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“You” Through Other’s Eyes

Qualities or things that define me.

1. Short (height)
2. Tanned skin
3. Loud
4. Chubby
5. Messy black hair
6. Short-tempered
7. Talkative
8. Touchy
9. Clingy (especially to my close friends)
10. Cheerful

II. Qualities that define according to others:

 Loner
 Independent
 Smart
 A quiet person
 Shy


1. What aspects are similar and which are not?

- They don’t have a similarity and there’s a lot of differences.
2. What aspect are always true to you?
- The me who’s a touchy person, I love to hug and cling on to my friends.
3. What aspects are true or circumstantial?
- My aspect that circumstantial is being talkative because I only talked a lot when I’m with
someone who’s I’m comfortable to be with or someone who has the same interest as me.
4. What aspects do you think is not really part of your personality?
- The aspect that is not part of my personality is being smart.

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