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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on stem cell research? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis
on such a complex and evolving topic can be incredibly challenging. From gathering relevant
research to formulating a coherent argument, the process can quickly become overwhelming.

Stem cell research is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses biology, medicine, ethics, and policy,
among other areas. As such, writing a thesis on this topic requires a deep understanding of various
scientific concepts, as well as the ability to critically analyze and synthesize vast amounts of

Moreover, keeping up with the latest developments and debates in the field adds another layer of
difficulty to the writing process. What may be a relevant argument or perspective one day could be
outdated the next.

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These abnormal cells are cells that are either mutated or damaged in such a way that natural
mechanisms for checking cell growth are no longer efficient for containing their growth. It could be
tested in stem cells, perhaps creating the. A division Of research that was clearly critical in the
discoveries Of Stem cells was the applications of bone marrow transplants. The Ethics of Embryonic
Stem Cell Research - Fresh Writing. The Health Risk of Stem Cell Therapy Another argument against
SCR claims that the chemical and biological factors used to manipulate the cells in vivo can cause
adverse effects once the resulting specialized cells from them are transplanted to humans for therapy.
Any mutation may result in abnormal proliferation and anomalous mitosis. Stem cells could also be
grown to become new tissue for use in transplant medicine. However, embryonic stem cells have
been described as the most pluripotent (National Institutes of Health, 2009). NIH Releases Guideline
for Stem Cell Research, 2009) Regulations introduced in various developed countries to ensure the
ethical use of biomedical technology in addition to the use of systems to detect emerging diseases
are some of the ways the government agencies around the world are trying to reduce the chance of
having future biomedical catastrophies. Stem cells are pluripotent, i.e. capable of replicating into
similar kind of cells or they are capable of specializing into any other specific tissue. However, this
process has not proven successful on humans and further studie s remain. It takes 9 months to grow
a body that will sustain life.Embryos lack the capacities that earn us respect such as, a brain,
consciousness and preferences. Stem cell advocacy paper introduction stem cells are. Claimed
Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research Which Lives to Save Despite the many scientific
advancements contributed by stem cell research, many still argue against it. Currently researchers all
around our world area studying adult stem cells to see if they can isolate different kinds of adult
stem cells, this way they may try to learn how to control to rate at which a particular cell may
reproduce. If, through some discov ery, researc hers can succe ssful ly implant these cells int o a hum
an be ing, mil it ar y ve ter an s th at we re su bje ct to sp ina l in jur ies duri ng wa r co ul d
potentially regain the ability to walk. This is one of the factors that are most important in stem cell
research for several different reasons. Currently, no cure for cancer exists but various cancer
treatments and therapies do exist. Obama did set up limitations to the embryonic cell research. What
right do we have to play God, snuff out a life and willfully deny it of its potential to grow into a
healthy human being Life, according to Christian belief, begins at conception, and no matter whether
that life is sparked off in a womb or in a Petri dish, its destruction amounts to murder. The company,
Advanced Cell Technology, said the purpose was to produce genetically matched replacement cells
for patients with a wide range of diseases. Stem cells are paving way for the wide range of
therapeutics and holds a promise for the future may it be organogenesis or hormone production or
insulin production or a promising cure for the dreaded cancer, stem cells are being exploited to bring
remedial revolution. These alternate implications will be covered in further detail throughout the
paper. Perception and thorough understanding for cancer stem cells will certainly aid in recognition
of the drug targets and cancer therapeutics (Lobo, 2007). ( ) Oncogenic induction leads to the
generation of tumor, conventional therapies are capable of eliminating the cancer but not the CSCs
which results in the cancer relapse. Environmental Issues (Jessica Moss) While stem cell research is
mainly used for the advancement of biomedical technology, curing diseases and mending illnesses,
there are people who believe stem cell research can be used for negative reasons. The line between
what is considered “human” is invisible. A human embryo reaches the blastoffs stage within 4 to 5
days after being fertilized; they consist of 50-150 cells. It is easier and more beneficial to use the
embryonic cells because they are easier to obtain, they are unharmed and unspecialized, and they can
eventually form into one hundred and thirty different types of human tissue. This authorization
allowed up to three billion dollars to be used in stem cell research. As such, the continued
development of methods that keeps as many factors controlled as possible allow for the best research
that can be done.
What is the history of Stem Cell Research legislation in the United States. Like many hot topics such
as abortion or gay marriage, stem cell research has a lot on controversial issues within itself and has
been a topic of debate for several decades. The versatility of these types of treatments is what causes
stem cell research to be such a key to the future of medicine. Background In spite of all the
achievements and advances in the medical field, cancer stays as one of the leading causes of death
worldwide. Another profound lawsuit regarding stem cells was the Thomson v. When this happens it
raises ethical issues as to whether or not embryos at the pre implantation tag should hold the same
moral status of a more developed human being. The line between what is considered “human” is
invisible. Stem cell is the only solution for some incurable diseases. There are different types of adult
stem cells on is mechanical stem cell, these tem cells form fat cells, cartilage, bone, tendon, ligaments,
and nerve cells. This matches to the definition of a stem cell provided by McCullough and Till. The
biggest political issue surrounding stem cell research is the different views taken on by our Presidents
over the past fifteen years. George H. W. Bush supported the idea of adult stem cell research but he
did not support embryonic stem cell research which is why he vetoed both of the Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Acts. On October 13th, 2001, scientists clone human embryos to make stem cells.
Stem cell research is a process of studying the division of cells that can be used to cure diseases and
illnesses and even fix tissues within the body. An induced blueprint IS the embryonic stem cell
however is not developed from a embryo and is instead developed directly from adult tissue. On the
off chance though that something does happen then there is a big payoff for hose investors in the
long run. An adult stem cell is meant to repair the tissue where it is found when in a living host.
Scientists argue only 50 of them would be needed to harvest more embryonic stem cells. Scholars
can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments.
Community nursing and setting goals for providing care for a family and child. The impacts of the
controversial division are felt in both the funding of the research and the social political view of the
scientists that are working on the research. These newly formed organs could be transplanted into
the person devoid of any complications associated with transplantation rejection. When the
embryologist or inner cell mass is isolated it causes destruction of the blastoffs. In vitro fertilization
(IF) is a method used for combining an egg and sperm together in a laboratory. Which in turn can be
used to repair or replace specific tissue and treat any disease that involves tissue degeneration - such
as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, afflictions in the central nervous system, Type 1 diabetes,
liver malfunctions etc. Adult stem cells can be genetically reprogrammed when this happens it is
called an induced blueprint stem cell. Pluripotent stem cells are isolated from human embryos that
are a few days old; they have also been developed from foetal tissue, tissue older than 8 weeks. As
mentioned above, California did pass a legislation allowing a significant amount of money to fund
stem cell research. Full description Save Save Essay on Stem Cells For Later 0% 0% found this
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Search inside document. In order for adult stem cells to be considered a successful treatment there
are a few requirements. Community nursing and setting goals for providing care for a family and
child. Ethics and compliance sample paper - essay Ethics and
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The research consisted in introducing mouse somatic cells into a very acidic solution low pH or
subjecting the external cell membranes. This cell can produce special cells for different tissues in the
human body, for example, cerebrum tissue, heart muscle and liver tissue etc. Today stem cells are the
only cells in the world that can keep dividing and dividing indefinitely. His research is focused on
the mechanisms by which the adaptive immune system recognizes and responds to tumours and a
specific interest is the development of immunological strategies to fight cancer. However, it is in my
opinion that whether or not the embryos used in SCR are alive or not, there is no price that can be
put on the countless number of lives that can be saved through the products of SCR. Stem Cell
Research Legislation Stem cells are specific non-specialized cells mostly found in multi-cellular
organisms and have the capabilities of dividing and differentiating into specialized cells when
subjected under particular physiological conditions. The process behind this is putting a nucleus of a
body cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed. The research then compared the
patients who were provided with stem cell transplants with those who were not and it was found
that stem cell transplant from newborn babies were effective in treating these patients. An embryo
cell has to be cared for properly if they are to then they are at risk of developing muscle cells, and
nerve cells, this occurs when they begin to clump together forming embryo bodies. The uses of adult
stem cells as an alternative to embryonic stem cells. There are different types of adult stem cells on is
mechanical stem cell, these tem cells form fat cells, cartilage, bone, tendon, ligaments, and nerve
cells. A mother would not refer to the life within her as a bunch of living cells with no purpose or
future. As mentioned above, California did pass a legislation allowing a significant amount of
money to fund stem cell research. Some fear that the genetic modified food, which can be also called
genetically modified organisms, can be hazardous to our health. Because stem cells are important
especially among developing embryos, harvesting stem cells from them unavoidably cause their
unviability. Each one of us hopes for a day when no disease will be categorized as incurable', and the
potential in this line of work to realize that dream is plain for all to see. The debate is discussed in
greater detail within the paper but the impact to the research was, and still is quite rueful. Adult
stem-cell research is more advanced and effective than research on embryonic stem cells. The
controversy is about means, that is the destruction of a human embryo. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. An adult stem cell is meant to repair the tissue where it is found when in a
living host. Although not fully understood, several factors, su ch as th e st at e of hi st on e pr ot ei
ns th at bl oc k ce rt ai n pa rt s of th e DN A by ma ki ng it unreac hable for transcr iption or the
methyl ation of promoter areas of a gene, cause parts of DNA to be unt ran scr ibab le, hen ce hind
eri ng the pro duc tion of som e pro tein s and pro mot ing the pro duc tio n of othe rs. References
Alternative Press. (2009, March 9). Obama reverses Bush-era stem cell policy. The side for human
embryonic Stem cell research says that there is. Another rich source is the blood that remains in the
umbilical cord after birth. Stem cells are paving way for the wide range of therapeutics and holds a
promise for the future may it be organogenesis or hormone production or insulin production or a
promising cure for the dreaded cancer, stem cells are being exploited to bring remedial revolution.
The gene-line engineering aims to function towards disease resistance and functional improvement.
Thesis statement for stem cell research Stem Cell Research- The biggest breakthrough in the history
of medical science. A division Of research that was clearly critical in the discoveries Of Stem cells
was the applications of bone marrow transplants. Cloning is a process which can be compared to the
Stem Cell Research.
These malignant cells proliferate clonally and form tumors which in due course impend to turn
metastatic. Several Universities and Colleges have entire programs dedicated to the science. The pulp
stem cells display the ability to form a dental pulp-like complex. This procedure paved the way for
transplanting organs, reducing the possibility of rejection within the body, without the use of anti-
rejection drugs. Fast forward to the year 1994, President Clinton lifted the twenty-year moratorium
on fetal tissue research by signing into law the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993. These newly formed
organs could be transplanted into the person devoid of any complications associated with
transplantation rejection. Perhaps one of the biggest holdback from mainstream acceptance of
embryonic stem cell research is that “th e gen era tio n of emb ryo nic ste m cel ls inv olv es des tru
cti on (or at leas t mani pula tio n) of the preimplantation stage embryo” (Klimanskaya, pg 1). The
information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by Tech Xplore in any
form. The ability of the stem cells to generate the desired organ is exploited to produce new skin,
heart, muscle or liver tissue. The debate is discussed in greater detail within the paper but the impact
to the research was, and still is quite rueful. The most commonly understood form is a patent on a
physical invention taking the form of a product or device designed by the inventor. Review Research
Paper Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ethical and. Adult stem cells- Numerous adult tissues also
possess stem cells. Diff ere nt pro tei ns allo w cel ls to perfor m differe nt tasks and have specif ic
characte ristic s that make them differen t from other ce ll s. Although the process for RPE cell
generation and implantation has been fairly successful, other the rap ies are sti ll in the wor ks, tha t
inv olv e mor e com plex proce sse s, but whic h could yield incred ible resul ts if succe ssful. The art
world is one media outlet that has been majorly influenced by stem cell research. They are not fully
developed beings, therefore, They have not yet achieved enough to matter, and do not have full
rights or dignity, so their right to life cannot outweigh a grown human. Any mutation may result in
abnormal proliferation and anomalous mitosis. Scientists are using stem cell lines derived from the
single stem cell. And, in certain conditions can be induced to become tissue or organ specific cells.
Associated Science When we speak about plasticity it is referred to as the ability of an organism to
have the ability to change or transform. Studies of human embryonic stem cells will reveal complex
information of events that occur during human development. Would killing it be justifiable?The
Archbishop says that allowing stem-cell research to go ahead is showing disregard for the sanctity of
human life. Bioethics) The National Institution of Health has released guidelines for stem cell
research in order to work around the controversial issues. Looking into different countries stem cell
research policies can be quite profound. Over time, a large number of articles, journals and books
have been written on stem cell research and the amount of literature now available on the subject of
stem cell research and the numerous intricacies that are involved in the area of stem cell research in
the present era. Hug also argues that “before a 14 day mark,” the human embryo could be considered
as not being human “since they Central Nervous System has not yet begun to develop and hence the
embryo has no senses” (Hug, pg 1). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Most
Downloaded Stem Cell Research Articles - Elsevier. But this state of innocence lasts only three to
five days, and if scientists can seize on this small window of opportunity, they can isolate and coax it
to develop into any of the 220 types of human cell lines.

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