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The human body is made up of trillions of cells.

These cells come from the fertilized

egg that is created by the mother at conception. The fertilized egg divides into two
cells, then four, eight and so on until a person is born. This process continues
throughout life as new cells are created to replace old ones or to repair damaged ones.
The body has a great ability to regenerate itself, however it can only do this if there
are enough healthy cells present in the body. If there aren't enough healthy cells
present then the body will attempt to create new ones from its existing ones by using
stem cells found in bone marrow and fat tissue. Stem cell research has been going on
for many years now but recently scientists have discovered another type of cell that
can be used for regenerative purposes which was previously unknown to science;
embryonic stem cell (ES) research has been conducted since 1998. Embryonic stem
cells are the most abundant cells in the human body and are found in many different
tissues. These cells have the ability to become any other cell type within the body, this
is why they have been used for so many years now. Stem cell research has been
conducted on embryonic stem cells for a long time now and scientists have found that
these cells can be used to treat diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and diabetes.
However, there was one problem with this; these treatments were only possible if an
embryo was destroyed during the process of creating stem cells. This meant that
people who wanted to use these treatments had no other option than to destroy
embryos which is morally wrong as it involves destroying life. Recently scientists
discovered another type of stem cell which could be created without having to destroy
any embryos; adult stem cells (ASCs). Adult stem cells are similar to embryonic ones
but they do not divide or reproduce themselves like embryonic ones do; they simply
grow and multiply themselves naturally over time. Scientists discovered that ASCs
could be used in place of embryonic ones in almost all cases because they were able
to replicate themselves just as well but without having any negative effects on society
or on human beings themselves (Hoffman et al., 2014). This discovery made it
possible for people who wanted to use stem cell treatments for diseases such as
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and diabetes without having to destroy embryos or embryos'
potential offspring which is what was previously done by researchers.

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