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South Korea

Date: 20th January, 2023

Dear my beloved sister,

How are you? It’s been a while since I wrote you a letter. But you don’t have to worry, I’m
very well here.

I really enjoy my college life right now. I’ve got many friends from many countries, but
most of them are Korean because come on it’s Seoul National University. There are also
Indonesians. This university is insane, they have a wide field and a very very delicious
food. I almost forgot the taste and the texture of rice because I ate tteokbokki almost every
day. I am so proud to have been accepted at the best university in Korea, it feels like my
hard work was paying off.

Oh I live in Shillim-dong, it such an amazing place, come and visit sometimes! I will make
your favorite sundubu-jjigae and kimbap only for you. I also have a roommate, her name
is Sulki. She is also in the same major as me, art. We always help and share each other, she
is such a good friend. My Korean has improved because she teach me well.

It’s winter season here. I almost catch a cold everyday, but I always eat regularly and take
vitamins. Hope you always take care of your health. Keep your positive minds always and
I hope you can visit me soon. I am really looking forward to it.

With love, Asti.

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