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In this excerpt Maria meets several characters that will take her through several emotions.

First she felt nostalgia and guilt when she thinks about the boys.

Then she felt embarrassed in front of the baker that kept her from speaking. So she used her face to
answer her.

When she met the gentleman on the bus she felt confused.

When she arrived home Maria was happy, she was looking to surprise her parents. But when she
realized that she had forgotten the bag on the bus she felt sad and guilty. She felt sadness and
disgust for herself.

In a nutshell Maria has had a simple and quiet life so all the details of daily life have become the
center of her energies, and these details direct her life. For Maria, everything requires organization
and precision. She is fastidious. We have the impression that she is talking to herself and she
establishes an organization of her output. In this excerpt the characters act as stewards of her life
and her emotions.

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