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-Brigid Brophy
About Writer and Essay

Brigid Brophy - Born in London - studied at


• Brophy believes in 'life force which exists in

many complex forms and sees art as an
extension of that force.

Brophy argues- the responsibility of human

beings is to behave decently towards the animals.

She asserts that out relationship to animal is

1929 -1995
one of unremitting exploitation.

We are under moral obligation to respect

animals rights.
 Some people say that they exploit or violate the
animal rights because that is their hobby - people
exploit fish which is not harmful for them - kill the
fish for amusement of or fishing is their hobby.
 According to Brophy, our relationship to animal is
exploitation - enjoy their work, eat them, wear them,
serve our superstitions, sacrifice them to out god,
and sacrifice them to science and experiments.
 People rarely leave wild animals alive, when they
do, do not leave them wild, put in zoo or display in
 Doing these activities, people are violating their
moral aesthetic sense.
 She says - Animals also have their natural rights -
why human being forget that?
 We are aware of human rights but forget to respect
animal rights.

 She argues that animals can be used for

economical growth with maintaining basic rights of
 She was vegetarian - and said we have no right to
kill animals, meat is not essential for human life (she
is without meat for ten years) and she is very healthy.
 But she argues that to fulfill the minimum obligations
(basic needs), people have right to kill animals.
 Sometimes scientific and medical experiments are
important to make life easier, better and longer.
 Genuine and painful clash is on the subject of
vivisection (practice of operation on live animals for
the purpose of experiments.)
Animals should have rights because they are
living beings with the right to live freely as long
as they have the will to.

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