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Khent Samson R.

Apduhan BSIT 1-2A

I start connecting the dots from the first dot on the left side bottom. I see myself at the bottom at
the moment, but that doesn’t mean I’ll still remain at the bottom in the future.

Connecting the dots to make zigzag lines takes imagination and the willingness to think outside the box. It involves recognizing
patterns and connections that may not be obvious at first and using them to generate new ideas and perspectives.

I see zigzag lines. It represents the ups and downs in my life, I may have the longest downs in my
life, but that doesn’t lead me to self-disappointment. It’s normal to face difficulties, just keep
pushing hard till you get what you truly deserve.
I will set specific goals and devised a plan to achieve them. I will attend all of my classes, take thorough
notes, and ask clarifying questions. I hope to deepen my understanding and develop critical thinking
skills by actively engaging with the material. In addition, I intend to improve my study habits by
breaking assignments down into smaller tasks and creating a schedule for myself. I'm looking forward
to seeing my progress and celebrating my accomplishments at the end of the semester.

I will set a goal to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I'll prioritize spending quality time with my
loved ones, catching up on missed opportunities to bond with them. In addition, I intend to be open
with my family about my academic commitments and to seek their support and understanding when
necessary. To reduce stress and increase my availability to my family, I will also make an effort to stay
organized and manage my time effectively. My ultimate goal is to achieve academic success while
maintaining close relationships with my family.

I will prioritize giving back to my community. I intend to look for volunteer opportunities and to
donate my time and resources to local charities. In addition, I plan to become a more active and
engaged member of my community by attending events and meetings and getting to know my
neighbors. I will also stay informed about social and political issues affecting my community and take
action to advocate for positive change where possible. Finally, I want to make a positive difference in
the world and contribute to a better society for all.

Khent Samson R. Apduhan


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