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Many schools are curating educational resources for at-home learning— some for a few weeks, while

others have decided to keep learning digital for the remainder of the school year.

With parents and caregivers struggling to balance their new realities with work and the school life of
students, learners of all ages will need to learn and use vital self-management skills now more than ever.
The success skill of self-management fosters the ability of students to follow through on study plans,
complete tasks and assignments, and keep schedules. PBL teachers and parents can teach and reinforce
this skill in collaboration.

wants to do their best in a class to take a moment to evaluate their own work to determine the rate
their writing is progressing and how they can continue to advance their writing. When I looked through
my own work I asked myself “what have I learned this semester?” and “what do I still need to learn in
order to improve my writing?”. Answering both these questions will help me with my last step of my
self-evaluation, developing a plan to learn new skills.

During this semester, I have strengthened my writing by trying new writing techniques, learning about
purpose, and finding new ways of combating writers block. My first essay in this class was less focused
then the essays I wrote later in…show more content…

I have struggled with writer's block with often. In the past, I've learned to take breaks while writing to
help alleviate symptoms of writers block; however, during the semester I have learned to carry a pad of
paper with me so that I can write down idea's while they are fresh in my mind. Writing down my
thoughts has helped me avoid writers block because I have a list of thoughts about the subject before I
have even started writing. When I struggle less to write it improves my essay's by decreasing my stress,
this can be seen in my writing. I was afflicted with writer's block while trying to write both my compare
and contrast essay and my description essay, this caused me a lot of stress and caused my essay to
suffer. On the other hand, when I wrote my classify and divide essay I did not have to deal with writer's

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