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Food and Beverage answers.

1) What is obesity?
…………abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. …………………..(1mark)
2) According to the passage what causes obesity?
……………………………………eating unhealthy food excessively………………………………………..( 1mark)
3) Who are the most affected by obesity?
……………………………young children and adults ……….……………………………………….………..(2marks)
4) Who should take the responsibility of one’s dietary choices?
………………………………the individual who chooses to eat unhealthy food………………….…(1mark)
5) Why do people buy fast food instead of healthier food?
………………Healthy food is too expensive to afford and fast food is cheap ……………….…(2mark)
6) Mention two factors apart from cheap prices that have contributed to the rise of obesity.
…location in low income neighborhood and poor advertising …………………………….….(2marks)
7) Who should be blamed for the increase in obesity according to the writer?
…………………………………………………fast food…………………………………………………………………..(1mark)
8) What can lead to serious health hazards?
………………………………frequent consumption of fast food………………………………………………(1mark)
9) Write down two substances in fast food that cause obesity.
…………………………………………high sugar count and salt( many calories in a meal)……….…(2marks)
10) What is the average amount of calories a person should take to remain healthy?
…………………………1800 calories ..………………………………………………………………………………….(1mark)
11) What do depressed people do to deal with physical and mental problems?
…………………………eat more food..……………………………………………………………………………… ..(1mark)

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