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By introducing shared open spaces with other classes, I think I can help the kids reach their
full physical, mental, and emotional potential.
The availability of resources is the third factor. Making the most of my resources will not
only help me save time and money in the future as a teacher, but it will also help a child learn and
grow. Therefore, I am going to grant myself permission to acquire the resources I require to enhance
the learning experience of my child. Examples include videos, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets,
folders and files, books, and dictionaries. My students and I are able to maintain an organized
environment thanks to this, and it also helps them get the most out of their education.
The fourth option is a real classroom. As a potential educator, I will ensure that the
organization of the work area and desks, the attractiveness of bulletin boards, and the storage of
supplies and materials are all in their proper places. The space is safe and clean, which my students
will be able to see.
The final environment is the psychological one. I intend to make my classroom child-friendly
and welcoming as a future educator. I would like them to share their feelings and thoughts about
something. I'll also make sure I can meet their requirements.

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