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In modern era, it has been observed that stress management has become one of the most

substantial concepts in the professional environment. It is also seen that working efficiency

has degraded to some extent as professionals are unable to maintain a balance between their

personal and professional lives. This difference has made organizations to formulate such

policies that lead to better job performance which results in job satisfaction moreover

employee satisfaction. This degree of satisfaction has been referred to as QUALITY OF

WORK LIFE. Quality of work life is a process in an organization which enables its members

at all levels to participate actively and effectively in shaping organizational environment,

methods and outcomes. This study focuses on the subjective matter of QWL i.e. its key

elements like job security, job performance, employee satisfaction etc.



Employees at the grass root level experience a sense of frustration because of low level of

wages, poor working conditions unfavorable Terms of employment, by their superiors and

the like where as managerial personnel feel frustrated because of alienation over their

conditions of employment, inter-personnel Conflicts, role Conflicts, job pressures, lack of

freedom in work, Absence of challenging work etc....

Job discontent and job pressures have their substantial effect on employees health in the form of

reduction in general happiness, increase in smoking drinking and putting on excessive body weight

etc....Frustration also be due to absence of recognition, tedious work, unsound relations with co-

workers, poor working conditions, low self esteem, occupational stress, work heavy load, monotony,

Fatigue, time pressures, lack of stability and security etc. in view of the contemporary managerial

problems, the present day employees are much concerned about high wages, better benefits,

challenging jobs etc...In the recent past, the tense “quality of work life “has appeared in research

journals and the press with remarkable regularity. Despite this, there is no general definition of the

concept it has become a casual phrase encompassing whatever improvement in general organization

climate the practitioner or researcher has observed. However some attempts were made to describe the

tense QWL. It refers to the favorableness or unfavorableness of a job environment for people. QWL

means different things to different people. J. Richard and. LOY defines QWL as “the degree to which

members of a work organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experience

in the organization.QWL improvements are defined as any activity which take place at every level of

and organization, which seeks great organizational effectiveness through enhancement of human

degree and growth. Management ,unions and employees learn how to work together better.... to

determine for themselves what actions, changes and improvements are desirable and workable in

order to achieve the twin and simultaneously goal both the company and the unions. There are some

benefits by enriching jobs they are

 Growth of the individual.

 And they have better job satisfaction.

 Self actualization of the individual.

 Better employee performance for the organization.

 Organization gets intrinsically motivated employees.

 Less absenteeism, turnover and grievances for the organization.

 Full use of human Resource for society


Quality of Work Life (QWL) is an improvised HRD mechanism that attempts to design and develop

work environments for the employees working at all levels. It is one of the major issues faced by

organisations. QWL is not only related to the achievement of greater human satisfaction but also aims

at improving productivity, adaptability and effectiveness of organisations.

QWL includes the attempts to achieve integration among the technological, human, organisational

and societal demands (the factors of work environments) to maximise the benefits for enriching the

human factor.

QWL is not based on any theory or any technique but is concerned with the overall climate of work,

the impact of work on people and organisational effectiveness. The basic purpose is to change the

work environment, which will lead towards a better QWL and ultimately to an improved quality of

life in the community/society.

Lloyd Suttle defines QWL as – “the degree to which members of a particular organisation can satisfy

important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation”. For example, providing

ample opportunities to workers to directly participate in problem-solving and decision-making,

particularly in their work-related areas is considered to be a necessary condition for greater freedom at

work and leads to self-development, self-control or self-direction, ultimately leading towards better


Quality of Work-Life is a generic phrase that covers a person’s feelings about every dimension of

work including economic rewards and benefits, security, working conditions, organisational and
interpersonal relationships and its intrinsic meaning in a person’s life. It is a process by which an

organisation attempts to unleash the creative potential of its personnel by involving them in decisions

affecting their work lives.

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