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Write a letter to an E-commerce website from which you received an incorrect


532/B,Ashok Nagar,
Ambedkar street,


XXXXBranch Head,

Subject: Regarding Misplaced order that received.

Respected Sir/Madam,
This is to bring to your Notice that, I,xxxxxxxxx,ordered a product of samsung
Camera(Model:DS134XXX) from your website and you delivered an incorrect product for
my order.

For further reference My customer Login ID:xxxxx458 and my ordered id is

415xxxxx636.and i placed an order of samsung digital camera from the seller
name of xxxxxxxxx,dated on 19.09.2022 and Yesterday I received my order and came to
know that was misplaced one.without any further delay i contacted the seller to
send the correct order that i placed he insisted to place a report on branch head
for this misplaced order.I return the incorrect product on same day on the same
delivery agency.

I request you to return my money back or send the correct product as quick as
possible.I would be highly obliged if you would do the needful and look into this
matter as a serious concern.I thank you in anticipation.

Looking forward for your responses

Yours faithfully



Covid-19 one such pandemic which created a major havoc among the people and as per
the cardiologists concern those who infected with covid-19 they known to cause
myocarcarditis,irregularity of heart rhythm,sudden cardiac arrest and these are the
long standing ramifications of covid.Many people start exercising on that
vulnerable period end up with cardiac arrest.Persons with comorbidities like heart
related illness,bypass surgeries are need to monitor the health for every month.Our
changing lifestyle is one such problem which increases the risk factors like
diabates,hypertension,obesity and so on.Sedentary lifestyle and diet like highigh
sugar/salt added foods are the major concern for the health and persons with these
have a 25% higher chance of risk and as per the cardiologists guidelines not to
chewor smoketobacco or vape.Build good habits slowly like having fruits and
vegetables and maintaining proper diet.Exercise regularly to stay healthy.
Essay Writing

3.Is AI danger to the humanity?

Fourth industrial Revolution(IR-4) is the phase now we humans are experiencing and
these includes Digital revolution, Artificial intelligence,Cloud computing, quantum
mechanics,Block chain technology,3-D printing.These inventions are the brainchild
of humans.

Artificial intelligence one such the technology that works on the principle of
human cognitive skills with machine learning.This AI is not a newer topic, these
are the refelections and inventions of ideas from old past for example Isac asmov
is a science fiction writer, mentioned in his 1950s "I-ROBOT" comic series which
shows the moral understanding between the robots and humans.After the evolutions of
technology and human minds with inventions we are now experiencing the current AI

As per the NITI Aayog's recent report on AI that our GVA will incerase by 15% by
2030 and which contribute $ 1 trillion USD for indian economy by 2030 and these AI
are used in many fields from agricultre to space exploration,quantam mechanics,etc.

Applications of AI in various fields like automobile industries where we are

experiencing the driver less cab service like Google's WAMYO and Tesla car with AI
technologies.These AI has the machine learning capabilites which can learn from the
past and rectify its mistake without any human interferance.

IoT-internet of things is one such thing which linked with AI like Alexa(amazon),
Cortona(windows),Siri(appple),etc to perfom some tasks with voiced based command
like turning of the lights and Tv even when we are around the globe.AI is also used
in agricultre for precison farming by using the satellites data and weather
forecasting it can able to predict the future gains and risks that we are planting
in the agricultral fields.This smart enabled agriculture helpful in the betterment
of the nation builiding.

Governement of india has taken many initiatives like "Resposible AI for youth"
which helps them to understand in school age itself.

Every coin has its both sides, like this AI could also create a global
unemployment to 50% and creation of these complex machines also huge costs.
Intelligence is beleived to be the gift of nature, where machines don't have any
emotions and moral values they perform for what it is programmed and they cannot
make judgement of right or wrong.

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