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Recalibrating our minds: In Wellness and in health

Sean Kenneth E. Rafol- BS in Economics I

Love thy body, have you ever been mistreated because of illness?

Health and wellness are states of our body beyond the absence of illness, these two
terms are often discussed yet rarely understands. As we commemorate these year’s suicide
prevention month, I would like to emphasize the things that should and shouldn’t matter
amidst the hardship we’ve been encountering since then. Our health has been a crucial slice
of our system, it might give us strength and mixed emotions that has lasted since we were
born. Considering its benefits, it might also bring major negative differences if not properly

Well-being has been linked to diverse stories of success, professionalism, and

satisfactions, it improves human’s mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of
living. With those individuals who’re trying to enhance their intrinsic motivation, they usually
encompass the presence of positive thinking that will cover idiomatic expressions and
negativity. Poor well-being could be unpredicted, to some cases, it would just “pop-up and
boom”. Life disadvantages disallowing people to do what they truly desires can drive them to
sadness and negativity resulting of poor outputs.

In the thick of pandemic, it’s important to maintain proper lifestyle, to protect our
body and drive the essence of life to its fullest. Maintaining this can give us hope, prosperity,
and unending happiness.

As someone who has a positive prospect in life, I could say that we always have to
show our best, start recalibrating our minds and have time to rest for a better performance
of living. Life might be spiral ups or downs, there are lot of pros and cons causing it
uncertain, but the thing that truly matters is on how we define life and associate it to health
and wellness.

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