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ARTS – 3rd Quarter

Written Work # 1 (Copy and answer in 1 whole sheet of paper)

A. Reap pp.262-267 Horizons

1. What two Greek words are the origins of the term “photography”? What makes them fitting for this
media-based art form? (3pts)

2 Why is photography truly a modern art form? (1pt)

3. What qualities make photography such a powerful communication tool? (2pts)

4. Name two noteworthy Filipino photographers and cite distinctive achievement of each. (4pts)

Performance Task 1 – What’s In a Photo? (Individual)

1. Cut out 3 photographs from a magazine, calendar, poster, or brochure – each expressing the following

a. commercial or business message

b. social or political statement

c. artistic expression

2. Paste each picture on a short bond paper and label each picture with a creative title expressing a
particular purpose you think it has.

Performance Task #2 – Moving Selfies (By Group)

1. Choose a catchy tune/song for at least 2 minutes length

2. Create series of video selfies using that tune as the background music

3. Using a video editing program, work together to synchronize the video segments with the beat and
lyrics of your chosen song.

4. Save the finished video and let me watch on Dec. 11, 2019 (Wed)

Performance Task 3 – Health and Arts

1. Choose one health issue, concern, or trend and make an infotography.

Deadline: Monday Dec. 9 2019

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