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Reflection task on lecture 10

Consider the time when you had problems with following the rules and was punished. Analyze this
experience and draw the conclusion about the stage of development and people who helped you learn
the lesson.

When I was in the 9th grade, we had a rule at school where it was said that we had to wear only a school
uniform, that is, a dark blue skirt, pants and shirt, and we could also wear a dark blue vest, jacket.But
sometimes i wore sweatshirts of other colors such as blue, green.As for the shoes, we had to wear only
classic shoes.And it was more comfortable for me to wear sneakers.In my opinion, about once every two
weeks we were checked for our clothes and I was warned several times. There was no strict
punishment, because I was not the only one who wore something else and then they told me that I had
to write an explanatory note. And we were also not allowed to do a manicure, a bright make-up and
once I did a manicure and they told me to clean it up.

The people who insisted I follow the rules are my teachers. They said how important it is to follow the
rules. In conclusion, I bought myself a beautiful dark blue vest and began to wear it, and as for shoes, I
found comfortable classic shoes.

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