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===== PERRY MARSHALL / MMO =====


You hear stories all over the internet about the guy who got clicks for 8 cents or emails for $1.50
or roofing leads for $10.

What they don’t tell you is that they were fishing in some tiny little internet pond. They caught all
the fish for 8 cents or $1.50 or $10. No more fish.

There is no SCALE. You can’t expand. You max out.

It’s easy to get 50 clicks for 8 cents.

But you’re not gonna get 500 clicks for 8 cents.

It’s easy to get 10 leads for $1.50 but you’re not gonna get 1000!

It’s easy to get ONE roofing lead for $10... but you’re not going to feed a roofing crew with it.
Scale is a LOT harder than people say. And here’s why: It’s because of the Martini Glass

How DEEP the martini is, from top to bottom - that’s your cost per click.

The TOP SURFACE of the martini juice - that’s the # of clicks you get.

How many ounces of martini juice do you actually drink? That’s your daily spend.

THAT is how traffic scales. Exponentially expensive unless you’re the Strong Persuader in your

Stick with me. Because this is HEART ATTACK critical. It will save you from vagrant
agencies that vacuum out your wallet and leave you dying of thirst on the side of the road.

Martini Glass says: If clicks are 8 cents (depth of martini) and you got 50 clicks (upper surface)
then you spent $4.00 (amount of martini).

But if you want 200 clicks instead of 50, you have to bid 16 cents instead of 8. And you have to
spend $32.00 instead of $4.00.

You had to pay 2X as much for EACH click click to get 4X more clicks. So you spent 8X more
money total!

So the Martini Glass formula for scale is:

● Clicks = change in bid price SQUARED

● Spend = change in bid price CUBED
If you want 4X more traffic it’s gonna cost you 8X more money.

If you want 10X more traffic it’s gonna cost you 30X more money.

Scale gets REAL expensive. REAL fast.

Now… is there any way to solve this?

Yes, there is a yin to the yang:

If you double your conversion rate, customer acquisition cost stays the same yet you 8X your
market share.

If you double your conversion rate, customer acquisition cost stays the same yet you 8X your
market share.

When you 30X your market share… you’re King Kong. You roam vast plains of opportunity
without limit.

You get RESPECT. Because you have earned it.

This is why I created Paradigm Shift. Because... if there’s any way possible to 8X your market
share… this is it.

In most cases it’s incredibly hard to double conversion rates but I’ve introduced an X factor.
Something no one else possesses.

We are organizing customers into Formations of three. Our first Formation flies on Monday
September 24. Register and join now:

Perry Marshall


This virus has triggered a recession that’s already worse than anything we saw around 2008…
Most economists say that it’ll be just as bad as the Great Depression.

But there’s no reason to be scared.

These two legendary traders certainly aren’t!

With their new system, Rob Booker and Roger Scott are coming off a 12-week winning streak…

One that’s produced massive returns of 134%... 291%... And even 326%!

And they want to show you exactly how they did it.

They’ll even give you one of their Jump Trades — 100% free!

Click here to claim your FREE GIFT now!

All the best,

Wealth Press


With so many surprised with their tax return, this book couldn’t have come at a better time. If
you think you could be doing better financially, please your FREE hardcover book from best-
selling author Ted Bauman is on hold.

And since you haven’t claimed yours, we have NOT shipped it to your address yet.

But hurry, copies are limited.

Inside, you’ll learn how to:

● Squeeze as much as an extra $6,840 per year out of your Social Security benefits (Page

● “UPGRADE” your savings account and earn 12 times more interest — I can’t believe
more seniors aren’t using this simple trick! (Page 145)

● Make $35 an hour walking on the beach... Earn up to $1,720 in “Backdoor Rental
Income”... Go shopping and NET CASH the next time you go to the grocery store... And

That’s why I’m urgently trying to reach you. You NEED to claim this free book now... before it’s
too late.

Click here now for the details.

There are only 500 free copies available.

I don’t know if there any more I can give away.

Our supplies are limited.

Click here now for the details.



Hello Jerrod,

“Good times” copy is over.

"CRISIS copy” is KING

It’s true.

In many markets… claims are BOUNCING OFF

prospects like rubber bullets off a tank.

Tell a weight loss prospect today she can

loose five “vanity pounds” and she won’t
even hear you.

But tell her how lowering her BMI (body mass

index) below 30 could potentially SAVE HER
LIFE and you’ve got her attention.

The same is the case in many markets.

It’s the end of the line for bull market,

“good times” copy for now… but that
doesn’t mean your sales have to suffer
because… there’s a WORLD of response
waiting for you to tap with CRISIS COPY.

Why CRISIS Copywriting is King...

Yours for bolder response,


When someone says, “I feel stressed.”

… It’s often meant as a bad thing.

But for a moment, imagine how much more you’d get done — and how easy it would be to
overcome the challenges of work and everyday life — if you enjoyed stress.

Well friends, I have some good news...

Because I’m about to show you that “stress” might actually be the best thing for you. And when
you understand the benefits of stress, I suspect you’ll start savoring it as much as I do.

But first, a short story…

As many of you know, I took on this new role of “publisher” at the beginning of the year.

And with it, came more responsibilities than I’ve ever managed before, like leading a team,
executing multiple projects at once, driving forward both product marketing and fulfillment,
business development, customer service, and anything else that needs to get done, but lacks a
dedicated team member.

Plus, when I started the role, Rich was in the midst of planning his Coalition to Save Internet
Business livestream, which in itself, had more moving pieces than any campaign I’ve ever been
a part of.

Point being, I was faced with major challenges in Q1.

And there were many late nights and long weekends at the office.

But whenever I would lay in bed at night and talk with my wife, I wouldn’t complain about all the
fires I had to put out that day.

Instead, I’d tell her how much I LOVED doing it.

Now, many people in this situation would’ve been scared, or nervous, or anxious, or intimidated.
And all of those words could’ve easily characterized the emotions I was feeling.

But instead of looking at my situation through a negative lens...

I viewed my stress as excitement.

“This is fun,” I’d tell myself.

And it’s a habit I’ve worked hard to develop whenever the butterflies in my stomach are flapping
at top speed.

Because 95 times out of 100, those butterflies mean I’m doing something that’s pushing me to
my outer limits and forcing me to grow as a person.

I’m getting better.

And even though this is a simple shift in perspective, it makes a profound difference.

But here’s the cool part…

I’m not some freak of nature who doesn’t get stressed.

On the contrary, it’s taken my whole life to get to this point (and I still have room to improve).

But one thing that’s helped me get here is by researching the best ways to deal with my
emotions, which nowadays, isn’t too hard considering the Internet and the litany of academic
literature on the subject.

For instance, most people don’t realize that psychologists have identified two types of stress:

● Distress: This is the common form of stress that causes dissatisfaction and depression.

● Eustress: This is positive stress that causes enjoyment, focus, and personal growth.

But here’s the crazy part…

Scientists found that the type of event doesn’t impact whether it causes distress or eustress. It’s
the way we perceive these events that determine if we grow or suffer because of them.

For one person, a terminal cancer diagnosis might give them a newfound appreciation for life
and force them to reconnect with an estranged family member.

But for another, it could send them down a spiralling depression full of anger and resentment.

The difference?


As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (don’t ask me how to pronounce it), wrote in his iconic book, Flow:
“How we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depend directly on how the
mind filters and interprets everyday experiences.”

In other words:

“The control of consciousness determines the quality of life,” writes Csikszentmihalyi.

That means that your job... or your spouse… or your President… or the coronavirus… aren’t
responsible for your distress.


Personally, when I first uncovered this idea, it was a breakthrough for me. And since then,
through study and practice, I’ve learned how to control the way I perceive stress.

It’s been a game changer.

Because now I find high-stakes, high-intensity work to be some of the most enjoyable, fulfilling,
and satisfying experiences of my life.

And I suspect that by making a simple tweak to your own narrative about stress, the same could
happen for you too.

Your pen pal,

Matt Rizvi


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