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Topic listening
2. Very vital .Can make undesrtan someone else when they talk , then we can explain what we
want to say
3. Media helping : movies ,music ( enjoyeble / specific for us)
4. Native speaker struggle to understand evertyhing they hear. Ex: movie /radio/music/phone
5. 2 main readeon . 1 : not know the word , 2: don’t get the meaning when someone say it( use
accent etc )
6. Learn words and phrases , get used listening english
7. The teory : acquisition of languange is natural , intuitive and subconscious process of wich
individuals need not be aware . Language acquisition does not require extensive use of
conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill.
8. 3 choose adio : enoyable . spedicfik for us . comprehensible
9. Tv show
10. The topic its listening , its very vital , bcs it can make we undesrtand when some els talk then
when we talk we can say what we wanna say. For media can use music/movie etc with note:
its enjoyable , soedcifik for the audient , an comperhan . for the native english the strgling at
listening english bcs accent / dint get wut the one talk mean and don’t get the word . t
improve we need to lern wird and prase , get used listening english . tips from speakers its
use tv show u alredy wacht or know the content then use it with other leguege . and there its
teori Krashen’s theory : with point its Language acquisition not requitrd boring training or use
rules gramatical

( translet sendiri ya )

1. Topik yg di bicirain itu listening ( mendengarkan )

2. Sangat penting ( karena agar kita mengerti ketika orng lain berbicara )
3. Media yg bisa bantu ( bisa dri pilem/musik )
4. Native speeker ( orng asli sana) juga ke susahan maslaah listening ( mendngerkan) contohnya
ketika nelpon/ato dngerin radio
5. Ada 2 alasan : 1. Gk tau kata2nya apa . 2. Gk paham maksud dari kalimat ( bisa kaerna logat
(accent ))
6. Belajar kata2 dan kelompk kata , biaskan mendengarkan bhs yg ingin di pelajari
7. Teori nya :

8. 1. Yg bisa bikin nyaman/enjoy .2:spesifik sesui yg di perlukan . 3:yg di pahami

9. Dari tv show
10. Ringkasan dri no 1-9

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