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Reflection task on lecture 8

Anel Serikbayeva

Consider the Attachment theory with attachment styles. Watch these educational video and analyze
which style dominates in your interpersonal relationships. Explain the reasons and predict success and
problems in the future.

I think that secure style dominates in my interpersonal relationships. I usually show openness
when it comes to sharing my thoughts and feelings with others, and I'm also at ease asking for
aid from others and accepting dependence from others. The main reasons why I have a secure
attachment style, in my opinion, are because I was raised by parents who provided a stable
foundation, room for me to explore, and consistency .So, they consistently responded to my
changing requirements, conveyed their messages to me with real emotions, and made me feel
protected and comfortable.
I'll benefit from secure attachment in the following ways: I'll have positive interactions with my
parents and siblings and also I will  have lasting friendships .In addition, i will make more
positive assumptions about others.
I believe that any issues resulting from secure attachment shouldn't exist in the future. Since,
secure attachment is the healthiest form of attachment. Because, as an adult, I might have low
self-esteem and be more prone to worry and depression if I would not have secure relationships
with other people.

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