show the same amount of interest in means. In the case of the grasshopper and the ant, the
fantasy novels. moral is: “It is best to prepare for days of necessity.”

Answer : ② Answer : 4. ② 5. ①
Hi, one ticket for ‘Killer’s Kiss’, please.
Sorry, that’s for adults only.
p. 52
9 Today’s Internet
B: Oh. Is ‘Happy Days’ still playing?
W: No, that closed last night. We’ve got some new movies
in, though.
B: Is there anything interesting? 1. in an honest manner; honestly
W: There’s a good romantic comedy playing. 2. to put together in order
B: I don’t like those kinds of movies. 3. to continue with difficulty
W: There’s a historical cartoon playing. 4. state of being discouraged or upset
B: Hmm. I’ll try it. 5. in a hopeless or urgent manner

6. permission to approach or enter Chloe : It is a website that provides an online service for
7. to look for or examine carefully students who are desperately in need of aid in
8. feeling discomfort or different; unusual their studies. The website has a huge contact
9. to travel back and forth information list of tutors which gave me easy
10. to give special treatment or care access to the specialty and background of each
tutor. I especially searched for a writing tutor. I
A. contacted him and did four hour-long online
Answer : classes. He helped me a lot.
1. e Elaine : Wasn’t it unreal? I mean I’ve never felt comfortable
2. c talking online even with my friends. I think it would
3. a feel very strange talking or typing about your essay
4. h online with a stranger.
5. b Chloe : Well, first it was a bit weird, but I totally got used to
6. j it. I used a webcam and a microphone with the
7. g tutor. I felt like he was sitting right beside me
8. i giving directions step by step. It also saved
9. d commuting time since I only had to be in front of
10. f my computer for the lesson. It was worth it to pay
$20 an hour.
1. organize Elaine : I think I should try it for my coming math test. I am
2. struggle totally lost. Algebra is one of the world’s unsolved
3. access mysteries to me. I definitely need some help.
4. search Chloe : Sure. Just type www.u& and you are
5. commute there. Speaking of which, I have a class in two
hours. I should get ready.
B. Elaine : Why do you need two hours to prepare for the class?
Answer : Chloe : Didn’t I tell you my tutor is a handsome senior
1. b student at UCLA? I want to look nice when he sees
2. b me. Webcam shows everything. Ciao, Elaine.
3. b Elaine : After all, it ain’t that easy to study online with all
4. a the pampering you have to do. Good luck, Chloe.
5. c
p. 53 Answer :
1. T F 3
2. T 3 F
Elaine : Chloe, I heard you use an online service for your 3. T 3 F
studying? How does that work? 4. T F 3
Chloe : Yeah, Elaine. It’s really great. Frankly speaking, in 5. T F 3
the past, I only used the Internet to chat or play
games. It all started with that history paper we had B.
to write for the final. I was in pure hell trying to Answer :
organize my paper. I think I had struggled for more 1. c
than two months just to outline the draft. 2. b
Elaine : I do remember that project. It was a nightmare. 3. a
Chloe : Tell me about it! For that project, I was still in the 4. b
fog trying to pull my ideas on paper although I only 5. a
had one week left to finish it. I thought I was going
to die of pure frustration. Anyways, I asked to my p. 54
brother for help and he got me the address of the
Elaine : That’s interesting. But how did the online website A.
help you? Answer : See A. script.

p. 55 B.
Answer :

Internet Shopping Mall

The fastest growing shopping malls these days are online
shopping malls. Convenience, bargain prices and immense
information are why more and more people opt for online Cheaper prices Convenience Informative
-no offline store: -save commuting -price
shopping over physically going to built shopping centers or
saves on money time comparisons for
stores. Many people prefer internet shopping because costs -save the cost of -browse through products
are lower. The lower price of products is based on how online labor and rent many different -new information
shopping mall companies operate. For instance, an internet products on trends and
shopping mall company can save rent or the labor cost since products
the business is operated online. This enables online
shopping malls to provide products at cheaper prices for -more choice for
online shoppers. Another reason behind the growth of online informed
shopping is that it saves time, which is an attractive benefit product
in the hectic modern world. Online shoppers can go shopping
wherever there is a computer with Internet access and
whenever it is convenient for them, 24 hours a day 7 days a p. 56
week. Instead of spending time traveling to shopping malls,
the shoppers can browse over the many products offered
online. Online shoppers have easy access to various types of
Anchor : Our next story takes us into the world of the
information; such as professional reviews, a list of best
Internet, and a rather surprising development. On
selling items, a table of price comparisons, and much more.
Tuesday, Microsoft hosted a conference to
Up-to-date information regularly sent through emails keep
discuss flaws in their operating system. Who were
the customers up with the trends. Information and opinions
the guests? The world’s best hackers. Connie?
about the product shared between the shoppers also help
Reporter : That’s right, Tim. On Tuesday, Microsoft invited
them to make more informed choices.
over 1,000 of the best hackers in the world to test
their skills against Microsoft’s Windows Vista.
Their goal is to expose flaws in the system that
Answer :
other hackers could exploit. Within minutes,
Online shopping malls Microsoft’s engineers were upset at how quickly
- fastest growing shopping mall the hackers could hack into the operating system.
- more and more people prefer online shopping Anchor : That sounds a little dangerous to me. Is it a good
Lower price idea to let hackers try to break into Windows?
- the price is lower Reporter : Well, for years, hackers have been hired by
- company operates online - save money on rent and labor security software manufacturing companies to
Time saving test their security features. And companies often
- anywhere with a computer and Internet access hire hackers to protect their systems from other
- anytime the user wants hackers.
Information Anchor : I guess it makes sense, but it still sounds risky to
- easy access to much information me. What if the hackers sell their secrets to other
- up-to-date information is sent by emails hackers?
- users can have more informed choices Reporter : I guess it must be more profitable to work with
Microsoft instead of against it. However it’s
A. probably the most effective way to find the
Answer : security flaws in your system. Who else would
1. It is online shopping mall. know better than the best hackers in the world?
2. They save money on rent and the cost of labor. Anchor : True. But it is surprising to see this new change
3. They usually share information and opinions about since hackers were considered criminals till not
products. long ago.
Reporter : That’s the business world, Tim.

A. G : I want to show my photographs.
Answer : See the script above. B : It looks really good. Maybe I should make a website. I
could put my poems on it.
G : That’s a good idea.
Answer : ① He wants to sell some books.
1. They were invited to test and hack Microsoft’s new ② He likes web design.
Windows system. ③ He wants to show his poems.
2. They can test security features of the companies and ④ He wants to present it to his friend.
protect the system from other hackers. ⑤ He wants to build a career in web design.
Answer : ③
3. Answers may vary. The anchor doesn’t feel comfortable
that hackers were considered criminals till not long
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
p. 57 Have you ever visited an Internet chat room? In the past few
years, Internet chat rooms have become a new social
phenomenon. Chatting is a great way to try out a new name
or even a new personality. You can also meet people who
have the same interests or hobbies as you do. In addition,
A : Hello. How may I help you? it’s not that difficult to log into one. But some people feel
B : Is this Dr. Computer? I called 5 minutes ago. I am coming that this style of interpersonal communication is
to get my computer, but I think I am lost. dangerous. People may spend more time talking to
A : Where are you now? strangers online than with their loved ones in the same
B : I am near the post office. room.
A : You are almost here. Walk up a block towards the Donut
Shack and turn right. Then proceed another block and Answer : 4. ④ 5. ②
it’s on the right.
B : On the right?
A : Yes. You will see the big computer sign. You can’t miss it.

Answer : ④
p. 58
10 Money and Budget
G : I’m Anna. Who is this? 1. having no money to spend; bankrupt
B : My name is Harry. I’m logging in from London. 2. to manage to continue living in spite of difficulties
G : I’m from Italy and I’ve just joined this site. Do you want 3. to arrange a method or scheme to accomplish a goal
to chat? 4. to be unsuccessful
B : Sure, but this is a gaming forum. 5. a plan for spending money
G : Yes, I know. I love World of Warcraft. 6. small and not important
B : Great! Same here. How long have been playing the game? 7. fashionable and chic
G : I have been playing for about two years. How about you? 8. absolutely important and essential
B: 9. daily work around a house or farm
① Why don’t we go play the game? 10. a person who saves or rescues
② I spent much money on playing games.
③ It’s been over a year for me. A.
④ I don’t want to talk about it. Answer :
⑤ You can’t do much in two years. 1. e
2. j
Answer : ③ 3. f
4. g
5. a
B : Hi, Jen. What are you doing? 6. c
G : I’m working on my website. 7. d
B : Really? What kind of website is it? 8. i

9. h things when you hang out with your friends? Buying
10. b snacks or little things.. you know.. little things...
Ricky : 30 dollars is what I wouldn’t call petty. Altogether
1. survive you spent more than 100 dollars on what you call
2. plan necessary things.
3. fail Michelle : Geez, Ricky. Get off my back! You sound just like my
4. trendy mom. Oh, that’s right! Speaking of my mom, I just
5. necessary remembered the money she owes for the house
chores I did for her. You are a life saver, Ricky. I gotta
B. run. Bye.
Answer :
1. c A.
2. a Answer :
3. c 1. T 3 F
4. c 2. T F 3
5. b
3. T 3 F

p. 59 4. T 3 F
5. T F 3

Michelle : Oh no, it’s not happening again!
Answer :
Ricky : What’s the matter, Michelle? Is something wrong?
1. c
Michelle : Ricky! I can’t believe I am broke again. I don’t 2. b
have any money left in my account. And I still have 3. b
another whole week left to survive. 4. c
Ricky : It’s just one week. I am sure you won’t need a lot 5. a
of money to survive for just another week.
Michelle : It is not that simple. I have to buy a ticket for this p. 60
music concert tomorrow. My friends and I planned
to buy balcony seats. Do you know how much that
costs? They’re twice as expensive as regular seats. A.
Ricky : That’s too bad but, who can you blame? You Answer : See A. script.
should’ve planned ahead and saved money for
the concert.
p. 61
Michelle : I absolutely did! I really carefully planned my
spending money this month. Last month I went
flat broke buying new clothes for the concert. I
had to bring my lunch in a box for two weeks like a America has become more debt-dependent than ever
kindergartener. before. According to the statistics, the total amount of debt
Ricky : It sounds like you failed budgeting last month is close to $44 trillion which equals around $147,321 per
too. If you had planned and saved your money person in America. That’s the highest debt ratio in history.
wisely, then you should be able to buy that ticket. Even the Oprah Winfrey Show, one of the most famous talk
By the way, do you write a budget planner? shows in the U.S., suggested a “Debt Diet Plan”. Many
Michelle : Of course I do. I’ll show you. Look here. I only financial experts said that the debt is increasing because of
bought a small bracelet which goes perfect with the following reasons. The first reason is that banks are
my new outfit when my friends were going crazy allowing people who are not able to pay back to borrow
buying trendy tops and skinny jeans at the mall. large amounts of money. These people buy more expensive
Do you know how hard that was for me? things such as cars or houses in the desire of living a life of
Ricky : What is this? You spent 30 dollars and wrote luxury. Another reason is student loans. Many people get
necessary things. What were they? loans from banks or from the government to go to
Michelle : Oh, that’s only petty money. You know we all need university, but then they have to repay the loans after
to spend some money enjoying our lives. Hey, I finishing school. After graduation, even people who are
don’t like that look on your face. Don’t you buy little employed in a company and get paid regularly will start

their adult lives with debts to pay off. The third factor is p. 62
that many Americans do not budget their money. Credit
cards, especially contribute to this tendency as they allow
people to buy what they want regardless of the financial
condition they are in. People spend impulsively and do not Anchor : Now, we look at the world of money. Or the world of
think of the consequences until they receive their bank money that matters most to kids: pocket money.
statements. In fact, Americans have an average of seven Here to tell us all about the new trends in weekly
credit cards, owing $2 trillion to credit card companies in allowance for kids, is Dana Weathers. Dana?
total. To get out of the red and into the black, many Reporter : Thanks, Earl. Well, most kids start getting a
financial experts tip people to follow old-fashioned financial monthly allowance around the age of seven. The
rules. Save more, pay cash and budget. allowance is usually about $5, and parents usually
give all their kids the same amount of pocket
money, even if they are different ages.
Answer : Anchor : How have weekly allowances changed over the
years, Dana?
Problem Reporter : Well, there have been increases in how much
- Americans have become more debt-dependent money kids receive. The average amount for 15-
- the highest debt ratio in history year-olds in 1993 was about $9.50, but that went
Experts’ opinions on the problem up to about $15 in 1997 and about $15.60 in 1999.
- banks loan money to people who can’t pay the money So, there has been a steady increase in pocket
back money.
- people want to live a life of luxury and buy expensive Anchor : Why do you think that is?
things Reporter : Well, many items that teenagers spend their
- people get loans to go to college money on: fast food, clothes, movies and candy,
- after graduation, people start their lives with debts to pay have also increased their prices over the years.
off So, teenagers try to negotiate with their parents
- Americans don’t budget to get more money. I have another interesting
- heavy credit card use finding for you.
- financial experts suggest saving money, paying cash and Anchor : What’s that?
budgeting Reporter : Surveys show that if kids negotiate their weekly
allowance with their fathers, they will usually get
A. a higher allowance!
Answer : Anchor : I bet kids do that behind their mother’s back. Well,
1. The reasons many Americans are in debt. thank you for your report, Dana.
2. They want to buy more expensive things such as cars
or houses and live lives of luxury. A.
3. They allow people to buy what they want regardless of Answer : See the script above.
their income or savings.
B. Answer :
Answer : 1. Many items on which teenagers spend their money
have become more expensive over the years.
Cause Effect
2. They spend money on buying fast food, clothes,
People loan money they are movies, candies, etc.
Easy bank loan
not able to pay back. 3. Answers may vary.
Caused people to start their
Student loans p. 63
adult lives in debt.

Encourage impulsive and

Credit card
excessive spending.
A : Those look nice. How much for a pair?
B : They are 150 dollars.
A : It is slightly over my budget. Oh, well. It’s my son’s

B : These are the best ones in the market. Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
A : Aren’t they dangerous for young children though?
People measure success in different ways. Some people
B : Not if you wear a helmet and kneepads. They all come in
believe that success equals money - the more money you
various colors.
have, the more successful you are. Others believe that you
A : Okay. I will take them.
are successful when you are doing what you really love to
Answer : ② do. There is no right or wrong way to measure happiness or
success. Each person must decide for him or herself
whether they are successful or not. But the most important
2. thing is a positive attitude. If you are cheerful and
G : I am back! optimistic, you will probably be successful, no matter how
W: What are those? Didn’t I tell you to get a birthday cake you measure it.
for your brother?
G : Yes, mom. But I saw this beautiful top and the blue Answer : 4. ④ 5. ②
jeans I’ve always wanted.
W: But we went shopping last week. You got a skirt and a
G : I know. But these are the things I really need! I need UNIT
p. 64
11 Backpacking in Europe
something to wear for the birthday party. And they were
on sale!
W: That’s what you told me last week. Did you buy them
with my credit card?
1. having only an allowed or possible amount of
G : Yes, I did.
2. the act of choosing; choice
W: Well, I am taking the money off your allowance for next
3. room and board; lodgings
4. to give or promise
G : Mom! That’s not fair.
5. in a complete manner
① skirt 6. to be worried or interested in
② jacket 7. happened or existed in the past
③ birthday cake 8. to suggest or advise
④ jeans 9. the act of leaving or going away
⑤ card 10. ready and accessible
Answer : ④
3. Answer :
A : This is Miss Manners. We have another caller today. I am 1. j
listening. 2. c
B : Hi, Miss Manners. I have a problem. My boyfriend gave 3. g
me an expensive pair of earrings for a birthday present. 4. a
But I think they’re ugly. Now he wants me to wear them 5. e
to a concert tonight. 6. i
A : Did you tell him you don’t like them? 7. b
B : No! I don’t think I could do that. It would hurt his feelings. 8. d
A: 9. f

① Have you thought about taking classes at night? 10. h

② You should be honest about your feelings with him.

③ There’s only one solution - you have to pay for your 1.
④ You better listen to your boyfriend and make him 3.
⑤ Don’t worry about it. You can always buy another pair. 5. departure

Answer : ②

B. your departure be?
Answer : Julia : Oh, it’s right after my finals, June 26th. I want to
1. a leave as soon as possible. I heard if I leave in June, I
2. b can avoid the high-season and save money on
3. a airfare.
4. b Agent : Let me check and see what’s available.
5. c
p. 65 Answer :
1. T F 3
2. T 3 F
Julia : Hi, my name is Julia. I’d like to make traveling 3. T F 3
plans for the coming summer vacation. I heard you 4. T F 3
have an excellent backpacker’s package.
5. T F 3
Agent : Yes. We have an excellent summer traveling
Julia : I‘d like to visit Europe this summer but I am on a
Answer :
limited budget. I plan to spend about $1,000 on the
1. c
trip besides airfare. Since it is my first time to
2. c
Europe I’d like to visit as many countries as
3. c
possible. I’d also like to know my options for
4. a
accommodations and transportation.
5. b
Agent : We are offering an amazing backpacker’s package
for Europe this year which includes a Eurailpass
p. 66
and accommodations at a variety of hostels all
over Europe. It’s the best way to experience the
continent of Europe and the price for the whole
package is unbelievably low. You get to visit 5
Answer : See A. script.
different countries and arrange your own choice of
transportation and accommodations.
Julia : Wow, 5 different countries? That’s amazing! But p. 67
first of all, could you explain more about the
Agent : The Eurailpass is a pass that offers unlimited
A Eurailpass is a ticket that gives you unlimited train travel
railroad travel during a specific time period for a
in 18 European countries. Time has shown that, many
fixed price in European countries. If you are under
backpackers traveling in Europe have favored the
26 years old, you can buy a cheaper “Youthpass”
Eurailpass over other forms of transportation because of its
which provides second class travel. The price
various advantages and benefits. First, the price of the pass
varies depending on your traveling time and the
is usually lower than regular train tickets. There are
number of countries you want to visit.
different types of discounted passes according to the
Julia : You mean I can get around European countries with
individual user’s travel days, age, countries, etc. For
that pass? I think I can plan my trip more
example, the Youth Eurailpass offers discounts ranging
thoroughly now. How about the hostels? I am a bit
from 30% to 40% of adult fares. This sort of information is
concerned that if I choose cheaper hostels, they
easily available from Eurail agents all over the world.
might be uncomfortable to stay in.
Secondly, a Eurailpass offers incredibly flexible travel. In
Agent : There is a website with a complete list of hostels all
many cases, backpackers tend to reschedule their travel
over Europe. You can check the services they
plans. The pass allows the users to take or leave the train
provide, pictures of each hostel and comments
at their convenience. Even if you miss the train, you can
from previous guests. I am sure there will be plenty
always catch the next one without losing money. Lastly,
of information to help you make your decision.
Eurailpass holders can enjoy added value such as reduced
Here is our brochure. You can also check out the
or free transportation on ferries, sightseeing tours, hotels,
hostels and must see places recommended by our
car rental and more. In spite of all the benefits of a
agency. By the way, when will the exact date of

Eurailpass, there are some drawbacks. If a pass is stolen or p. 68
damaged and not insured, it cannot be purchased again in
Europe. The purchase can only be done outside of Europe.
Travelers who are 26 years of age or older are forced to buy
a first class pass which costs a lot more. Some complained Anchor : Tonight, we’re going to look at a scandal that is
about this policy because first class doesn’t offer more threatening the tourism industry in Europe. Or, at
comforts for the travelers. It is only a little less crowded and least, the budget tourism industry. Dale?
a bit quieter than other classes. And the pass is made of Reporter : Many people enjoy taking some time off from
paper which is not very durable. Eurailpass users usually school or work and go backpacking around
travel a long period of time and the thin-paper pass easily Europe. Now that traveling between countries in
gets damaged or destroyed. It should be handled with extra Europe is so much easier, budget tourism has
care. increased tremendously. Last year, over 1 million
backpackers visited Europe. But recently, many
backpackers have canceled their trips. It seems
that youth hostels have been overcharging
Answer :
backpackers. Although there is a lot of
Eurailpass competition, instead of prices decreasing, they’ve
- unlimited train travel in 18 European countries actually gone up.
- cheaper than regular train tickets Anchor : Do you know why that’s been happening?
- different types of discounted pass are offered Reporter : It seems that the number of tourists has been
- 30% to 40% more discount for Eurailpass Youths increasing at a faster rate than the number of
- take or leave the train freely hostels, so hostels feel freer to overcharge their
- enjoy added value customers.
- can’t be purchased in Europe Anchor : Is there anything that travelers can do to protect
Eurailpass First class themselves from being overcharged?
- 26 years old or older should buy a first class seat Reporter : Well, online shopping is probably the best bet.
- first class is not very different from other seats Check and compare prices online before you go.
- the ticket is made of paper Make sure to check the seasonal and group rates.
Anchor : Are there any other precautions people can take?
A. Reporter : Word of mouth can be very useful. Backpacker
Answer : websites and message boards around the world
1. Eurailpass allows travels through 18 countries in are great ways to get information about
Europe. backpacking around Europe. Backpackers enjoy
2. A Youth Eurailpass offers discounts from 30% to 40% helping one another out, and they can get
of adult fares. information that you can’t find in youth hostel
3. It’s less crowded and a bit quieter. brochures or tourist guides.

B. A.
Answer : Answer : See the script above.

Benefit Drawback B.
쪾economic and easy 쪾can’t be bought in Answer :

쪾flexible Europe
1. Many youth hostels in Europe have been overcharging

쪾special bonus 쪾price of fare differs backpackers.

2. The number of tourists has been increasing at a faster
according to the age of
rate than the number of hostels.
the buyer
쪾 not durable
3. The reporter suggests that backpackers use online
shopping and check and compare prices before the

p. 69 big problem-litter. Beautiful lakes and forests are becoming
more polluted. Beaches are becoming more dangerous to
swim in. So if you decide to travel abroad, practice
ecotourism. We have to protect the world’s natural
1. treasures.
A : Where would you recommend?
B : Well, what do you like to do?
Answer : 4. ⑤ 5. ②
A : Actually, I’m very stressed out. I’ve been so busy at work
lately. I don’t want to do anything too difficult. I need a
relaxing holiday, somewhere hot.
B : Where would you like to go?
p. 70
12 Boarding Schools
Answer : ②
2. 1. stern and exact
M : So, what are we going to do first? 2. to improve or make better
W1 : I want to go to the Eiffel Tower! 3. training that prepares for higher education
W2 : No, let’s go for a boat ride. We can have a nice dinner 4. important or well-known
near La Seine. 5. to change from one school and enter another
W1 : Maybe we should visit the Notre Dame Church. 6. to give or supply
M : Aren’t you hungry? I am starved. Let’s go eat and talk 7. to look forward to
about it over dinner. 8. something that is good; advantage
① buy a ticket for the boat ride 9. of many different kinds
② take a walk near La Seine 10. a strong desire to succeed
③ plan places to visit over dinner
④ visit the Notre Dame church A.
⑤ find a hotel to get some rest Answer :
1. e
Answer : ③ 2. j
3. i
4. d
A : Excuse me, how much further do we need to travel? 5. a
B : If the traffic is good, it will take ten minutes to Clark St. 6. h
Then five more minutes to the highway, and fifteen 7. g
minutes on the highway. 8. f
A : Oh, I need to take the 6 o’clock train. Can we go a bit 9. c
faster? 10. b
B : I will try, but I can’t go faster than the speed limit.
A : It is the last train to Los Angeles. I can’t miss that.
1. strict
① 10 minutes 2. advantage
② 15 minutes 3. ambition
③ 20 minutes 4. provide
④ 25 minutes 5. transfer
⑤ 30 minutes
Answer : ⑤
Answer :
1. b
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage. 2. c
As travel costs come down, more people are choosing to 3. a
spend their vacations abroad. Many travel companies offer 4. a
excellent tour packages to just about anywhere you want to 5. b
go. Each year, millions of tourists travel to see the world s ’
most famous sights. But all of these people are creating a

p. 71 2. T F 3
3. T 3 F
4. T 3 F
Interviewer : Hello, Kelly. Nice to meet you. Could you introduce 5. T F 3
yourself to the members of the committee?
Kelly : Yes, of course. First of all, thank you for having me B.
here today. My name is Kelly Miller. I am in the Answer :
10th grade at Holton Public School. 1. c
Interviewer : We would like to know the reason you’d like to 2. b
transfer to Eaton Royal Boarding School? 3. c
Kelly : One of the advantages of attending a boarding 4. b
school is the opportunity for academic 5. b
excellence. Eaton Royal Boarding School
provides the top most in educational systems for p. 72
students. It is also a great preparatory school for
prominent universities.
Interviewer : Yes, I strongly agree with you. Our school faculty A.
members have advanced degrees which enhance Answer : See A. script.
academic achievement especially for students
who have ambitions for entering Ivy League
p. 73
Kelly : I was really impressed that the school provides
various extra curricular programs. My favorite is
Polo. I am very glad to hear there is a Polo Team Unlike public schools, going to boarding school isn’t an
here. easy decision. One will need to adjust to a new
Interviewer : We are also glad to hear that. How about our environment and new people. Most boarding schools keep
dormitory? Wouldn’t it be difficult for you to live in students under strict supervision with stringent rules. Also
the dorm? a higher academic demand may be exhausting. The
Kelly : I think it will be a great experience for me. I heard physical separation from one’s family and friends cause
there are students from all over the world at Eaton emotional difficulty. Financial costs will also be a big part in
Royal Boarding School. Meeting new people and making the decision. The tuition is quite expensive since
learning about different cultural backgrounds will the government does not fund boarding schools. The
be a big benefit for me. Actually I really look schools charge fees ranging between $11,000 and $16,000
forward to living in the dorm. a year. One might want to consider if it’s worth all the
Interviewer : We hope you received enough information about effort. However, there are several good reasons to go to
our dormitory. We have a top rated dormitory boarding school as well. First of all, they give more
system, but some students do have a difficult attention to students. Boarding schools generally have
time with some of the rules we have. Most smaller classes, allowing more interaction between the
students find the curfew very difficult to keep. In teachers and the students. Classroom settings are often
addition, all the dorms are supervised by very designed to help teachers perform their best. This helps the
strict housemistresses. Are you sure you will be teachers to achieve higher academic goals with the
comfortable with that? students. Secondly, most of the faculty have advanced
Kelly : A curfew? I am quite shocked to hear that. I didn’t degrees, as well as other resources, such as the library or
expect to have a curfew here. I thought I could other facilities, that can often be superior to public schools.
manage my time more freely living at a dorm. And Lastly, diverse extracurricular activities motivate the
I definitely didn’t expect to have a housemistress. students to have higher academic standards. Plenty of
I am not sure if I could be comfortable with those options and a wide range of topics in the school program
rules. encourage students to achieve better academic results. It is
Interviewer : We are very sorry to hear that, Kelly. a well-known fact that boarding school students have a
better chance to enter prominent universities.
Answer :
1. T F 3

p. 74
Answer :

Boarding schools aren’t an easy decision

- adjust to new environment and people Anchor : In the news today, we’re looking at rather
- stricter rules particular boarding schools. Therapeutic boarding
- higher academic demands schools for troubled teens. Here is Jim. Jim, can
- physical separation you tell us more?
- expensive because no funds from the government Reporter : Therapeutic boarding schools are for the troubled
Boarding schools are better adolescents with behavioral or emotional
- better interaction between the teacher and the students problems. If you are a parent frustrated by your
- achieve higher academic goals teen’s behavior and academic performance, these
- qualifications of the faculty members are advanced schools can be the answer to your problem.
- many different extra-curricular programs Anchor : So how are they different?
Reporter : They offer academic programs like other boarding
A. schools. However, they specially offer counseling
Answer : and extracurricular activities that help the
1. Stricter rules and higher academic demands may students to develop self-esteem and how their
exhaust the students. behavior and decisions impact their lives. Also
2. They charge fees which cost between $11,000 and there is a large staff to student ratios which gives
$16,000. the student more individual attention.
3. They allow more interaction between teachers and Anchor : Sounds excellent. Are there any tips for the
students. parents who are looking for these special kinds of
B. Reporter : First of all, parents need to know what their child is
Answer : struggling against. Having a professional
evaluate your child’s problem is strongly advised.
Pros Cons
And then look for schools with a curriculum that is
More attention to students Difficult to adjust well-balanced between therapeutic and academic
- more interaction - strict supervision with programs. Most of all, parents should check if
between teachers and stringent rules there is family involvement in the program. It is an
students with smaller - demand more academic essential component of your child’s recovery
classes achievement process.
- achieve higher academic Anchor : Yes, I agree that family involvement is a must.
goals Thank you, Jim.

Superior to public school Emotional difficulties A.

- faculty have advanced - physical separation Answer : See the script above.
degrees from family
- advanced facilities B.
Answer :
Higher academic standards Cost is higher 1. Parents who are frustrated by their children’s behavior
- motivate the students - no funds from and academic performance.
- better academic results government or local 2. They offer counseling and extracurricular activities.
- provide better chances authorities 3. They should look for well-balanced therapeutic and
to enter good - school charges fee to academic programs and family involvement in the
universities students program.

p. 75
Questions 4~5 refer to the following passage.
Parents’ attitude toward school can be quite disturbing.
There are many parents who see school as a kind of
daycare center where they can leave their children all day
A : When is the final? for free. This is very dangerous, because children may grow
B : In about a week and a half. up believing their parents don’t care about them. These
A : Yeah, but does it start on Wednesday or Thursday? parents need to take a more active role in their children’s
B : It starts on the last Friday of the month. But we have got education before leaving all the responsibilities to
about ten days from today. teachers.
A : Only ten days? I am in trouble!

② Answer : 4. ① 5. ④
Answer :

A : You look terrible. What’s wrong?
B : I stayed up until 4 o’clock this morning.
A : What were you doing? Preparing for the math test
B : Well, I was hooked on playing video games.
A : You mean you weren’t studying for the test? I hope
you’re ready. It’s going to start in ten minutes.
B : I know. I need to manage my time better. But all I can
think of right now is my warm bed in my room.
① park
② office
③ bedroom
④ arcade
⑤ school
Answer : ⑤

A : Do you want to help me shop for some new clothes?
B : Sure. What’s the occasion?
A : I want to look nice for the first day of school.
B : There’s a big sale at Smart Set this weekend.
A : That’s not bad. But they don’t have a very good
selection. I’d rather go to the Summer Mall.
B : That place is always packed on the weekends.
A : Maybe if we go early, it wouldn’t be that crowded.
B : Ok. Actually I could do with a shopping trip too. I need
some school supplies.
① try
② go
③ need
④ finish
⑤ buy
Answer : ③

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