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The average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days.

The cycle starts with the first day of one period
and ends with the first day of the next period.
The average woman ovulates on day 14.
The 4 stages of menstrual cycle are:
1) Menstruation
2) Follicular phase
3) Ovulation
4) Luteal phase
The 4 hormones in the menstrual cycle:
1) LH
2) FSH
3) Oestradial
4) Progesterone
That result in growth of follicle (follicles are fluid
filled sacs in the ovaries that contain eggs),
Ovulation (releases the egg from the ovary into the
fallopian tubes), formation of the corpus luteum
(remnant of the follicle which produces
progesterone and oestrogen to prepare the womb
for pregnancy). If no pregnancy occurs the fall in
progesterone leads to shedding of the endometrial
(womb) lining and recommencing the cycle.

The duration of the menstrual cycle can be divided

into four main phase
1 – 5
2 – 13
Day 14
15 – 28

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