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User Access Verification

Username: admin

Welcome to BDCOM GP3600-08B OLT

BDCOM#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
!version 10.3.0D build 59372
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
hostname BDCOM
port-protected 1
spanning-tree mode rstp
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 0 admin
gpon profile onu-tcont tcont-default id 1
gpon-profile tcont-type 3 pir 1024000 cir 512
gpon profile onu-rate-limit ratelimit-default id 1
gpon-profile pir 1244160 cir 1244160
gpon profile onu-virtual-port virtual-port-default id 1
gpon-profile encryption disable
gpon-profile upstream queue 8
gpon-profile downstream queue 8
gpon profile onu-tcont-virtual-port-bind tvbind-default id 1
gpon-profile virtual-port 1 profile virtual-port-default tcont 1 profile tcont-
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping flow-mapping-default id 1
gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni all
gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping flow-mapping-default-hgu id 2
gpon-profile entry 1 uni type veip all
gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
gpon profile onu-vlan 200 id 3
gpon-profile vlan mode tag
gpon-profile vlan pvid 200 0
gpon profile onu-vlan 300 id 4
gpon-profile vlan mode tag
gpon-profile vlan pvid 300 0
gpon profile onu-vlan 1000 id 5
gpon-profile vlan mode tag
gpon-profile vlan pvid 1000 0
gpon onutype-template onutype-default-hgu
gpon-onutype match ctc-onu-type HGU
gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default-hgu
gpon onutype-template onutype-default
gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default
interface Null0
interface GigaEthernet0/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 1 GP3600-08B mother card
interface GigaEthernet0/1
switchport mode access
switchport pvid 200
interface GigaEthernet0/2
switchport mode access
switchport pvid 300
interface GigaEthernet0/3
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/4
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/5
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/6
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/7
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/8
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/3
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/4
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GPON0/1
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D620B6308 1
gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D620BCFB8 2
gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D620BC848 3
gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D620B63C8 4
switchport mode trunk
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/1:1
gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon onu flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default-hgu
gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 256
gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile 200
gpon onu uni 3 vlan-profile 300
interface GPON0/1:2
gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon onu flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default
gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 257
gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile 200
gpon onu uni 2 vlan-profile 200
gpon onu uni 3 vlan-profile 300
gpon onu ip-host 1 address static
interface GPON0/1:3
gpon onu equipment-id 1116 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon onu flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default-hgu
gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 258
gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile 200
gpon onu uni 3 vlan-profile 300
gpon onu uni 4 vlan-profile 1000
gpon onu ip-host 1 address static
interface GPON0/1:4
gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
gpon onu flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default-hgu
gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 259
interface GPON0/2
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/3
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/4
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/5
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/6
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/7
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
interface GPON0/8
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
no switchport protected
!!slot end
interface VLAN1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN200
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN300
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN1000
description test
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 1,100,200,300,1000
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http language english
ip http server
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!No configurations pending global

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