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AI a blessing or a curse

In today’s modern world1Advancements in technology have led to huge changes in the way
people live their lives. One of the most revolutionary pieces of technology developed in recent
times is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has made many aspects of life easier and more
efficient. AI has been hailed as a huge development in technology and its potential applications
to everyday tasks is immense. However, it must be asked: is AI truly a blessing or a curse?
To understand this question, one must consider both the positive and negative effects of AI on
our societies. On the one hand, it could be argued that AI offers numerous advantages that were
simply not available before it was invented. From improved health monitoring systems to better
car safety features, AI has been seen as having great potential to make life simpler and safer for
everyone. It also provides opportunities for businesses to save money by automating operations
and using robotic process automation. All these benefits show how AI can be seen as a powerful
tool for progress and development in the 21st century.
AI promises improvements across multiple facets of life; from reducing traffic congestion
through driverless cars to improving cybersecurity measures, medicine diagnoses, natural
disaster response times/ organization as well as countless other benefits ranging from increased
productivity gains through automation advancements. This potential seems especially relevant
given current global pandemic woes allowing machine learning powered solutions offering help
towards underlying disease detection healthcare workers face today at local physician offices
around the world.
However, on the other hand, there are those who argue that AI poses serious risks to society if
not used responsibly or monitored carefully. For example, some experts believe that with further
advances in technology such as machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence could become
so advanced that it surpasses human intelligence and becomes uncontrollable leading to
destruction caused by machines determined by their own programming rather than human
intervention. Furthermore there are concerns about data-mining algorithms collecting personal
information without consent or control leading to individual privacy violations and misuse of
collected data. There is fear that someday artificial intelligence may eventually create an
unbeatable supercomputer driven version of itself critical decisions taken without proper
oversight by anyone but itself and leaving no room for humans to intervene.
Taking all this into consideration, it can be said that although AI presents numerous opportunities
for greater efficiency and safety across industries worldwide, caution must be exercised when
using this type of technology due to its potential use as a tool for malicious intent or automated
irrational decision-making processes. Ultimately, whether or not we deem Artificial Intelligence
a “blessing” or “curse” will depend on how responsible we are when integrating it into our lives,
something which can only be achieved through careful research and regulation by governing
bodies worldwide.

Name: Beamlak Walelgn

Class: 11G
No: 11

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