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2022 – 2023 FALL SEMESTER


Project Names:
1. HDR Toning
2. Panoramic Photography
3. Panning Technique
4. The Theme: CIU from my Perspective.

HDR Toning: HDR toning is a technique for producing images with a high dynamic range. HDR images are
created by combining multiple exposures of the same scene into a single image. As a result, the image has a wider
range of tonal values than a single exposure can provide.

Panoramic Photography: Panoramic photography, also known as wide format photography, is a unique
technique that stitches together multiple images from the same camera to create a single, wide photograph
(vertical or horizontal).

Panning Technique : Panning is a photographic technique that uses a slow shutter speed in conjunction with
camera movement to create a sense of speed around a moving object.

The Theme, CIU from my Perspective : A theme in photography is a broad idea that a photographer sticks to.
A excellent method to stimulate creativity is by using photographic themes. Working within a theme can alter the
artistic vision of any artist.

- You must take and edit ten photographs for each of the projects listed above (total 40 Photographs)
- Photographs will be graded based on their exposure, composition, and compliance with the project
requirements. Each correct photograph is worth 2.5 points.
- Each HDR Toning and Panoromic photo must be different frame and must be composed of at least 3 photos
- Prepare a power point presentation and place this photo to each slide by giving a name for each one of them.
- Include the source photos of HDR toning and panoramic photos to each next slide.
- Create a title page in the presentation indicating your name, student number and project name.
- Send this presentation file to e-mail adress, if it is too large to sent it by email use
- You can use any camera (smart phone, SLR cameras etc) to take your photographs.
- Due date : 15.01.2023

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