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8 Shot Sequence Evaluation

My task was to create a short film, with a total shot of eight.

To show a clear genre we chose action as our genre to intensify the film, you will be able to
tell my film was action, as characters were getting beating as our idea was based around
birthdays, this reason is because among teenagers on someone’s birthday it is the culture
for the specific individual to get beatings on that day, therefore in my film characters got
beaten, which has connotations of action.

The purpose of my 8 shot sequences was to use camera shots effectively, learn how to edit,
and make sure non-diegetic music is included effectively.

What shots did I use and why

In my film I included verities of shots to make sure my narrative was clear and explicit:

Low angle shot: in my film a low angle shot was included to make the character attacking
others look more dominant and powerful, which implies to the audience that the character
has more power and authority, because a low angle shot has connotations of power and
High angle shot: a low angle shot was also included in my video to make the character been
attacked because it’s their birthday look vulnerable and weak, reason is because a high
angle shot has connotation of weak and vulnerability; this has been done to make the
audience feel sympathy towards the character.
Two shot:I included a Two-shot in my film as it gave me the opportunity to show two scenes
at the same time, I was able to show the reaction of the character getting beaten up and the
individual who are beating the character up at the same time.
Mid-shot:A mid-shot was also used in my film to establish a specific character was located in
the canteen and I was also able to capture the character facial expression and reaction.
Wide-shot:I included a wide shot in my film to make sure the environment and location I
was using was visible to my audience, this is important as it fits into narrative of my film
which is people being beaten as a celebration of their birthday, this is mainly common
amongst teenagers in school, therefore using a wide shot gave me the advantage to show
my audience that my location was based in a school with directly fits with the narrative I am
trying to convey.

Non-diegetic sound : Non-diegetic sound (external music) was also included in my film to
create an atmosphere that was able to represent the genre of my film, and the non-diegetic
sound was also added to make my film funny and interesting, this was required in order to
make sure that I am able to gain the attention of my audience effectively.

For my own film:

When I create my own film I will make sure:
The right genre: this is important as it will allow me to present my video in the most
effective way.
Right location: this is also important; reason is because not using the right location could
cause my audience to decode my film from the wrong perspective, this will be achieved by
making sure I chose the right location to film my video, for example if I was trying to create a
rap music video, using a studio as my designated location be best

Right camera shots: using the right camera shots is also important, as it will allow mediating
and representing character in the right way to make sure the appropriate message is passed
across to my audience, for example if I was trying to represent a character as dominant,
using low angle shot would be best as it will present them as powerful, because a low angle
shot has connotations of power and authority.

Overall I conclude that the use of camera shots was good, because I was able to use the
appropriate camera shots to communicate across my message effectively, which made my 8
shot sequence interesting, I would also say editing was successful as non-diegetic sound was
added and cross-cutting were also included, which completed my video as a whole.
I would say the organisation of my narrative could have been a lot better in the sense that it
took me and my team along time to come up with the right narrative for example we had to
include the title of our film when editing due to the narrative not been well organised,
therefore when shooting my own film I will make sure am a lot more organise in planning
and organising my film.
Filming this 8 shot sequence was helpful as it gave me an idea of what filming my own video
would like, so when filming my own video I will make sure I include camera shots, non-
diegetic sound if needed, and also make sure I choose the right location and also make sure
I edit the right way, to make sure my video is effective in passing the right message across.

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