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I would rate this course 4 points on a scale as this course helped me a lot in

developing my cognitive abilities. This course helped me to find the right things to do
not only have I gained knowledge about how hotels and restaurants work, I have also
discovered myself. I now know what my strengths are, what I am good at, and what can
I achieve in studying this course. The course does not just teach you how to cook or how
to serve, it also make you a better human being. To empathize, understand situations in
a way like no one else can. I also learned to be strong and well competent in all of the
things I am doing. I have also learned many different cooking techniques in our
instructors. This course also helped me to communicate with the people well. Before I
was very shy an introvert, I always wanted to be alone and stay at my room every time. I
cannot communicate with people well I am always out of place whenever my friends are
talking to different people we meet in parties or in social gatherings. But now I can
communicate with people confidently.

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