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Growing up, I saw my peers go to

different places and meet different

people of different backgrounds at a
very young age. And my way of having to
experience the same kind of feeling is
by reading books. Reading, for me, is
the most powerful skill anyone can
have. It can take you to different
places, timelines and makes you
experience all sort of things. And
what’s a better to experience all of
these, than a library. A library holds
the most reliable and organized
scholarly information. And above all,
library represents order, structure,
intellect and tells the story of a
culture, individuals, communities,
countries and the world, according to
For my logo entry, since it’s a public
library and is owned by the government,
I tried to infuse some of the design of
the official seal of Baguio City to the
logo I came up with. The symbols were
formed by using the words of people who
became successful in their fields with
the help of simply reading a book. Each
of the symbols in the logo represent
something, the open book symbolizes how
reading can open our mind to a bigger
picture. The mountains and trees
symbolize the eternity of records and
information a book contains and it also
represent the transformation, growth,
liberation and the conquests one can
have just by reading a book. The coffee
represents the comfort and the sense of
belongingness we find in reading a
book. And as a whole, the logo depicts
the location of the library which is in
the mountainous and cold City of
At the end of the day, I strongly
believe that every successful person in
the world has read a book or two.

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