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Cabalan, Princess N, March 28, 2024

TTM 405

1. What do you value most in life? How does this contribute to happiness and meaning in
your life?
- What I value most in life is my peace of mind. Because there is so much chaos in life or in this
world, not just in the surroundings but also inside your thoughts, with so many hateful and
negative individuals around I feel that having my peace of mind will lead to a happy life.
because letting go of all my uncontrollable anxieties would lead to a calm life and mind. Having
a peaceful mind you can inspire people to be grateful with everything you can also share
positivity and not giving attention to negative people. i believe if you value your peace of mind
you also value your own happiness in life.

2. What role do your relationships with others have in the development of meaning in
your life?
- a good relationship to others can give you less stress, have a support system and feel
connected. When you have someone to talk to or just someone you can count on makes your
life happy and loved if you have the right people around you. If you have a deeper connection it
will create a sense of belongingness and purpose. Supportive relationships help people thrive in
this context by enabling them to embrace and pursue opportunities that enhance positive well-
being, broaden and build resources, and foster a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
3. So far, what is your greatest achievement? How does this affect your well-being?
- So far, my greatest achievement is that surviving the pandemic in online classes, it’s not easy
to start the college life in online classes, I always imagine to start my college in the university
wearing my uniform and exploring the whole campus, but since pandemic started, we do online
classes at home, its difficult to understand the topics mostly I self-study and no interactions with
classmates like we usually do in the classrooms, depressing because you can’t go outside yet
and still got a good grades and now I will graduate this year and I can help my parents with all
the expenses needed at home and to return everything they’ve done to us. It also motivates me
to do better and always do my best in everything, so I can achieve more despite of struggling
everyday. I still get up everyday and refuse to quit. So I can achieve my dreams that I want for
me and my parents and doggies.

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