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Name: Johnna Veah Gerenia Date: September 24,2022

Course & Year: BS PSYCHOLOGY-2 Instructor: Sir Florencio M. Cuizon

Subject & EDP Code: PHILO 101-63820


All we need is a sense of wonder, indeed. As the great Socrates says, “The unexamined life is not
worth living.” One must seek knowledge and wisdom before private interests. In this manner,
knowledge is sought as a means to ethical action. The things I have learned in this chapter is that it’s
crucially essential to follow the rules that guide our conduct or action. That the Ethics is not just talking
about morality of particular courses of action, but also the goodness of individuals and what it means to
live a good life. Based on the discussions and these material sources that are provided, I have also
learned that the morality is not only imposed from outside, but innate and can even be unconscious.
Thanks to Moral Philosophy, I have understood that ethics considers the questions that as it directs the
will towards what is good. That human as we are can be moral agents who have rights and
responsibilities, because it is moral agents whom we take to have choices and the power to choose.

Reflecting on ethics, the things I have realized and appreciated from this chapter is that I slowly
understand all adult people, I know have developed some understanding of principles that guide their
behavior. A sense of right and wrong, and they know they strive to do right but the right outcome does
not always occur. Our emotions get in our way, other people hinder us, life circumstances, also can
hinder us. I understand that our morality is swayed by feeling. We go wrong because of our attachment
to feeling. No one can control feeling and no one can control thinking. Only by eliminating the
attachment to the idea of self can ethics be adhered to.

The things that I have discovered from this chapter and want to do more is that ethics helps a
person just like everyone of us to look at their own life critically and to evaluate our made actions,
choices and decisions. It’s like an open topic for Psychology of human behavior, and that really piqued
my interest in studying more of moral ethics. I think ethics is really helpful for it provides an opportunity
to understand the reasons behind the differences. It makes us better reflect on the question of life and
know ourselves better. And concentrate on long-term gains. All in all, I feel ethics begins from within.
Ethics are basically the rules or standards leading to the conduct by which I live my life and make all my

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