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Name: Shayne Avril Cimafranca Subject: NCM134


Among all the learning theories mentioned I chose Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Theory. It
portrays that learning flows from within. This theory emphasizes that what's inside of a
person’s mind and soul is the determinant of their learning efficacy and pace. These inside
factors could also be referred to as internal factors of an individual. It is composed of one’s
mind, perspective, and own ways of structuring and storing information. I chose this because it
is evident in society and I have witnessed it myself. Learning depends on the person’s way of
approaching the information. And approaching the information depends on one’s perception.

This theory supports my belief in the process of learning. I believe that the content of
my mind and my principles in life affects my learning process. So this cognitive theory learning
strengthens my understanding and encourages me to focus on my perception and see if I am all
set to acquire the highest form of knowledge possible. It is best to have awareness rather than
stay in a dormant state of mind.

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