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First Year Geography Revision Test – Volcanoes



Predicted Grade:

Actual Grade: /100m

1. Draw a simple labelled diagram to explain the formation of a volcano. You must include
the following terms: Lava, Magma Chamber, Crater, Vent (15m)

2. Name the three life stages of a volcano? (10m)


3. Define the term ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’? (10m)


4. What is a mid-ocean ridge and give one named example? (10m)


5. Which of the following are the names of volcanoes found in the word today. Circle the
correct answers: (5m)
Mt. Everest Mt. Pinatubo Mt. Fuji Mt. Kilimanjaro

6. What is a destructive plate boundary? (10m)

7. Fill in the missing word. (5m)

___________ are spouts of very hot eater that are heated by magma under the ground.

8. Can you name this country and explain in 5 sentences how it was formed? (20m)


9. Name one key skill you did not use while studying this topic? (5m)

10. On reflection what was the most interesting thing that you covered during this topic?
Give two reasons for your answer. (10m)

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