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-Breakout Room 2-

1. ...

 What are their names? Rick is the older brother and Rodrick is the younger one.
 What is their relationship? They're brothers.
 Do they dislike or like each other? They like each other because they only recently meet and
didn't know they were brothers.

2. Why are they looking at the screen? They are looking at the screen because they are trying to
break a secret code.

3. ...

 Your characters; 
 Where are they? At school, after everyone's gone.
 What are they looking at?

4. ...

 What do the characters do? The clicks and clacks of the keys were the loudest sound in the room.
Rick opened the website on the USB, which was unusual, whereas Rodrick searched around for any
 What happens on the screen? The boys see something on the computer screen which they find
confusing, a code of some sort. Suddenly, a warning flashes on the screen saying that if they don't
crack the code in the next 10 minutes, they'll die the next day.

5. ...

 What are the characters doing and why? "I don't understand anything that's going on," Rick
said, confused. Rick and Rodrick sat in silence, contemplating what to do as they had never had to
break a code this difficult. 
 What do the characters think of each other? "As much as I love you, Rick you're completely
clueless right now." Rodrick muttered under his breath, staring at Rick, who was aimlessly looking
around the room.

6. ...

 How are the characters feeling? Before the warning; Rick didn’t know how to feel, he was happy,
but confused; sad, but at the same time, he felt like he had finally found his missing piece. his
brother. After the warning; Rick rushed into a mode of pure panic, fear stormed through his body.
His hands flailing around, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, walking around in circles, while
tears formed in his eyes. Rodrick on the other hand, was a bit calm compared to Rick. He sat on
the chair, quietly thinking about what had just happened 'I just found my brother, am I going to
lose him so soon?' He thought, his eyes drifting to Rick, who sat on another chair head in his hands,
crying. He too was in panic but he was downhearted that he was going to lose his brother, once
 What do the character think, hope or worry about what will happen next? They hoped that
they could find the code, they think they can't do it and now they are worrying that everyone is
going to die.

7. Sequence the sentences you have written to create an extract.

Rick didn’t know how to feel, he was happy, but confused; sad, but at the same time, he felt like he
had finally found his missing piece. his brother. At school, after everyone's had left, they were
looking at the screen because they are trying to break a code. The clicks and clacks of the keys
were the loudest sound in the room. Rick opened the website on the USB, which was unusual,
while Rodrick searched around for any clues. Rodrick walked back to Rick, as the  two boys see
something on the computer screen which they find confusing, a code of sorts. Suddenly, a warning
flashes on the screen saying that if they don't crack the code in the next 10 minutes, they'll die the
next day. Rick rushed into a mode of pure panic, fear stormed through his body. His hands flailing
around, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, walking around in circles, while tears formed in
his eyes. Rodrick on the other hand, was a bit calm compared to Rick. He sat on the chair, quietly
thinking about what had just happened 'I just found my brother, am I going to lose him so
soon?' He thought, his eyes drifting to Rick, who sat on another chair head in his hands, crying. He
too was in panic but he was downhearted that he was going to lose his brother, once again. "I
don't understand anything that's going on," Rick said, confused, after failing to find any clues
about the code. Rick and Rodrick sat in silence, contemplating what to do as they had never had to
break a code this difficult. "As much as I love you, Rick you're completely clueless right
now." Rodrick muttered under his breath, staring at Rick, who was aimlessly looking around the
room. They hoped that they could find the code, they think they can't do it and now they are
worrying that everyone is going to die.

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