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Let's talk about what programming languages are and why we need them.

The programming language is a way of interacting between humans and

machines, by using different algorithms, which were written by developers and
Every programming language is made of syntax, which contains special
rules, libraries, where programmer can find functions, structures and constructs,
which will help him to create readable and functioning code.

Obviously, programming languages are different from natural languages. On

the one hand, they require a greater degree of precision and completeness. In other
words, they don't make mistakes. On the other hand, only with the help of them the
user can interact with the computer. Computer programs can be executed in a batch
process without human interaction, or by user input.

Programming languages differ from each other, but they have one common
development trend. This is an extension of the ability to solve problems using a
higher level of abstraction. This opened new possibilities for programmers, which
allowed them to do more calculations with less effort on their part.

In conclusion, programming languages have become an important part

of the modern world. They have their own features, scope, require knowledge in
various fields, they are constantly evolving.

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