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Topic 14 Surface Area and Volume


14-1 Three-Dimensional Figures and English/Spanish Vocabulary Audio Online:

Cross Sections English Spanish
14-2 Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders cone, p. 558, 573 cono
14-3 Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones cross section, p. 558 sección de corte
14-4 Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders cylinder, p. 558, 566 cilindro
14-5 Volumes of Pyramids and Cones lateral area, p. 565 área lateral
14-6 Surface Areas and Volumes of
polyhedron, p. 559 poliedro
prism, p. 558, 566 prisma
pyramid, p. 565 pirámide
14-7 Surface Areas and Volumes of
sphere, p. 558, 590 esfera
Related Solids
total surface area, p. 566 área total de la superficie
volume, p. 579 volumen


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556 Topic 14  Surface Area and Volume

Box ‘Em Up

3--Act Math
With so many people and
businesses shopping online,
retailers, and especially
e-retailers, ship more and more
packages every day. Some
of the products people order
have unusual sizes and shapes
and need custom packaging.
Imagine how you might
package a surfboard, or a snow
blower, or even live crawfish to
ship to someone’s house!

Think about this as you watch

this 3-Act Math video.

Scan page to see a video

for this 3-Act Math Task.

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Vocabulary Online Learning Animations Interactive Math tools
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terms in both English and stepped-out learning animations give you opportunities to
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interactive concept explorations, your Student Companion is also for stepped-out, multi-level
dynamic activitites, and topic- available as an ACTIVebook instructional support.
level exploration activities. accessible on any digital device.  557
14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and
Cross Sections
TEKS (10)(A)  Identify the • Base – Some surfaces of a three- • Prism – a polyhedron with two
shapes of two-dimensional cross- dimensional figure are also called congruent and parallel faces
sections of prisms, pyramids, bases. For example, the two parallel (the bases)
cylinders, cones, and spheres faces of a prism are the bases.
• Pyramid – a polyhedron in which one
and identify three-dimensional
• Cone – a three-dimensional figure with face (the base) can be any polygon
objects generated by rotations one base, which is a circle, and a vertex and the other faces are triangles
of two-dimensional shapes. that is not in the same plane as the base that meet at a common vertex
TEKS (1)(D) Communicate • Cross section – the intersection of a • Sphere – the set of all points in space
mathematical ideas, reasoning, solid and a plane that slices through that are equidistant from a given
and their implications using the solid point
multiple representations,
including symbols, diagrams,
• Cube – a polyhedron with six faces, • Vertex – In a polyhedron, a vertex is
each of which is a square a point where three or more edges
graphs, and language as
intersect. The plural form of vertex is
appropriate. • Cylinder – a three-dimensional figure
that has two congruent parallel faces vertices.
Additional TEKS (1)(E), (1)(F) (bases) which are circles
• Implication – a conclusion that
• Edge – a segment that is formed by follows from previously stated ideas
the intersection of two faces of a
or reasoning without being explicitly
• Face – a surface of a polyhedron • Representation – a way to display
• Net – a two-dimensional diagram or describe information. You can
that you can fold to form a three- use a representation to present
dimensional figure mathematical ideas and data.
• Polyhedron – a three-dimensional
figure whose surfaces are polygons

You can analyze a three-dimensional figure by using the relationships among
its vertices, edges, and faces.

558 Lesson 14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections

Key Concept  Three-Dimensional Figures
You can classify a solid by the shape(s) of its surfaces.
Some examples are shown below.

Triangular prism Cylinder Cone

Rectangular prism Pyramid Sphere

Key Concept  Polyhedrons

A polyhedron is a space figure, or three-dimensional figure, whose surfaces are
polygons. Each polygon is a face of the polyhedron. An edge is a segment that is
formed by the intersection of two faces. A vertex is a point where three or more
edges intersect.




Key Concept  Euler’s Formula
The sum of the number of faces (F) and vertices (V) of a polyhedron is two more
than the number of its edges (E).
   F + V = E + 2
In two dimensions, Euler’s Formula reduces to F + V = E + 1, where F is the
number of regions formed by V vertices linked by E segments.  559
Problem 1
Using Euler’s Formula
How do you verify How many vertices, edges, and faces does the polyhedron at the right
Euler’s Formula? have? Use your results to verify Euler’s Formula.
Find the number of faces,
vertices, and edges. Then
substitute the values into
Euler’s Formula to make Count the number of
sure that the equation faces. F=8
is true.

Count the number of

vertices. V = 12

Count the number of

edges. E = 18

Substitute the values into

Euler’s Formula.    F + V = E + 2
8 + 12 ≟ 18 + 2
   20 = 20 ✓

Problem 2
Verifying Euler’s Formula in Two Dimensions
How can you verify Euler’s Formula for a net for the solid in Problem 1?
Draw a net for the solid.
What do you use for
the variables? Number of regions: F = 8

  In 3-D In 2-D Number of vertices: V = 22

F: Faces S Regions
Number of segments: E = 29
V: Vertices S Vertices
E: Edges S Segments F + V = E + 1 Euler’s Formula for two dimensions
8 + 22 = 29 + 1 Substitute.
 30 = 30 ✔

560 Lesson 14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections

Problem 3

Describing a Cross Section

How can you see the What is the cross section formed by the plane and the
cross section? cylinder at the right?
Mentally rotate the
solid so that the plane is
parallel to your face.
The cross section is a rectangle.

Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(E)

Drawing a Cross Section

Visualization  Draw a cross section formed by a vertical plane
intersecting the front and right faces of the cube. What shape is the
cross section?

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

How can you see
Visualize a vertical plane intersecting Draw the parallel Join their endpoints.
parallel segments?
Focus on the plane the vertical faces in parallel segments. segments. Shade the cross section.
intersecting the front and hsm11gmse_1101_t08631
right faces. The plane and
both faces are vertical,
so the intersections are
vertical parallel lines.

The cross section is a rectangle.

Problem 5
hsm11gmse_1101_t08634 hsm11gmse_1101_t08632

Identifying Cross Sections of Pyramids, Cones,

and Spheres
How do you know Draw and identify the cross section formed in each situation.
the cross section is a
square? A  A square pyramid is intersected by a plane
The cross section perpendicular to the base and passing
may appear to be a through the vertex.
parallelogram due to
the perspective of the The cross section is a triangle.
drawing. Consecutive
B   A square pyramid is intersected by a plane parallel to the base.
edges of the base meet at
right angles, so the cross The cross section is a square.
section is a square.

continued on next page ▶  561
Problem 5 continued

C   A cone is intersected by a plane parallel to the base.

The cross section is a circle.

D   A sphere is intersected by a plane.

The cross section is a circle.

Problem 6 TEKS Process Standard (1)(D)

Rotating Two-Dimensional Shapes

Identify the three-dimensional object generated by rotating a two-dimensional
shape as described.
A  Rotate a rectangle around a line that runs along one side of the rectangle.

Step 1 Step 2
Draw the rectangle Visualize rotating
and the line. the rectangle
around the line.

The three-dimensional object is a cylinder.

B   Rotate a circle around a line that does not intersect the circle.

Step 1 Step 2
How do you visualize
rotating the circle Draw the circle Visualize rotating
around the line? and the line. the circle around
As the circle rotates the line.
around the line, its
distance from the line is
fixed. The circle sweeps out
a donut shape.

The three-dimensional object is a donut shape.

562 Lesson 14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections


PRACTICE and APPLICATION EXERCISES Scan page for a Virtual Nerd™ tutorial video.


For each polyhedron, use Euler’s Formula to find the missing number.
faces: ■
1. 2. faces: 8 3. faces: 20
For additional support when edges: 15 edges: ■ edges: 30
completing your homework, vertices: 9 vertices: 6 vertices: ■
go to
Use Euler’s Formula to find the number of vertices in each polyhedron.
6 square faces 5. 5 faces: 1 rectangle 6. 9 faces: 1 octagon
and 4 triangles and 8 triangles
Describe each cross section.
8. 9.

For each polyhedron, describe two cross sections that have different
numbers of sides.
10. 11. hsm11gmse_1101_t07405

13. Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E) 

For the figure shown at the right, sketch each of the following.
hsm11gmse_1101_t07401 hsm11gmse_1101_t07402
a. a horizontal cross section hsm11gmse_1101_t07403
b. a vertical cross section that contains the vertical line of symmetry
14. Justify Mathematical Arguments (1)(G)  Suppose the number of
faces in a certain polyhedron is equal to the number of vertices.
Can the polyhedron have nine edges? Explain.
Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E)  Draw and
describe a cross section formed by a plane intersecting the cube as follows.hsm11gmse_1101_t07407
15. The plane is tilted and intersects the left and right faces of the cube.
16. The plane contains the red edges of the cube.
17. The plane cuts off a corner of the cube.

hsm11gmse_1101_t07418  563
Identify the three-dimensional object generated by rotating the
two-dimensional shape about line /.
18. 19. 20.

21. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  Some balls are made from panels that
suggest polygons. A soccer ball suggests a polyhedron with
20 regular hexagons and 12 regular
hsm11gmse_1101_t07422 pentagons. How many
hsm11gmse_1101_t07423 hsm11gmse_1101_t07424
vertices does this polyhedron have?
22. Display Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  Your friend claims that the
intersection of a cone and a plane can be a line segment. Do you
agree? Explain and provide a sketch to support your answer.
23. What is the cross section of any plane slicing through a sphere?
Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E) 
Draw a plane intersecting a cube to get the cross section indicated.
24. trapezoid 25. rhombus 26. equilateral triangle
z D
27. Connect Mathematical Ideas (1)(F)  Use the diagram at the right.
a. Find the three coordinates of each vertex A, B, C, and D.
b. Find AB. C
1 O 2 4 y
c. Find BC.
d. Find CD. x A B

TEXAS Test Practice
28. A polyhedron has four vertices and six edges. How many faces does it have?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 10
29. Suppose the circumcenter of △ABC lies on one of its sides. What type of
triangle must △ABC be?
scalene G. isosceles H. equilateral J. right
30. What is the area of a regular hexagon whose perimeter is 36 in.?
A. 1813 in.2 B. 2713 in.2 C. 3613 in.2 D. 5413 in.2
31. What is the best description of the polygon at the right?
concave decagon H. regular pentagon
G. convex decagon J. regular decagon
32. The coordinates of three vertices of a parallelogram are A(2, 1),
B(1, -2) and C(4,-1). What are the coordinates of the fourth vertex D? Explain.

564 Lesson 14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections
14-2  Surface Areas of Prisms
and Cylinders
TEKS (11)(C)  Apply the • Altitude – An altitude of a prism or • Right cylinder – a cylinder in which
formulas for the total and cylinder is the perpendicular segment the segment joining the centers of the
lateral surface area of that joins the planes of the bases. bases is an altitude
three-dimensional figures,
• Height – the length of an altitude of a • Right prism – a prism with rectangular
including prisms, pyramids, prism or cylinder lateral faces and whose lateral edge is
cones, cylinders, spheres, and an altitude
composite figures, to solve • Lateral area – the sum of the areas of
problems using appropriate
the surfaces of a three-dimensional • Total surface area – the sum of the
figure, not including the base(s) areas of all the surfaces of a three-
units of measure.
dimensional figure
TEKS (1)(E)  Create and use
• Lateral face – a face of a polyhedron
that is not a base
representations to organize, • Representation – a way to display
record, and communicate • Oblique cylinder – a cylinder in which or describe information. You can
mathematical ideas. the segment joining the centers of
use a representation to present
the bases is not perpendicular to the
Additional TEKS (1)(A), (1)(F), mathematical ideas and data.
planes containing the bases
(1)(G), (10)(B)
• Oblique prism – a prism with some or
all non-rectangular lateral faces

To find the total surface area of a three-dimensional figure, find the sum of the
areas of all the surfaces of the figure.  565
Key Concept  Prisms
A prism is a polyhedron with two congruent, parallel faces, called bases. The other
faces are lateral faces. You can name a prism using the shape of its bases.

Bases Bases


Pentagonal prism Triangular prism

An altitude of a prism is a perpendicular segment that joins the planes of the bases.
The height h of a prism is the length of an altitude. A prism may either be right or
oblique. In a right prism, the lateral faces are rectangles and a lateral edge is an altitude.
In an oblique prism, the some or all of the lateral faces are nonrectangular. In this book,
you may assume that a prism is a right prism unless stated or pictured otherwise.
h h

Right prisms Oblique prisms

Key Concept  Lateral and Total Surface Areas of a Prism

The lateral area of a right prism is the product of the p is the perimeter
perimeter of the base and the height of the prism. of a base.
L.A. = ph
The total surface area of a right prism is the sum of the h
lateral area and the areas of the two bases.
S.A. = L.A. + 2B B is the area of a base.

Key Concept  Cylinders
A cylinder is a solid that has two congruent parallel bases that are circles. An altitude
of a cylinder is a perpendicular segment that joins the planes of the bases. The
height h of a cylinder is the length of an altitude. In a right cylinder, the segment
joining the centers of the bases is an altitude. In an oblique cylinder, the segment
joining the centers is not perpendicular to the planes containing the bases. In this book,
you may assume that a cylinder is a right cylinder unless stated or pictured otherwise.

Bases h h h

Right cylinders Oblique cylinders

566 Lesson 14-2  Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders
Key Concept  Lateral and Total Surface Areas of a Cylinder
The lateral area of a right cylinder is the product of the r
circumference of the base and the height of the cylinder.
L.A. = 2pr # h, or L.A. = pdh h

The total surface area of a right cylinder is the sum

of the lateral area and the areas of the two bases.
B is the area of a base.
S.A. = L.A. + 2B, or S.A. = 2prh + 2pr 2

Problem 1
TEKS Process Standard (1)(E)

Using a Net to Find Total Surface Area of a Prism

How do you know
what units to use? What is the total surface area of the prism at the right? Use a net.
In the prism, the
rectangle marked 5 Draw a net for the prism. Then calculate the total surface area.
4 5 cm
on one side and 4 on
S.A. = sum of areas of all the faces
the other has area
5 cm * 4 cm, or 20 cm2.
4 3 4 3
=5 # 4+5 # 3+5 # 4+5 # 3+3 # 4+3 # 4 3 cm
So use cm2 as the unit 5 4 cm
= 20 + 15 + 20 + 15 + 12 + 12
for the total surface area
of the prism. 3 = 94

The total surface area of the prism is 94 cm2.

Problem 2
TEKS Process Standard (1)(G)

Using Formulas to Find Total Surface Area of a Prism

What is the total surface area of the prism at the right? 3 cm 4 cm
What do you need to
find first? Step 1 Find the perimeter of a base.
You first need to find
the missing side length The perimeter of the base is the sum of the side
of a triangular base so lengths of the triangle. Since the base is a right 6 cm
that you can find the triangle, the hypotenuse is 232 + 42 cm, or 5 cm,
perimeter of a base. by the Pythagorean Theorem.
p = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
Step 2 Find the lateral area of the prism.
L.A. = ph Use the formula for lateral area.
= 12 # 6 Substitute 12 for p and 6 for h.
= 72 Simplify.

continued on next page ▶  567
Problem 2 continued

Step 3 Find the area of a base.

Which height do you
need? B = 12bh Use the formula for the area of a triangle.
For problems involving
solids, make it a habit = 12(3 # 4) Substitute 3 for b and 4 for h.
to note which height
the formula requires. = 6
In Step 3, you need the
Step 4 Find the total surface area of the prism.
height of the triangle, not
the height of the prism. S.A. = L.A. + 2B Use the formula for total surface area.
= 72 + 2(6) Substitute 72 for L.A. and 6 for B.
= 84 Simplify.
The total surface area of the prism is 84 cm2.

Problem 3

Finding Total Surface Area of a Cylinder

Multiple Choice  The radius of the base of a cylinder is 4 in. and its height
is 6 in. What is the total surface area of the cylinder in terms of P?
32p in.2 42p in.2 80p in.2 120p in.2
How is finding the
surface area of a S.A. = L.A. + 2B Use the formula for total surface area of a cylinder.
cylinder like finding
the surface area of a = 2prh + 2(pr 2) Substitute the formulas for lateral area and area of a circle.
prism? = 2p(4)(6) + 2(p42) Substitute 4 for r and 6 for h.
For both, you need to
find the L.A. and add it to = 48p + 32p Simplify.
twice the area of a base.
= 80p
The total surface area of the cylinder is 80p in.2. The correct choice is C.

Problem 4
Applying Area of a Cylinder
What is the problem Interior Design  You are using the cylindrical stencil roller below to paint
asking you to find? patterns on your floor. What area does the roller cover in one full turn?
The area covered by one
full turn of the roller is
the rectangular part of
the net of a cylinder. This
is the lateral area.

6 in.
2.5 in.

continued on next page ▶

568 Lesson 14-2  Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders

Problem 4 continued

The area covered is the lateral area of a cylinder with height 6 in. and diameter 2.5 in.
L.A. = pdh Use the formula for lateral area of a cylinder.
= p(2.5)(6) Substitute 2.5 for d and 6 for h.
= 15p ≈ 47.1 Simplify.
In one full turn, the stencil roller covers about 47.1 in.2.


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Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E)  Use a net to

find the total surface area of each prism.
For additional support when 1.
2. 3.
completing your homework, 6 ft
go to 29 cm
6 ft 4 in.
8 in.
6.5 cm 6 ft
19 cm 4 in.
a. Classify the prism at the right.
b. Find the lateral area of the prism.
c. The bases are regular hexagons. Find the sum of their areas.
10 cm
d. Find the total surface area of the prism.
4 cm
Use formulas to find the total surface area of each prism. Round your answer
to the nearest whole number.
6. 7. octagon
4 ft
4 in.
5 ft 8 in.
10 ft 5 in. 22 cm
5 cm
Find the lateral area of each cylinder to the nearest whole number.
4 in. 9.
6 2 in.
6m 9m
Find the total surface area of each cylinder in terms of P.
10. 2 cm 11. 7 in.
8 cm
11 in.  569
STEM 12. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  A cylindrical carton of oatmeal with radius 3.5 in.
is 9 in. tall. If all surfaces except the top are made of cardboard, how much
cardboard is used to make the oatmeal carton? Assume no surfaces overlap.
Round your answer to the nearest square inch.
13. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  A hexagonal pencil is a regular
hexagonal prism, as shown at the right. A base edge of the
pencil has a length of 4 mm. The pencil (without eraser)
has a height of 170 mm. What is the area of the surface of
the pencil that gets painted?
14. Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical
Ideas (1)(E)  Draw a net for a rectangular prism with a
surface area of 220 cm2.
15. Consider a box with dimensions 3, 4, and 5.
a. Find its total surface area.
b. Double each dimension and then find the new total surface area.
c. Find the ratio of the new total surface area to the original total surface area.
d. Repeat parts (a)–(c) for a box with dimensions 6, 9, and 11.
e. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  How does doubling the dimensions of a
rectangular prism affect the total surface area?
16. Connect Mathematical Ideas (1)(F)  A cylindrical bead
has a square hole, as shown at the right. Find the area of 9 mm
the surface of the entire bead. 3 mm

17. A triangular prism has base edges 4 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm 20 mm

long. Its lateral area is 300 cm2. What is the height of the prism?
18. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  Explain how a cylinder and a
prism are alike and how they are different.
19. Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E)  Use the
diagram at the right.
a. Find the three coordinates of each vertex A, B, C, and D z D
of the rectangular prism.
b. Find AB.
c. Find BC.
1 O 2 4 y
d. Find CD. 3
x A B
e. Find the total surface area of the prism.

570 Lesson 14-2  Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders

20. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  Some cylinders have wrappers with
a spiral seam. Peeled off, the wrapper has the shape of a
parallelogram. The wrapper for a biscuit container has base 6 in.
7.5 in. and height 6 in.
a. Find the radius and height of the container.
7.5 in.
b. Find the total surface area of the container.
21. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  Suppose you double
the radius of a right cylinder.
a. How does that affect the lateral area?
b. How does that affect the total surface area?
c. Use the formula for surface area of a right cylinder to explain why
the total surface area in part (b) was not doubled.
STEM 22. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  A cylindrical can of cocoa has
the dimensions shown at the right. What is the approximate 5 in.
surface area available for the label? Round to the nearest
square inch.
7 in.
What is the surface area of each solid in terms of P?
23. 7 cm 24.
8 in.

3 in.
4 cm
10 in.
8 cm

TEXAS Test Practice
25. The height of a cylinder is twice the radius of the base. The total surface area
of the cylinder is 56p ft2. What is the diameter of the base to the nearest
tenth of a foot?
26. Two sides of a triangle measure 11 ft and 23 ft. What is the smallest possible
whole number length, in feet, for the third side?
27. A polyhedron has one hexagonal face and six triangular faces. How many
vertices does the polyhedron have?
28. The shortest shadow cast by a tree is 8 m long. The height of the tree is
20 m. To the nearest degree, what is the angle of elevation of the sun
when the shortest shadow is cast?  571
14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids
and Cones
TEKS (11)(C)  Apply the formulas for • Altitude – The altitude of • Slant height – In a pyramid,
the total and lateral surface area of a pyramid or cone is the slant height is the length of the
three-dimensional figures, including perpendicular segment from the altitude of a lateral face. In a
prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, vertex to the plane of the base. right cone, slant height is the
and composite figures, to solve problems distance from the vertex to a
• Height – the length of an altitude
using appropriate units of measure. of a pyramid or cone point on the edge of the base.

TEKS (1)(C)  Select tools, including • Regular pyramid – a pyramid • Vertex – the point which is
real objects, manipulatives, paper and whose base is a regular polygon farthest from the base in a
pencil, and technology as appropriate, and whose lateral faces are pyramid or cone
and techniques, including mental congruent isosceles triangles
math, estimation, and number sense as • Number sense –
appropriate, to solve problems.
• Right cone – In a right cone, the understanding of what
the altitude is a perpendicular
numbers mean and how they
Additional TEKS (1)(A), (1)(E), (1)(F), segment from the vertex to the
are related
(1)(G), (9)(B), (10)(B) center of the base.

To find the total surface area of a three-dimensional figure, find the sum of the areas of
all the surfaces of the figure.

Key Concept  Pyramids

A pyramid is a polyhedron in which one face (the base) can be Vertex
any polygon and the other faces (the lateral faces) are triangles Lateral
that meet at a common vertex. edge Lateral face
You name a pyramid by the shape of its base. The altitude of a
pyramid is the perpendicular segment from the vertex to the Base Base edge
plane of the base. The length of the altitude is the height h of Hexagonal pyramid
the pyramid.
A regular pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon Height
and whose lateral faces are congruent isosceles triangles. The
slant height / is the length of the altitude of a lateral face of the ℓ
h height
pyramid. In this book, you can assume that a pyramid is regular
unless stated otherwise.
Square pyramid

572 Lesson 14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones

Key Concept  Lateral and Total Surface Areas of a Pyramid
The lateral area of a regular pyramid is half the product of the perimeter p of the
base and the slant height / of the pyramid. 
L.A. = 12 p/
The total surface area of a regular pyramid is the sum of the lateral area and
the area B of the base.
S.A. = L.A. + B
Key Concept  Cones
Like a pyramid, a cone is a solid that has one base and a vertex that is Vertex
not in the same plane as the base. However, the base of a cone is a circle.
height Altitude

In a right cone, the altitude is a perpendicular segment from the vertex to the h
center of the base. The height h is the length of the altitude. The slant height /
is the distance from the vertex to a point on the edge of the base. In this book, r
you can assume that a cone is a right cone unless stated or pictured otherwise. Base
Key Concept  Lateral and Total Surface Areas of a Cone
The lateral area of a right cone is half the product of the circumference of the
base and the slant height of the cone.
L.A. = 12 # 2pr # /, or L.A. = pr/ 

The total surface area of a cone is the sum of the lateral area and the area of
the base. r
S.A. = L.A. + B
Problem 1
Finding the Total Surface Area of a Pyramid
What is the total surface area of the hexagonal pyramid?
What is B? 9 in.
B is the area of the base, S.A. = L.A. + B Use the formula for total surface area.
which is a hexagon. You
= 12 p/ + 12 ap Substitute the formulas for L.A. and B.
are given the apothem
of the hexagon and the
length of a side. Use
( )
= 12 (36)(9) + 12 313 (36) Substitute.
6 in.
3 V3 in.
them to find the area of ≈ 255.5307436 Use a calculator.
the base.
The total surface area of the pyramid is about 256 in.2.  573
Problem 2
Finding the Lateral Area of a Pyramid
Social Studies  The Pyramid of Cestius is located
in Rome, Italy. Using the dimensions in the figure
below, what is the lateral area of the Pyramid
of Cestius? Round to the nearest square meter.

• The height of the pyramid

• The base is a square with a side length of 30 m.
• △ABC is right, where AB is the slant height.

The slant height Find the perimeter of the base.
of the pyramid Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
find the slant height. Then use the 36.4 m
formula for lateral area.

Step 1 Find the perimeter of the base.

p = 4s Use the formula for the perimeter of a square. 30 m
= 4 # 30 Substitute 30 for s.
= 120 Simplify.
Why is a new
diagram helpful for Step 2 Find the slant height of the pyramid.
finding the slant
BC is the height B
The new diagram shows
the information you need
of the pyramid.
to use the Pythagorean The slant height is the length
Theorem. 36.4 m  of the hypotenuse of right
CA is the apothem of the base.  ABC, or AB.
Its length is 30 m, or 15 m.
2 C 15 m A

/ = 2CA2 + BC 2 Use the Pythagorean Theorem.

= 2152 + 36.42 Substitute 15 for CA and 36.4 for BC.
= 11549.96 Simplify.

Step 3 Find the lateral area of the pyramid.

L.A. = 12 p/ Use the formula for lateral area.
= 12 (120) 11549.96 Substitute 120 for p and 11549.96 for /.
≈ 2362.171882 Use a calculator.
The lateral area of the Pyramid of Cestius is about 2362 m2.

574 Lesson 14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones

Problem 3
Finding the Total Surface Area of a Cone
What is the total surface area of the cone in terms of P?

25 cm

15 cm
How is this different
from finding the total S.A. = L.A. + B Use the formula for total surface area.
surface area of a
pyramid? = pr/ + pr 2 Substitute the formulas for L.A. and B.
For a pyramid, you need
= p(15)(25) + p(15) Substitute 15 for r and 25 for /.
to find the perimeter
of the base. For a cone, = 375p + 225p Simplify.
you need to find the
circumference. = 600p
The total surface area of the cone is 600p cm2.

Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(G)

Finding the Lateral Area of a Cone STEM

What is the problem
asking you to find? Chemistry  In a chemistry lab experiment, you use the conical 80 mm
The problem is asking filter funnel shown at the right. How much filter paper do you
you to find the area that need to line the funnel?
the filter paper covers. 45 mm
This is the lateral area of The top part of the funnel has the shape of a cone with a diameter of
a cone. 80 mm and a height of 45 mm.
L.A. = pr/ 
Use the formula for lateral area
of a cone.

= pr 2r 2 + h2 )
To find the slant height, use
the Pythagorean Theorem.
Substitute 12 # 80, or 40, for

= p(40) 2402 + 452 ) 
r and 45 for h.
≈ 7565.957013 Use a calculator.
You need about 7566 mm2 of filter paper to line the funnel.  575
Problem 5 TEKS Process Standard (1)(C)

Finding the Total Surface Area of a Three-Dimensional

Composite Figure
A rectangular yard is enclosed by a white picket fence. The
3 in.
homeowner wants to paint the four corner posts, plus two gate posts,
the same color as her house. She knows that a quart of paint covers
100 ft2, but she does not know if one quart will be enough for two
coats of paint on all six fence posts. How many quarts of paint should
she purchase?
To solve this problem, you could select the technique of estimation. 40 in.
Since the paint coverage is given in square feet, convert the
dimensions of the post from inches to feet. Note that each fence post is
a composite figure consisting of a rectangular prism with a square base
(the post) and a pyramid (the cap).
Why would you round
your answers up? Step 1 Convert the dimensions and round up when necessary.
Paint is sold in fixed The height h of the post is 40 in., or 3 ft 4 in. Thus, h ≈ 3.5 ft.
quantities, such as a 5 87 in.
The width w of the post is 578 in. Thus, w ≈ 6 in. = 0.5 ft.
quart or gallon. You
want to overestimate The slant height / of the cap is 3 in. or 14 ft. Thus, / = 0.25 ft.
to make sure you have
enough paint to cover the Step 2 Find the lateral area of each part of the composite figure.
entire area. For the rectangular prism, L.A. = ph = 4 # 0.5 # 3.5 = 7.
Each post covers 7 ft2 .
For the pyramid, L.A. = 12p/ = 12(2)(0.25) = 0.25.
Each cap covers 0.25 ft2 .
Step 3 Find the total surface area to be painted.
The surface area of each fence post, including the cap is
7 + 0.25 = 7.25 ft2 .
Given six fence posts, the total surface area to be painted is
6 7.25 = 43.5 ft2 .
Step 4 Find the number of quarts of paint needed.
For two coats of paint, multiply the total surface area by 2.
2 # 43.5 = 87 ft2
The homeowner only needs to purchase 1 quart of paint, since 87 ft2 is
less than the 100 ft2 of coverage per quart.

576 Lesson 14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones


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Find the lateral area of each three-dimensional figure to the nearest whole number.
2. 3.
4.5 m 6m 3 cm
For additional support when
completing your homework,
go to
4m 4 cm

Find the total surface area of each pyramid to the nearest whole number. For
the cone, find the total surface area in terms of P.
7.2 in. 5. hsm11gmse_1103_t08164
8 ft 8m

8 in. 6 ft
2 V3 m

Justify Mathematical Arguments (1)(G)  Explain why the altitude PT in

7. P
the pyramid at the right must be shorter than all of the lateral edges PA, PB,
PC, and PD. hsm11gmse_1103_t08169
Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas
8. (1)(E) 
Draw a square pyramid with a lateral area of 48 cm2. Label its dimensions. T
Then find its total surface area. D C
The lateral area of a cone is 4.8p in.2. The radius is 1.2 in. Find the slant height.
10. Connect Mathematical Ideas (1)(F)  The lateral area of a pyramid with a square
base is 240 ft2. Its base edges are 12 ft long. Find the height of the pyramid.
Find the total surface area of each composite figure to the nearest whole number. hsm11gmse_1103_t08179
11. 3 m 4m 12. 5 ft 13. 2 m
6 ft

4m 4m
12 ft

STEM 14. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  The roof of a tower in a castle is shaped like a cone.
The height of the roof is 30 ft and the radius of the base is 15 ft. What is the
lateral area of the roof? Roundhsm11gmse_1103_t08201
your answer to the nearest tenth.
15. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  Suppose you could climb to the top of the Great
Pyramid. Which route would be shorter, a route along a lateral edge or a route along
the slant height of a side? Which of these routes is steeper? Explain your answers.  577
16. Select Techniques to Solve Problems (1)(C)  A large outdoor
4 ft
sculpture consists of a cube with a cylinder removed, as
shown in the figure at right. The artist wants to cover the
entire sculpture, including the interior of the cylinder, with
8 ft
varnish. Each can of varnish covers 130 ft2 . How many cans
of varnish will the artist need? Select a technique such as
mental math, estimation, or number sense to find the
17. Create Representations to Communicate Mathematical
Ideas (1)(E)  Draw a composite three-dimensional figure
that consists of a rectangular prism and square pyramid,
such that the total surface area of the figure is between
500 cm2 and 1000 cm2. Label the figure with all dimensions that are
needed to calculate the surface area and provide the total surface area.
18. A sector has been cut out of the disk at the right. The radii of
the part that remains are taped together, without overlapping,
to form the cone. The cone has a lateral area of 64p cm2.
Find the measure of the central angle of the cutout sector. ?
10 cm
Each given figure fits inside a 10-cm cube. The figure’s base is
in one face of the cube and is as large as possible. The figure’s
vertex is in the opposite face of the cube. Draw a sketch and find
the lateral and total surface areas of the figure.
19. a square pyramid 20. a cone

TEXAS Test Practice

21. To the nearest whole number, what is the surface area of a cone with diameter
27 m and slant height 19 m?
A. 1378 m2 C. 2757 m2
B. 1951 m2 D. 3902 m2
22. What is the hypotenuse of a right isosceles triangle with leg 216?
416 G. 213 H. 413 J. 412
23. Two angles in a triangle have measures 54 and 61. What is the measure of the
smallest exterior angle?
A. 119 B. 115 C. 112 D. 126
24. A diagonal divides a parallelogram into two isosceles triangles. Can the
parallelogram be a rhombus? Explain.
25. ABCD has vertices at A(3, 4), B(7, 5), C(6, 1), and D( -2, -4). A dilation with
center (0, 0) maps A to A′ 15 )
2 , 10 . What are the coordinates of B′, C′, and D′?
Show your work.

578 Lesson 14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones

14-4  Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders
TEKS (11)(D)  Apply the formulas for the volume of three- • Volume – a measure of the space a three-dimensional
dimensional figures, including prisms, pyramids, cones, figure occupies
cylinders, spheres, and composite figures, to solve problems
using appropriate units of measure. • Argument – a set of statements put forth to show the
truth or falsehood of a mathematical claim
TEKS (1)(G)  Display, explain, and justify mathematical
ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language • Justify – explain with logical reasoning. You can justify
in written or oral communication. a mathematical argument.

Additional TEKS (1)(A), (1)(E), (1)(F), (9)(B)

You can find the volume of a prism or a cylinder when you know its height and the
area of its base.

Key Concept  Cavalieri’s Principle

If two three-dimensional figures have the same height and the same cross-sectional
area at every level, then they have the same volume.

Key Concept  Volume of a Prism

The volume of a prism is the product of the area of the base and the height of
the prism.
V = Bh h

Key Concept  Volume of a Cylinder

The volume of a cylinder is the product of the area of the base and the height of
the cylinder.
V = Bh, or V = pr 2h

hsm11gmse_1104_t08991  579
Problem 1
Finding the Volume of a Rectangular Prism
What is the volume of the rectangular prism shown below?

10 cm

20 cm
24 cm
What do you need to
use the formula? V = Bh Use the formula for the volume of a prism.
You need to find B, the
area of the base. The = 480 # 10 T he area of the base B is 24 20, or #
prism has a rectangular 480 cm2 , and the height is 10 cm.
base, so the area of the
= 4800 Simplify.
base is length * width.
The volume of the rectangular prism is 4800 cm 3 .

Problem 2 TEKS Process Standard (1)(E)

Finding the Volume of a Triangular Prism

Multiple Choice  What is the approximate volume of the 10 in.
8 in.
triangular prism?
8 in.
188 in. 3 295 in. 3 8 in.
277 in. 3 554 in. 3
Step 1 Find the area of the base of the prism.
Each base of the triangular prism is an equilateral 8 in.
triangle, as shown at the right. An altitude of the hsm11gmse_1104_t08996
8 in.

triangle divides it into two 30°-60°-90° triangles. 4 V3 in.

The height of the triangle is 13 shorter leg, # 60
4 in. 4 in.
or 413.
B = 12 bh Use the formula for the area of a triangle.

= 12(8)(4 13) Substitute 8 for b and 413 for h.

= 1613 Simplify.
Step 2 Find the volume of the prism.
Which height do you
use in the formula? V = Bh Use the formula for the volume of a prism.
Remember that the h in
the formula for volume = 1613 # 10 Substitute 1613 for B and 10 for h.
represents the height of
= 16013 Simplify.
the entire prism, not the
height of the triangular ≈ 277.1281292 Use a calculator.
The volume of the triangular prism is about 277 in. 3 . The correct answer is B.

580 Lesson 14-4  Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders

Problem 3

Finding the Volume of a Cylinder 3 cm

What is the volume of the cylinder in terms of p?

What do you know
8 cm
from the diagram? V = pr 2h Use the formula for the volume of a cylinder.
You know that the
radius r is 3 cm and = p(3)2(8) Substitute 3 for r and 8 for h.
the height h is 8 cm. = p(72) Simplify.
The volume of the cylinder is 72p cm 3 .
Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(G)

Finding the Volume of a Composite Figure

What is the approximate volume of the bullnose aquarium to the nearest
cubic inch?

24 in.

24 in.

48 in.

How can you find

the volume of a
composite figure? The length of the prism
The aquarium is the is the total length minus 12 in.
combination of a 24 in.
the radius of the cylinder.
rectangular prism and The radius of the cylinder 24 in.
half of a cylinder. Find the 24 in.
is half the width of the
volume of each three- prism. 36 in.
dimensional figure.

Find the volume of V1 = Bh V2 = 21  π r 2h

the prism and the half
cylinder. = (24 36)(24)   = 21  π (12)2(24)
   = 20,736 ≈ 5429

Add the two volumes 20,736 + 5429 = 26,165

together. The approximate volume of the aquarium is
26,165 in. 3 .  581

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Find the volume of each three-dimensional shape to the nearest tenth. For the
cylinder, find the volume in terms of p and to the nearest tenth.
For additional support when 1.
2. 5m 3.
completing your homework, 6m
go to 6m
18 cm 3m
10 m
6 cm
The base of a prism is a square with sides of 2 cm. The height is 3.5 cm.
5. The base of a prism is a 45°-45°-90° triangle with a leg of 5 in. The height is 1.8 in.
Display Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  Find the volume of each composite figure to
the nearest whole number.
2 cm 3 cm 7. 10 in.
4 cm
2 cm 12 in.

8 cm
24 in.
6 cm

Find the height of each figure with the given volume.

h 9. 10.
9 cm h 3 ft
5 in. h
V  3240p cm3 5 in. V  27 ft3
V  125 in.3
11. What is the volume of the oblique prism shown at the right?
6 ft
STEM 12. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  A scientist suggests keeping indoor air relatively
clean as follows: For a room with a ceiling 8 ft high, provide two or three pots of
flowers for every 100 ft 2 of floor space. If your classroom has an 8-ft ceiling and 4 ft
measures 35 ft by 40 ft, how many pots of flowers should it have?
13. The volume of a cylinder is 135p cm 3 . The height of the cylinder is 15 cm. What
is the radius of a base of the cylinder?
14. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  The figures
at the right can be covered by equal numbers of
straws that are the same length. Describe how
Cavalieri’s Principle could be adapted to
compare the areas of these figures.
15. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  The approximate dimensions of an Olympic-size
swimming pool are 164 ft by 82 ft by 6.6 ft.
a. Find the volume of the pool to the nearest cubic foot.
b. If 1 ft3 ≈ 7.48 gal, about how many gallons
the pool hold?

582 Lesson 14-4  Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders

16. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  Suppose the dimensions of a
rectangular prism are tripled. How does this affect its volume? Explain.
17. Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E) 
14 cm 10 cm
The closed box at the right is shaped like a regular pentagonal prism.
The exterior of the box has base edge 10 cm and height 14 cm. The
interior has base edge 7 cm and height 11 cm. Find each measurement.
a. the outside surface area b. the inside surface area 7 cm
11 cm
c. the volume of the material needed to make the box
A cylinder has been cut out of each solid. Find the volume of the remaining solid.
Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
18. 19.
6 cm 5 in.
2 cm

5 cm 6 in.

6 in. 6 in.

Suppose you revolve the plane region completely about the given line. y
Describe the solid and find its volume in terms of p. 2
20. the x-axis 21. the y-axis x
22. the line y = 2 23. the line x = 5 O 2 4

TEXAS Test Practice
24. The water surface is 2.5 in. from the top of the cylindrical water tank at the right.
About how much water is in the tank?
A. 604 in. 3 B. 636 in. 3 C. 668 in. 3 D. 763 in. 3 12 in.
25. Which statement is logically equivalent to the following statement?
   If a figure is a rhombus, then it has four sides.
If a figure is not a rhombus, then it does not have four sides. 9 in.
G. If a figure is a rectangle, then it has four sides.
H. If a figure does not have four sides, then it is not a rhombus.
J. If a figure has four sides, then it could be a rhombus.
26. Which of the following is NOT an undefined term?
A. point B. line C. ray D. plane  583
Activity Lab Finding Volume

Use With Lesson 14-5 teks (11)(D), (1)(F)

You know how to find the volumes of a prism and of a cylinder. Use the following
activities to explore finding the volumes of a pyramid and of a cone.

Step 1 Draw the nets shown at the right on heavy paper.
Step 2 Cut out the nets and tape them together to make
a cube and a square pyramid. Each model will
have one open face. 5 cm
1. How do the areas of the bases of the cube and the 5.6 cm
pyramid compare?
5 cm
2. How do the heights of the cube and the pyramid
3. Fill the pyramid with rice or other material. Then pour the rice from the
pyramid into the cube. How many pyramids full of rice does the cube hold?
4. The volume of the pyramid is what fractional part of the volume of the cube?
5. What do you think is the formula for the volume of a pyramid? Explain.

Step 1 Draw the nets shown at the right on heavy paper. 18.9 cm

Step 2 Cut out the nets and tape them together to make 4 cm 5 cm
a cylinder and a cone. Each model will have one 144
open face.
3 cm
6. How do the areas of the bases of the cylinder and of
the cone compare?
7. How do the heights of the cylinder and of the cone compare?
8. Fill the cone with rice or other material. Then pour the rice from the cone
into the cylinder. How many cones full of rice does the cylinder hold?
9. What fractional part of the volume of the cylinder is the volume of the cone?
10. What do you think is the formula for the volume of a cone? Explain.

584 Activity Lab  Finding Volume

14-5  Volumes of Pyramids and Cones
TEKS (11)(D)  Apply the formulas for the volume of three-dimensional • Implication – a conclusion that follows
figures, including prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, and from previously stated ideas or reasoning
composite figures, to solve problems using appropriate units of measure. without being explicitly stated

TEKS (1)(D)  Communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their • Representation – a way to display or
implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, describe information. You can use a
graphs, and language as appropriate. representation to present mathematical
ideas and data.
Additional TEKS (1)(A), (1)(E), (10)(B)

• The volume of a pyramid is related to the volume of a • The volume of a cone is related to the volume of a
prism with the same base and height. cylinder with the same base and height.

Key Concept  Volume of a Pyramid

The volume of a pyramid is one third the product of the area of the base and the
height of the pyramid.
V = 3 Bh

Key Concept  Volume of a Cone
The volume of a cone is one third the product of the area of the base and the height
of the cone.

V = 13Bh, or V = 13 pr 2h

B  585
Problem 1
Finding the Volume of a Pyramid STEM

Architecture  The entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France,

is a square pyramid with a height of 21.64 m. What is the
approximate volume of the Louvre Pyramid?
The area of the base of the pyramid is
35.4 m 35.4 m, or 1253.16 m2.
How is this similar to
1  se the formula for
finding the volume of V = 3 Bh
a prism? volume of a pyramid.
In both cases, you need
= 13(1253.16)(21.64) Substitute for B
the area of the base and
the height. and h.
= 9039.4608 Simplify.
The volume is about 9039 m3. 35.4 m

Problem 2 TEKS Process Standard (1)(D)

Finding the Volume of a Pyramid

What is the volume in cubic feet of a square pyramid with
base edges 40 ft and slant height 25 ft?
Step 1  Find the height of the pyramid. h 25 ft

   c 2 = a2 + b2 Use the Pythagorean Theorem.

How do you use the
40 40 ft
slant height?    252 = h2 + 202 Substitute 25 for c, h for a, and 2 , or 20, for b.
The slant height is the
length of the hypotenuse    625 = h2 + 400 Simplify. 25 ft
of the right triangle.
Use the slant height to
   h2 = 225 Solve for h2. 20 ft
find the height of the    h = 15 Take the positive square root of both sides.
Step 2  Find the volume of the pyramid. 8 0 0 0
. . . . . . .
   V = 13 Bh Use the formula for volume of a pyramid.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

   = 13(40 # 40)(15) #
Substitute 40 40 for B and 15 for h.
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
   = 8000 Simplify. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
The volume of the pyramid is 8000 ft3. 8
8 8 8
9 9 9

586 Lesson 14-5  Volumes of Pyramids and Cones

Problem 3

Finding the Volume of a Cone STEM

How is this similar to
finding the volume of
Traditional Architecture  The covering on a tepee rests on poles
a cylinder? that come together like concurrent lines. The resulting structure
In both cases, you need approximates a cone. If the tepee pictured is 12 ft high with a
to find the base area of base diameter of 14 ft, what is its approximate volume?
a circle.
V = 13pr 2h Use the formula for the volume of a cone.
= 13p(7)2(12) Substitute 14
2 , or 7, for r and 12 for h.
≈ 615.7521601 Use a calculator.
The volume of the tepee is approximately 616 ft3.

Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(E)

Finding the Volume of an Oblique Cone

What is the volume of the oblique cone at the right? Give your answer in
What is the height of
the oblique cone? terms of P and also rounded to the nearest cubic foot.
The height is the length 25 ft
V = 13 pr 2h Use the formula for the volume of a cone.
of the perpendicular
segment from the vertex = 13 p(15)2(25) Substitute 15 for r and 25 for h.
of the cone to the base, 30 ft
which is 25 ft. In an = 1875 p Simplify.
oblique cone, the segment
does not intersect the ≈ 5890.486225 Use a calculator.
center of the base. The volume of the cone is 1875p ft3, or about 5890 ft3.


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Use Multiple Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(D) Find

the volume of each square pyramid. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.
For additional support when 1.
2. 3.
11 cm 15 ft
completing your homework, 12 m
go to

11 cm 11 ft
10 m

STEM 4. Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E) This
cone has a filter that was being used to remove impurities from a solution 3 cm
but became clogged and stopped draining. The solution is
represented by the shaded region. How many cubic centimeters of the
2 cm
solution remain in the cone?  587
Find the volume of each cone in terms of P and also rounded as indicated.
nearest cubic foot 6. nearest cubic inch 7. nearest cubic meter

4 ft 5 1 in.

4 ft 4 in. 2m

Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  Without doing any calculations, explain how
the volume of a cylinder with B = 5 p cm2 and h = 20 cm compares to the volume
of a cone with the same base area and height.
Find the volume to the nearest whole number.
10. 11.
9 ft
7.5 in. 15 cm

15 ft

7 in. 24 ft 24 ft
12 cm
Square base Square base

Equilateral base

12. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  The two cylinders pictured at the
right are congruent. How does the volume of the larger cone compare to
the total volume of the two smaller cones? Explain.
STEM 13. ApplyMathematics (1)(A)
Pyramid of Peace and Accord is an opera
house in Astana, Kazakhstan. The height of the pyramid is approximately
62 m and one side of its square base is approximately 62 m.
a. What is its volume to the nearest thousand cubic meters?
b. How tall would a prism-shaped building with the same square base
as the Pyramid of Peace and Accord have to be to have the same volume as
the pyramid?
STEM 14. ApplyMathematics (1)(A)  Builders use a plumb bob to find a vertical line. 2 cm
The plumb bob shown at the right combines a regular hexagonal prism with a
pyramid. Find its volume to the nearest cubic centimeter. 6 cm
15. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  A cone with radius 3 ft and
height 10 ft has a volume of 30p ft3. What is the volume of the cone formed 3 cm
when the following happens to the original cone?
a. The radius is doubled. b. The height is doubled.
c. The radius and the height are both doubled.

588 Lesson 14-5  Volumes of Pyramids and Cones

16. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  The Transamerica Pyramid Building in San Francisco
is 853 ft tall with a square base that is 149 ft on each side. To the nearest thousand
cubic feet, what is the volume of the Transamerica Pyramid?
17. A frustum of a cone is the part that remains when the top of the cone is
cut off by a plane parallel to the base. h
a. Explain how to use the formula for the volume of a cone to H
find the volume of a frustum of a cone. R
b. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  A popcorn container 9 in. tall is the Frustum of cone
frustum of a cone. Its small radius is 4.5 in. and its large radius is
6 in. What is its volume?

18. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  Suppose the height of a pyramid is

halved. How does this affect its volume? Explain.
Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical Ideas (1)(E) y
Suppose you rotate the plane region completely about the given line. 2
Describe the solid generated. Then find its volume in terms of P.
19. the y-axis 20. the x-axis 4 2 O 2 4
21. the line x = 4 22. the line y = -1

23. A disk has radius 10 m. A 90° sector is cut away,

and a cone is formed. 10 m
a. What is the circumference of the base of the cone?
b. What is the area of the base of the cone?
c. What is the volume of the cone? (Hint: Use the slant
height and the radius of the base to find the height.)

TEXAS Test Practice
24. A cone has diameter 8 in. and height 14 in. A rectangular prism is 6 in.
by 4 in. by 10 in. A square pyramid has base edge 8 in. and height 12 in.
What are the volumes of the three figures in order from least to greatest?
A. cone, prism, pyramid C. pyramid, cone, prism
B. prism, cone, pyramid D. prism, pyramid, cone
25. If a polyhedron has 8 vertices and 12 edges, how many faces does it have?
4 G. 6 H. 12 J. 24
26. The point of concurrency of the three altitudes of a triangle lies outside the
triangle. Where are its circumcenter, incenter, and centroid located in relation to
the triangle? Draw diagrams to support your answers.  589
14-6  Surface Areas and Volumes
of Spheres
TEKS (11)(C)  Apply the formulas for the total • Center of a sphere – the point • Great circle – the intersection of
and lateral surface area of three-dimensional from which all points on a a sphere and a plane containing
figures, including prisms, pyramids, cones, sphere are equidistant the center of the sphere
cylinders, spheres, and composite figures, to solve
• Circumference of a sphere – • Hemisphere – half of a sphere
problems using appropriate units of measure. The circumference of a sphere
• Radius of a sphere – a segment
TEKS (1)(C)  Select tools, including real objects, is the circumference of any that has one endpoint at the
manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology great circle of the sphere. center and the other endpoint
as appropriate, and techniques, including • Diameter of a sphere – a on the sphere
mental math, estimation, and number sense as segment passing through
appropriate, to solve problems. the center of a sphere with • Number sense – the
Additional TEKS (1)(D), (1)(F), (10)(A), endpoints on the sphere understanding of what
(10)(B), (11)(D) numbers mean and how they
are related

You can find the surface area and the volume of a sphere when you know its radius.

Key Concept  Spheres

A sphere is the set of all points in space equidistant from a given point called the
center. A radius is a segment that has one endpoint at the center and the other
endpoint on the sphere. A diameter is a segment passing through the center with
endpoints on the sphere.

When a plane and a sphere intersect The circumference of a great

in more than one point, the circle is the circumference
intersection is a circle. If the center of the sphere.
of the circle is also the center of the
sphere, it is called a great circle. A great circle divides a sphere
into two hemispheres.

Key Concept  Surface Area of a Sphere
The surface area of a sphere is four times the product of p and the
square of the radius of the sphere. r

S.A. = 4pr 2

Unlike cones, prisms, pyramids, and cylinders, a sphere has no lateral surface area.

590 Lesson 14-6  Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres

Key Concept  Volume of a Sphere
The volume of a sphere is four thirds the product of p and the
cube of the radius of the sphere. r
V = 43 pr 3

Problem 1
Finding the Surface Area of a Sphere
A  What is the surface area of the sphere in terms of p?
What are you given?
In sphere problems, make 10
The diameter is 10 m, so the radius is 2 m, or 5 m.
it a habit to note whether
you are given the radius S.A. = 4pr 2 Use the formula for surface area of a sphere. 10 m
or the diameter. In this
= 4p(5)2 Substitute 5 for r.
case, you are given the
diameter. = 100p Simplify.
The surface area is 100p m 2 .
B   Can you calculate the lateral surface area of the sphere?

No, because a sphere does not have lateral surface area.

Problem 2 TEKS Process Standard (1)(C)

Finding Surface Area

How can you use
Geography  Earth’s equator is about 24,902 mi long. What is the approximate
the length of Earth’s
equator? surface area of Earth? Round to the nearest thousand square miles.
Earth’s equator is a great Step 1 Find the radius of Earth.
circle that divides Earth
into two hemispheres. C = 2pr Use the formula for circumference.
Its length is Earth’s
circumference. Use it to 24,902 = 2pr Substitute 24,902 for C.
find Earth’s radius. 24,902
2p = r Divide each side by 2p.
r ≈ 3963.276393 Use a calculator.
Step 2 Use the radius to find the surface area of Earth.
S.A. = 4pr 2 Use the formula for surface area.
= 4p ANS x2 enter Use a calculator. ANS uses the value of r from Step 1.
≈ 197387017.5
The surface area of Earth is about 197,387,000 mi 2 .  591
Problem 3

Finding the Volume of a Sphere

What is the volume of the sphere in terms of p?


What are the units

of the answer?
You are cubing the V = 43 pr 3 Use the formula for volume of a sphere.
radius, which is in
meters (m), so your = 43 p(6)3 Substitute.
answer should be in
cubic meters (m3). = 288 p
The volume of the sphere is 288p m 3 .

Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(D)

Finding the Volume of a Composite Figure

A company packages salt in a container composed of a cylinder and a 3 in.
hemisphere, as shown. Salt weighs 1.25 ounces per cubic inch. What is
the weight of the salt in the package shown?
Step 1 Find the volume of the cylinder. 5 in.
V= pr 2h Use the formula for volume.
= p(1.5)2(5) Substitute 1.5 for r and 5 for h.
Should you
approximate the = 11.25p Simplify.
value of P at this
point? Step 2 Find the volume of the hemisphere.
It is best to leave answers
in terms of p until the
V = 12 # 43 pr3 Use the formula for volume.

= 12 # 43 p(1.5)3
last step of the problem.
Substitute 1.5 for r.
Rounding as a final step
results in a more accurate = 2.25p Simplify.
Step 3 Find the total volume of the package.
The total volume is 11.25p + 2.25p = 13.5p in3.
Step 4 Find the weight of the salt.
1.25 # 13.5p ≈53.01 oz
The salt weighs approximately 53 ounces.

592 Lesson 14-6  Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres

Problem 5
Using Volume to Find Surface Area
The volume of a sphere is 5000 m3. What is its surface area to the nearest
square meter?

The volume of a sphere The radius of the Work backward by using the formula for
sphere volume and solving for r. Then use the
radius to calculate surface area.

Step 1 Find the radius of the sphere.

V = 43 pr 3 Use the formula for volume of a sphere.

5000 = 43 pr 3 Substitute.

5000 4p = r 3 Solve for r3.

5 5000 ( 4p ) = r
3 3
Take the cube root of each side.
r ≈ 10.60784418 Use a calculator.
Step 2 Find the surface area of the sphere.
S.A. = 4 pr 2 Use the formula for surface area of a sphere.
= 4p ANS x2 enter Use a calculator.
≈ 1414.04792
The surface area of the sphere is about 1414 m2.


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Find the surface area of the sphere with the given diameter or radius.
Leave your answer in terms of p.

For additional support when d = 30 m 2.

1. r = 10 in. 3.
d = 32 mm 4.
r = 100 yd
completing your homework,
go to Find the volume of each sphere. Give each answer in terms of p and
rounded to the nearest cubic unit.
6. 7.

5 ft 12 cm
15  593
Find the surface area of each ball. Leave each answer in terms of p.
9. 10.

d = 68 mm
d = 21 cm d = 2 16 in.

Select Tools to Solve Problems (1)(C)  Use the given circumference to find the
surface area of each spherical object. Round to the nearest whole number.
11. a grapefruit with C = 14 cm 12. a bowling ball with C = 27 in.

A sphere has the volume given. Find its surface area to the nearest whole number.
13. V = 900 in.3 14. V = 3000 m3 15. V = 140 cm3

16. Select Techniques to Solve Problems (1)(C) Use p ≈ 3 to estimate the surface

area and volume of a sphere with radius 3 cm.
17. Connect Mathematical Ideas (1)(F)  Give the dimensions of a cylinder and a
sphere that have the same volume.
18. Use Representations to Communicate Mathematical y
Ideas (1)(E)  The region enclosed by the semicircle at
the right is rotated completely about the x-axis. 2
a. Describe the three-dimensional figure that is generated. x
b. Find its volume in terms of p. 2 O 2 4 6
c. Find its surface area in terms of p.
19. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  A cylindrical tank with diameter 20 in. is
half filled with water. How much will the water level in the tank rise if you place a
metallic ball with radius 4 in. in the tank? Give your answer to the nearest tenth.
20. The sphere at the right fits snugly inside a cube with 6-in. edges. What is the
approximate volume of the space between the sphere and cube?
A. 28.3 in.3 B. 76.5 in.3 C. 102.9 in.3 D. 113.1 in.3 6 in.
STEM 21. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  On September 3, 1970, a spherical hailstone with
diameter 5.6 in. fell at Coffeyville, Kansas. It weighed about 0.018 lb/in.3 compared
to the normal 0.033 lb/in.3 for ice. About how heavy was this Kansas hailstone?
22. Justify Mathematical Arguments (1)(G)  Which is greater, the total volume of
three spheres, each of which has diameter 3 in., or the volume of one sphere
that has diameter 8 in.?
23. Explain Mathematical Ideas (1)(G)  How many great circles does a sphere
have? Explain.

594 Lesson 14-6  Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres

Find the volume in terms of p of each sphere with the given surface area.
24. 25p yd2 25.
144p cm2 26.
49p m2 27.
225p mi2

28. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  An ice cream vendor presses a sphere of frozen
4 cm
yogurt into a cone, as shown at the right. If the yogurt melts into the cone,
will the cone overflow? Explain.
4 cm 4 cm
29. The surface area of a sphere is 5541.77 ft2. What is its volume to the
nearest tenth?
30. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  The circumference of Earth at the equator is 12 cm
approximately 40,075 km. About 71% of Earth is covered by oceans and other
bodies of water. To the nearest thousand square kilometers, how much of
Earth’s surface is land?

Find the surface area and volume of each figure. Leave your answer in terms of P.
31. 32. 2.5 cm

2.5 cm
4 cm
2 cm

33. What is the lateral surface area of a sphere with radius 2 in.?
A. 11p B. 2p C. 8p
D. There is no lateral surface area of a sphere.
34. You are constructing a model of the planet Mercury. Which of the following
measures cannot be used to describe the model?
A. volume C. circumference
B. lateral surface area D. weight

TEXAS Test Practice

35. What is the diameter of a sphere whose surface area is 100p m2?
A. 5 m B. 10 m C. 5p m D. 25p m
36. Which of the following statements contradict each other?
Opposite sides of ▱ABCD are parallel.
II. Diagonals of ▱ABCD are perpendicular.
III. ▱ABCD is not a rhombus.
I and II G. II and III H. I and III J. none
37. What is the reflection image of (3, 7) across the line y = 4?
A. (3, 3) B. ( -7, 3) C. (3, 1) D. (3, -7)  595
Technology Lab Exploring Similar Solids

Use With Lesson 14-7 teks (10)(B), (1)(F)

To explore surface areas and volumes of similar rectangular prisms, you can set up a
spreadsheet like the one below. You choose the numbers for length, width, height, and
scale factor. The computer uses formulas to calculate all the other numbers.

1 Ratio of Ratio of
2 Surface Scale Surface Volumes
3 Length Width Height Area Volume Factor (II : I) Areas (II : I) (II : I)
4 Rectangular Prism I 6 4 23 508 552 2 4 8
5 Similar Prism II 12 8 46 2032 4416

In cell E4, enter the formula =2*(B4*C4+B4*D4+C4*D4). This will calculate the sum
of the areas of the six faces of Prism I. In cell F4, enter the formula =B4*C4*D4. This
will calculate the volume of Prism I.
In cells B5, C5, and D5 enter the formulas =G4*B4, =G4*C4, and =G4*D4, respectively.
These will calculate the dimensions of similar Prism II. Copy the formulas from E4
and F4 into E5 and F5 to calculate the surface area and volume of Prism II.
In cell H4 enter the formula =E5>E4 and in cell I4 enter the formula =F5>F4. These
will calculate the ratios of the surface areas and volumes.
In row 4, enter numbers for the length, width, height, and scale factor. Change
the numbers to explore how the ratio of the total surface areas and the ratio of the
volumes are related to the scale factor.

State a relationship that seems to be true about the scale factor and the given ratio.
1. the ratio of volumes 2. the ratio of surface areas

Set up spreadsheets that allow you to investigate the following ratios. State a
conclusion from each investigation.
3. the volumes of similar cylinders 4. the lateral areas of similar cylinders
5. the total surface areas of similar cylinders 6. the volumes of similar square pyramids

596 Technology Lab  Exploring Similar Solids

14-7  Surface Areas and Volumes of
Related Solids
TEKS (10)(B)  Determine and describe how changes in the • Similar solids – Similar solids are three-dimensional
linear dimensions of a shape affect its perimeter, area, surface figures that have the same shape, and all their
area, or volume, including proportional and non-proportional corresponding dimensions are proportional.
dimensional change.

TEKS (1)(F)  Analyze mathematical relationships to connect

• Analyze – closely examine objects, ideas, or
relationships to learn more about their nature
and communicate mathematical ideas.

Additional TEKS (1)(A), (1)(G)

You can use ratios to compare the areas and volumes of similar solids.

Key Concept  Areas and Volumes of Similar Solids

If the scale factor of two similar solids is a : b, then
• the ratio of their corresponding areas is a2 : b2
• the ratio of their volumes is a3 : b3

Problem 1
Analyzing Proportional Change in Dimensions of a
Three-Dimensional Figure
A  How is the total surface area of the rectangular prism affected if all dimensions
of the prism are multiplied by 2? by 3?
First find the total surface area of the original prism.

14 in.

How do you find the

lateral area?
The lateral area is ph.
Since p = 2 6 + 6 in.
4 in.

2 4 = 20 and h = 14,
the lateral area is S.A. = L.A. + 2B = 280 + 2(24) = 328 in.2
20 14 = 280 in.2.

continued on next page ▶  597
Problem 1 continued

Find the length, width, and height when the dimensions are multiplied by 2 and
multiplied by 3.

Scale factor of 2 Scale factor of 3

   / = 2 # 6 = 12 in.   / = 3 # 6 = 18 in.
w = 2 # 4 = 8 in. w = 3 # 4 = 12 in.
   h = 2 # 14 = 28 in.   h = 3 # 14 = 42 in.
Now find the total surface area of each enlarged prism.
Scale factor of 2 Scale factor of 3
S.A. = L.A. + 2B S.A. = L.A. + 2B
= 1120 + 2(96) = 2520 + 2(216)
= 1312 in.2 = 2952 in.2
Compare the total surface area of each enlarged prism to the original prism.
1312 , 328 = 4 2952 , 328 = 9
So, when all dimensions are multiplied by 2, the total surface area is multiplied
by 22 or 4. When all dimensions are multiplied by 3, the total surface area is
multiplied by 32 or 9.

B  How is the volume of the rectangular prism affected if all dimensions of the
prism are multiplied by 2? by 3? Use the dimensions of the enlarged prisms
as calculated in Part A.
First find the volume of the original prism.
V = Bh = 24 # 14 = 336 in.3
Now find the volume of each enlarged prism.
Scale factor of 2 Scale factor of 3
V = Bh V = Bh
= 96 # 28 = 216 # 42
= 2688 in.3 = 9072 in.3
Compare the volume of each enlarged prism to the original prism.
2688 , 336 = 8 9072 , 336 = 27
So, when all dimensions are multiplied by 2, the volume is multiplied by 23 or 8.
When all dimensions are multiplied by 3, the volume is multiplied by 33 or 27.

598 Lesson 14-7  Surface Areas and Volumes of Related Solids

Problem 2 TEKS Process Standard (1)(F)

Identifying Similar Solids

How do you check for Are the two rectangular prisms similar? If so, what is the scale factor of the first
similarity? figure to the second figure?
Check that the ratios
of the corresponding A B
dimensions are the same.
6 3
A rectangular prism has 3 2
three dimensions 2 4
3 6 2 3
(/, w, h), so you must 3 6
check three ratios. 3 2 3 2 2 3
6 = 4 = 6
The prisms are similar because the The prisms are not similar because the
corresponding linear dimensions corresponding linear dimensions
are proportional. are not proportional.
The scale factor is 12 .

Problem 3
Finding the Scale Factor
How can you use the The square prisms at the right are similar. What is the
given information? scale factor of the smaller prism to the larger prism?
You are given the a3 729
volumes of two similar = The ratio of the volumes is a3 ∶ b3 .
b3 1331
solids. Write a proportion a 9
using the ratio a3 ∶ b3 . =
b 11
Take the cube root of each side.
The scale factor is 9 : 11. V  729 cm3 V  1331 cm3

Problem 4 TEKS Process Standard (1)(G)

Using a Scale Factor
Painting  The lateral areas of two similar paint cans
are 1019 cm 2 and 425 cm 2 . The volume of the smaller
can is 1157 cm 3 . What is the volume of the larger can?

• The lateral areas

• The volume of the smaller can

The scale factor Use the lateral areas to find the scale factor a : b.
Then write and solve a proportion using the ratio
a3 ∶b3 to find the volume of the larger can.

Step 1 Find the scale factor a : b.

a2 1019
= 425 The ratio of the lateral areas is a2 ∶b2 .
a 11019
b = Take the positive square root of each side.
continued on next page ▶  599
Problem 4 continued

Step 2 Use the scale factor to find the volume.

Does it matter
how you set up the
( 11019 )3
= The ratio of the volumes is a3 ∶b3 .
V small
( 1425 )3
Yes. The numerators
Vlarge ( 11019 )
should refer to the
1157 = Substitute 1157 for Vsmall .
same paint can, and the
denominators should
refer to the other can.
( 1425 )3
Vlarge = 1157 #
( 11019 )3 Solve for Vlarge .
( 1425 )3
Vlarge ≈ 4295.475437 Use a calculator.
The volume of the larger paint can is about 4295 cm3.

Problem 5
Using a Scale Factor to Find Capacity STEM

Containers  A bottle that is 10 in. high holds 34 oz of milk.

The sandwich shop shown at the right is shaped like a
milk bottle. To the nearest thousand ounces how
much milk could the building hold?
The scale factor of the bottles is 1 : 48.
How does capacity
relate to volume? The ratio of their volumes, and hence the ratio of
Since the capacities their capacities, is 13 : 483, or 1  : 110,592.
of similar objects are
1 34 Let x = the capacity of
proportional to their 110,592 = x  the milk-bottle building.
volumes, the ratio of
their capacities is equal
to the ratio of their x = 34 # 110,592 
Use the Cross
volumes. Products Property.

x = 3,760,128 Simplify. 480 in.

The milk-bottle building could hold about

3,760,000 oz.

600 Lesson 14-7  Surface Areas and Volumes of Related Solids

Problem 6

Analyzing Non-Proportional Change in Dimensions

of a Three-Dimensional Figure
A  How is the surface area of the cylinder affected if the height of the 4 cm
cylinder is multiplied by 3 and the radius is multiplied by 2?
First find the surface area of the original cylinder.
S.A. = 2prh + 2pr 2 = 2p(4)(12) + 2p(4)2 = 128p cm2 12 cm

Find the radius and height of the enlarged cylinder.

Is the answer
r=2 # 4 = 8 h=3 # 12 = 36
If the height and radius Now find the surface area of the enlarged cylinder.
were both multiplied by
3, the surface area would S.A. = 2prh + 2pr 2 = 2p(8)(36) + 2p(8)2 = 704p cm2
be multiplied by 32 = 9.
Since the radius was Compare the surface areas: 704p cm2 , 128p cm2 = 5.5
multiplied by a value less
So, when the height of the cylinder is multiplied by 3 and the radius
than 3, the surface area
should be multiplied by a is multiplied by 2, the surface area is multiplied by 5.5.
value less than 9. B  How is the volume of the cylinder affected if the height of the cylinder is
multiplied by 3 and the radius is multiplied by 2? Use the dimensions of the
enlarged cylinder as calculated in Part A.
First find the volume of the original cylinder.
V = pr 2h = p(4)2(12) = 192p cm3
Find the volume of the enlarged cylinder.
V = pr 2h = p(8)2(36) = 2304p cm3
Compare the volumes: 2304p , 192p = 12
So, when the height of the cylinder is multiplied by 3 and the radius is
multiplied by 2, the volume is multiplied by 12.


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Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  For Exercises 1–3, tell how the
surface area and the volume of each figure is affected if all dimensions are
changed proportionally.
For additional support when
completing your homework, 1.
A sphere whose radius is multiplied by 10.
go to
A square pyramid whose dimensions are multiplied by 14 .
A cone whose radius and altitude are multiplied by 2.5.  601
For Exercises 4–6, are the two figures similar? If so, give the scale factor of
the first figure to the second figure.
5. 18 m
12 m
27 cm
18 cm 30 m
20 m

9 cm 12 cm

a cylinder and a square prism both with 3-in. radius and 1-in. height

Each pair of figures is similar. Use the given information to find the scale
of the smaller figure to the larger figure.

V  216 in.3 V  343 in.3

V  250p ft3 V  432p ft3

The surface areas of two similar figures are given. The volume of the larger
figure is given. Find the volume of the smaller figure.
S.A. = 248 in.2, V = ?
9. 10. S.A. = 52 ft2, V = ?
S.A. = 558 in.2 , V = 810 in.3
S.A. = 208 ft2 , V = 192 ft3
The volumes of two similar figures are given. The surface area of the smaller
figure is given. Find the surface area of the larger figure.
11. V = 27 in.3 , S.A. = 63 in.2 12. V = 2 yd3 , S.A. = 13 yd2
V = 125 in.3, S.A. = ?
V = 250 yd3, S.A. = ?
STEM 13. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  There are 750 toothpicks in a regular-sized box. If a
jumbo box is made by doubling all the dimensions of the regular-sized box, how
many toothpicks will the jumbo box hold?
14. Refer to the figure in Problem 6. How would the surface area and volume of the
cylinder have been affected if the height were multiplied by 2 and the radius
were multiplied by 3? Explain your reasoning.
15. Explain Mathematical ideas (1)(G)  Are all spheres similar? Explain.
16. Connect Mathematical Ideas (1)(F)  Is there
a value of x for which the rectangular prisms
at the right are similar? Explain. 60 m
17. The volume of a spherical balloon with radius
3.1 cm is about 125 cm3. Estimate the volume 40 m 30 m
80 m 45 m
of a similar balloon with radius 6.2 cm.

602 Lesson 14-7  Surface Areas and Volumes of Related Solids
18. Justify Mathematical Arguments (1)(G)  A carpenter is making a blanket chest
based on an antique chest. Both chests have the shape of a rectangular prism. The
length, width, and height of the new chest will all be 4 in. greater than the
respective dimensions of the antique. Will the chests be similar? Explain.
19. Analyze Mathematical Relationships (1)(F)  Some stories
say that Paul Bunyan was ten times as tall as the average
human. Assume that Paul Bunyan’s bone structure was
proportional to that of ordinary people.
a. Strength of bones is proportional to the area of their
cross section. How many times as strong as the average
person’s bones would Paul Bunyan’s bones be?
b. Weights of objects made of like material are proportional
to their volumes. How many times the average person’s
weight would Paul Bunyan’s weight be?
c. Human leg bones can support about 6 times the
average person’s weight. Use your answers to parts
(a) and (b) to explain why Paul Bunyan could not
exist with a bone structure that was proportional to
that of ordinary people.
20. Square pyramids A and B are similar. In pyramid A, each base edge is 12 cm. In
pyramid B, each base edge is 3 cm and the volume is 6 cm3.
a. Find the volume of pyramid A.
b. Find the ratio of the surface area of A to the surface area of B.
c. Find the surface area of each pyramid.

TEXAS Test Practice

21. The slant heights of two similar pyramids are in the ratio 1 : 5. The volume
of the smaller pyramid is 60 m3. What is the volume in cubic meters of the
larger pyramid?
22. What is the value of x in the figure at the right?
23. A dilation maps △JEN onto △J′E′N′. If JE = 4.5 ft, EN = 6 ft, and
J′E′ = 13.5 ft, what is E′N′ in feet?
24. △CAR ≅ △BUS, m∠C = 25, and m∠R = 39. What is m∠U ?
25. A regular pentagon has a radius of 5 in. What is the area of the pentagon to the
nearest square inch?  603
Topic 14  Review
• altitude, pp. 566, 572 • diameter of a sphere, • net, p. 558 • right cylinder, p. 566
p. 590
• base, p. 558 • oblique cylinder, p. 566 • right prism, p. 566
• center of a sphere, p. 590 • edge, p. 559 • oblique prism, p. 566 • similar solids, p. 597
• circumference of a sphere, • face, p. 559 • polyhedron, p. 559 • slant height, p. 572
p. 590 • great circle, p. 590 • prism, pp. 558, 566 • sphere, pp. 558, 590
• cone, pp. 558, 573 • height, pp. 566, 572 • pyramid, pp. 558, 572 • total surface area, p. 566
• cross section, p. 558 • hemisphere, p. 590 • radius of a sphere, p. 590 • vertex, pp. 559, 572
• cube, p. 558 • lateral area, p. 565 • regular pyramid, p. 572 • volume, p. 579
• cylinder, pp. 558, 566 • lateral face, p. 565 • right cone, p. 573

Check Your Understanding

Choose the vocabulary term that correctly completes the sentence.
1. A set of points in space equidistant from a given point is called a(n) ? .
2. A(n) ? is a polyhedron in which one face can be any polygon and the lateral
faces are triangles that meet at a common vertex.
3. If you slice a prism with a plane, the intersection of the prism and the plane is
a(n) ? of the prism.

604 Topic 14  Review

14-1  Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections

Quick Review Exercises

A three-dimensional figure is classified by the shape(s) of Draw a net for each three-dimensional figure.
its surfaces. A polyhedron is a three-dimensional figure
4. 5.
whose surfaces are polygons. The polygons are faces of the
polyhedron. An edge is a segment that is the intersection
of two faces. A vertex is a point where three or more edges
intersect. A cross section is the intersection of a solid and a
plane. Other three-dimensional figures include solids such Use Euler’s Formula to find the missing number.
as prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. 6. F = 5, V = 5, E = ■ 7. F = 6, V = ■, E = 12
8. How many vertices are there in a solid with 4
triangular faces and 1 square base?
How many faces and edges does
9. Describe the cross section
the triangular prism have?
in the cone at the right.
The polyhedron has 2 triangular
10. Sketch a cube with an
bases and 3 rectangular faces for a total of 5 faces.
equilateral triangle cross
The 2 triangles have a total of 6 edges. The 3 rectangles section.
have a total of 12 edges. The total number of edges in the
polyhedron is one half the total of 18 edges, or 9.
14-2  Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders

Quick Review Exercises

The lateral area of a right prism is the product of the Find the total surface area of each figure. Leave your
perimeter of the base and the height. The lateral area of answers in terms of P where applicable.
a right cylinder is the product of the circumference of the
11. 12.
base and the height of the cylinder. The total surface area
of each solid is the sum of the lateral area and the areas of 3 cm 3m
the bases.
2 cm 8m
4 cm

What is the total surface area of a cylinder with radius 3 m 13. 8 in. 14. 7 cm
6 in.
and height 6 m? Leave your answer in terms of P. 4 cm
S.A. = L.A. + 2B 
Use the formula for total surface 4 in.
area of a cylinder.
= 2prh + 2(pr 2) 
Substitute formulas for lateral
area and area of a circle. 15. A cylinder has radius 2.5 cm and lateral area
= 2p(3)(6) + 2p(3)2 Substitute 3 for r and 6 for h. 20p cm2. What is the total surface area of the cylinder
= 36p + 18p Simplify. in terms of p?
= 54p
16. Find the formula for the base area of a prism in terms
The total surface area of the cylinder is 54p m2. of total surface area and lateral area.  605
14-3  Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones

Quick Review Exercises

The lateral area of a regular pyramid is half the product Find the total surface area of each figure. If necessary,
of the perimeter of the base and the slant height. The round your answers to the nearest tenth.
lateral area of a right cone is half the product of the
17. 18. 10 m
circumference of the base and the slant height. The total 10 ft
surface area of each solid is the sum of the lateral area and
the area of the base. 16 m
16 m
4 ft
What is the total surface area of a cone with radius 3 in. 19. 4 in. 20.
and slant height 10 in.? Leave your answer in terms of P.
11 in.

S.A. = L.A. + B 
Use the formula for total surface
6 in.
area of a cone. 11 in.
= pr/ + pr 2 
Substitute formulas for lateral area 11 in.
and area of a circle.
= p(3)(10) + p(3)2 Substitute 3 for r and 10 for /.
= 30p + 9p Simplify.
= 39p
The total surface area of the cone is 39p in.2.

14-4 and 14-5  Volumes of Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids, and Cones

Quick Review Exercises

The volume of a space figure is the space that the figure Find the volume of each figure. If necessary, round
occupies. Volume is measured in cubic units. The volume to the nearest tenth.
of a prism and the volume of a cylinder are the product
21. 22. 2.5 ft
of the area of a base and the height of the solid. The volume
of a pyramid and the volume of a cone are one third the
7m 5 ft
product of the area of the base and the height of the solid.
What is the volume of a rectangular prism with base 3 cm 23. 7 yd 24.
by 4 cm and height 8 cm? 4m

V = Bh Use the formula for the volume of a prism.
= (3 # 4)(8) Substitute. 8 yd

= 96 Simplify.
The volume of the prism is 96 cm3. 3 m 2m
606 Topic 14  Review
14-6  Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres

Quick Review Exercises

The surface area of a sphere is four times the product of Find the surface area and volume of a sphere with the
p and the square of the radius of the sphere. The volume given radius or diameter. Round your answers to the
of a sphere is 43 the product of p and the cube of the radius nearest tenth.
of the sphere.
25.   r = 5 in. 26. d = 7 cm
27. d = 4 ft 28.   r = 0.8 ft
29. What is the volume of a sphere with a surface area
What is the surface area of a sphere with radius 7 ft? of 452.39 cm2? Round your answer to the nearest
Round your answer to the nearest tenth. hundredth.
S.A. = 4pr 2 Use the formula for surface area of a sphere. 30. What is the surface area of a sphere with a volume
= 4p(7)2 Substitute. of 523.6 m3? Round your answer to the nearest
≈ 615.8 Simplify. square meter.
The surface area of the sphere is about 615.8 ft2. 31. Apply Mathematics (1)(A)  The circumference of a
lacrosse ball is 8 in. Find its volume to the nearest
tenth of a cubic inch.

14-7  Surface Areas and Volumes of Related Solids

Quick Review Exercises

Similar solids have the same shape and all their 32. Sketch two similar solids whose surface areas are in
corresponding dimensions are proportional. the ratio 16 : 25. Include dimensions.
If the scale factor of two similar solids is a : b, then the ratio For each pair of similar solids, find the ratio of the
of their corresponding surface areas is a2 : b2, and the ratio volume of the first figure to the volume of the second.
of their volumes is a3 : b3.
33. 34.

Example 4
Is a cylinder with radius 4 in. and height 12 in. similar to a 9
cylinder with radius 14 in. and height 35 in.? If so, give the
scale factor.
4 12
14 ≠ 35
The cylinders are not similar because the ratios of
corresponding linear dimensions are not equal.  607
Topic 14  TEKS Cumulative Practice
Multiple Choice 6. A frozen dinner is divided into
three sections on a circular beans
Read each question. Then write the letter of the correct plate with a 12‑in. diameter. Fish 195
answer on your paper. What is the approximate arc Corn
length of the section 98
1. A pyramid has a volume of 108 m3. A similar pyramid
has base edges and a height that are 13 those of the containing green beans?
original pyramid. What is the volume of the second F.
7 in. H.
16 in.
10 in. J.
20 in.
3 m3 C.
A. 12 m3
7. The formula for the volume of a cone is V = 13 pr 2h.
4 m3 D.
B. 36 m3 Which statement is true?
2. What is the volume of the A.
The volume depends on the mean of p,
10 in. 8 in.
triangular prism at the right? the radius r, and the height h.
520 in.3
F. The volume depends only on r2.
560 in.3
G. 14 in.
The radius depends on the product of h and p.
600 in.3
H. D.
The volume depends on both h and r.
1120 in.3
J. 8. A wooden pole was broken during a windstorm.
Before the pole broke, the height of the pole
3. Which quadrilateral CANNOT have one diagonal that
bisects the other? above the ground was 18 ft. When it broke, the
hsm11gmse_11cu_t08873.aitop of the pole hit the ground 12 ft from the base.
square C.
trapezoid D.
4. The diameter of the circle is x ft
12 units. What is the minor arc D
length from point C to point D? C 12 ft
F. 3 p units How tall is the part of the pole that remained standing?
8p units F.
5 ft H.
13 ft
16p units G.
10 ft J.
15 ft
160 A
J. 3 p units 9. △ABC
a right isosceles triangle. Which statement
5. Suppose AD ≅ AE, DB ≅ EC, CANNOT be true?
and ∠ABC ≅ ∠ACB.
D E A. The length of the hypotenuse is
Which statement must be 12 # the length of a leg.
proved first to prove
△ABE ≅ △ACD by SSS? B C AB = BC

∠A ≅ ∠A C.
A. AC ≅ AC C.
The hypotenuse is the shortest side of the triangle.

AB ≅ BC D.
B. DC ≅ EB m∠B = 90

608 Topic 14  TEKS

Gridded Response 18. List these solids in order from the one with least
volume to the one with the greatest volume.
10. The radius of a sphere with a volume of 2 m3 is
quadrupled. What is the volume of the new sphere in A.
a cube with edge 5 cm
cubic meters? B.
a cylinder with radius 4 cm and height 4 cm
11. Molly stands at point A directly C.
a square pyramid with base edges 6 cm and
below a kite that Kat is flying from height 6 cm
130 ft
point B. Kat has let out 130 ft of the
string. Molly stands 40 ft from Kat. D.
a cone with radius 4 cm and height 9 cm
To the nearest foot, how many feet E.
a rectangular prism with a 5 cm-by-5 cm base and
from the ground is the kite? 40 ft height 6 cm
12. The figure below shows a cylindrical tin of bath salts. 19. The floor of a bedroom is 12 ft by 15 ft and the walls
To the nearest square centimeter, what is the total are 7 ft high. One gallon of paint covers about 450 ft2.
surface area of the tin? How many gallons of paint do you need to paint the
walls of the bedroom?
14 cm
2 in.
20. The net of a cereal box
4 cm is shown at the right.
What is the surface 10.75 in.
13. A regular octagon has a side length of 8 m and an area in square inches?
approximate area of 309 m2. The side length of another
7.5 in.
regular octagon is 4 m. To the nearest square meter, 21. A great circle of a
what is the approximate area of the smaller octagon? sphere has a circumference
of 3p cm. What is the volume
14. The lengths of the bases of an isosceles trapezoid of the sphere in terms of p? Show your work.
are shown below. If the perimeter of this trapezoid is
44 units, what is its area in square units? 22. A log is cut lengthwise through its center. To the
nearest square inch, what
is the surface area of one of
20 units the halves? Explain your reasoning.

4 units

15. What is the total surface area, in square centimeters, of

18 in.
a rectangular prism that is 9 cm by 8 cm by 10 cm?
16. A polyhedron has 10 vertices and 7 faces. How many 3 ft
edges does the polyhedron have? 23. Anna has cereal in a cylindrical container that has a
Constructed Response diameter of 6 in. and a height of 12 in. She wants to
store the cereal in a rectangular prism container.
17. Draw two different solids that have volume 100 in.3. What is one possible set of dimensions for a
Label the dimensions of each solid. rectangular prism container that would be close
to the volume of the cylindrical container? Show
your work.  609

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